Last last year, Hubby and I, Iz and Gyn went to watch The Ant Bully movie when the clock striked 12 for Merdeka.
Last year, Hubby and I, Iz and Gyn and a few more friends had steamboat at our place and when the clock striked 12, all of us gathered at the balcony to see the Ikano's fireworks display which lasted for a good 12 minutes or so.
This year, Hubby and I carried Jaden and let him watch the Ikano's firework display from our bedroom window (shut tightly).
Iz and Gyn, where are you to celebrate the Merdeka with us?
p/s: Evbody must be cutting down budget coz the firework display this year lasted less than 10 minutes and they are not as awesome as last year's.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
New Bad Habit
It has been raining almost every day for the past one month now, havent it? Only certain time of the day, the sun shines on strongly and make our armpits sweat (just a metaphor) then it rains, the wind blows till the balls shrivels. The extremes in weather change is making me sneeze non stop and want to pee in my pants with each sneeze. *sigh* Thank GOD for kegel exercises! If not, confirm sure leak pee like crazy! Now, thinking of those women in olden days, I really wonder if they would leak pee each time they have a loud sneeze? Since they would not know anything about kegel would they?
My sister, I wonder, what is her experience that she was cut opened instead of going thru vaginal delivery? Would they have the same side effects like those vaginal delivery women? Must ask her! I already told her that most labor cases in SJMC would want to cut their patients open instead of advising them and encouraging them to do it naturally. Sometimes I wonder if it is because of more money for the doctor, more money incoming for the hospital since they have to stay at least 3 days 2 nights, and is much more faster compared to vaginal delivery? I am glad I had Doc Yong as my gynae who is really all out to encourage natural delivery and is also very keen to ask mothers to breastfeed their babies.
Jaden is still being exclusively breastfed today. Only now, he suckles on before he sleeps off at night, dawn and in the morning before he wakes up for good. Then its solids, water, solids.. unless I let him nap in the room, then its milk time. If not, then its just solids during the day and milk at night.
He has been rather cranky lately. AND his sleeping pattern is pissing me off. He would wake up in the middle of the night and roll around like a puppy looking for the right spot to pee and if he stillccant find the right spot to sleep, he will end up crying and that pisses off Hubby and I. More on Hubby because he needs to work and a good uninterrupted night sleep is very much needed. I wonder if its because he is uncomfortable with the growth of his upper teeth that is cutting out or it is just HIM and his newly picked up BAD HABIT? *sigh* I really hope he grows out of it FAST!
My sister, I wonder, what is her experience that she was cut opened instead of going thru vaginal delivery? Would they have the same side effects like those vaginal delivery women? Must ask her! I already told her that most labor cases in SJMC would want to cut their patients open instead of advising them and encouraging them to do it naturally. Sometimes I wonder if it is because of more money for the doctor, more money incoming for the hospital since they have to stay at least 3 days 2 nights, and is much more faster compared to vaginal delivery? I am glad I had Doc Yong as my gynae who is really all out to encourage natural delivery and is also very keen to ask mothers to breastfeed their babies.
Jaden is still being exclusively breastfed today. Only now, he suckles on before he sleeps off at night, dawn and in the morning before he wakes up for good. Then its solids, water, solids.. unless I let him nap in the room, then its milk time. If not, then its just solids during the day and milk at night.
He has been rather cranky lately. AND his sleeping pattern is pissing me off. He would wake up in the middle of the night and roll around like a puppy looking for the right spot to pee and if he stillccant find the right spot to sleep, he will end up crying and that pisses off Hubby and I. More on Hubby because he needs to work and a good uninterrupted night sleep is very much needed. I wonder if its because he is uncomfortable with the growth of his upper teeth that is cutting out or it is just HIM and his newly picked up BAD HABIT? *sigh* I really hope he grows out of it FAST!
Friday, August 29, 2008
This may be a racist post. For I am right now totally fuming over this ONE MAN WHOM I CURSE HE GETS RUN OVER BY CARS, LORRIES, MOTORBIKES, BUSES and whatever vehicle that you can name. TRAIN EVEN BETTER.. for GOD gave him eyes to see and yet when he saw, he chose to move forward thinking I am a samaritan to let him pass by while I am trying to get to the side of the road to put the little boy that clamber out of his baby seat. YOU THINK I WILL LET YOU PASS BY WHEN YOU ALREADY SAW THE TYRES MOVING??? FUCK YOU I WILL! You think you own the road just because majority of you just finish your thang which you claim yourself a religious FUCK but I swear if a girl dressed just in shorts and spagghetti straps will make your FUCKING JAWS DROP! AND I HOPE THEY DROP FOR GOOD! I curse you, and your family and your parents if they are still alive because of YOU! I hope you will die an excruciating road accident just because I think you deserve it. I spit on you and the things you wear for all those are just superficial. Under all those, you are just like anyone of us.. religious? PTUI! *** FUCK YOU! Don't let me recognise you or get to know which car belongs to you cause if I do, I SWEAR I WILL BREAK THOSE WINDSCREEN of yours! Have a FUCKING BAD LUCK DAY FROM TODAY ONWARDS! FUCK YOU.. I HOPE YOU DON'T LIVE TO CELEBRATE YOUR NEW YEAR!
This is actually aimed at just ONE RANDOM MAD MAN I curse and will curse every single day, every single second of my life... so well, don't take offense unless you happen to be that FUCKING MORON WHO DOES NOT DESERVE TO LIVE AT ALL..
This is actually aimed at just ONE RANDOM MAD MAN I curse and will curse every single day, every single second of my life... so well, don't take offense unless you happen to be that FUCKING MORON WHO DOES NOT DESERVE TO LIVE AT ALL..
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Jaden has developed this habit where he will shout hungry and after a few mouthfuls of feeding him, he shuts his mouth tightly and refuse another spoonful of his food. It has been going on for days and finally today, while attempting furiously to force feed him his brunch fish porridge, it dripped onto his walker and the bowl toppled out from my hands. Irritated, annoyed and FEELING SO ANGRY, enough is enough. The little boy can go hungry all he want at the moment. I just could not be bothered being the patient mother sitting down there coaxing him to open his mouth each time I scoop a new spoonful. From hot till freezing cold, can you imagine the amount of time I take to feed this boy this few days? He has never behave like such for a very long time now and he is back to misbehaving again. One more time and I shall give him a good beating and scolding. Its time to start disciplining him now as his attitude is turning bad. At any change in our intonation towards him when he does something bad, he scolds us back or cry as if he has been abused. Once, he even threw a tantrum at me when I adjusted his head to let him sleep much more comfortably. No babies of mine is going to behave like a spoilt kid and I shall see to that. Spare the rod, spoil the child ... Jaden, its time we go pasar malam and choose your own rod for your 1st birthday present...
He is turning ONE in a month's time
She listens and take her meds according to the schedule we set at home. She cleans the house daily (she will find one way or another just to keep the house spic and span). She takes her afternoon nap 1/2hr to 1hr. The she goes to bed at about 10 or 1030pm. Have not heard her going in and out the toilet late at night so it must have meant that she actually got to sleep through the night.. at last she is getting her sleep.
Friday is coming and I wonder what the doctor will evaluate after meeting up with mom and of course, bombard me with questions about her daily activities while she is home. Have she muttered anything weird? Not really.. once or twice yesteday but today none. Only that she can get rather talkative. Have to make a mental note to let doctor know about what she said.
Hubby and I bought Jaden a lego duplo farm set for his 11th month old birthday. Tomorrow, we will get him his cake. One more month and he turns ONE. My baby boy is growing up so fast!!! *sniff*
Jaden loves playing with his grandma. He will talk to her and she will entertain him and so forth. He finds her entertaining when she speaks mandarin to him and sing him chinese children songs. Kan great now there is another person in the house that speaks another language to him other than just English? *pHew* There goes my worrying about him not being able to grasp his mothertongue. =)
Friday is coming and I wonder what the doctor will evaluate after meeting up with mom and of course, bombard me with questions about her daily activities while she is home. Have she muttered anything weird? Not really.. once or twice yesteday but today none. Only that she can get rather talkative. Have to make a mental note to let doctor know about what she said.
Hubby and I bought Jaden a lego duplo farm set for his 11th month old birthday. Tomorrow, we will get him his cake. One more month and he turns ONE. My baby boy is growing up so fast!!! *sniff*
Jaden loves playing with his grandma. He will talk to her and she will entertain him and so forth. He finds her entertaining when she speaks mandarin to him and sing him chinese children songs. Kan great now there is another person in the house that speaks another language to him other than just English? *pHew* There goes my worrying about him not being able to grasp his mothertongue. =)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Discharged finally
Mom got discharged. Took back her meds for a bout a week to see how well her body is reacting to it. Doc prescribed some sleeping pills too just to help her sleep better at night. Lets see how it goes. So far so good. She has started cleaning up 1/2 my house dey.. hmm.. Now she is taking her nap... can't let her sleep too long too just in case she can't sleep at night later. Got to wake her up soon and just have some mother/daughter bonding time since its been far too long since we had a decent chit chat together.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Slight improvement
Dad went back up north again this afternoon after accompanying mom. He will be back down here again on Thursday evening as Doctor needs to re-evaluate mom's situation after her one and half week long of medication. To see if she has any positive reaction towards the dosage given. She seemed better than she first arrived here last week Saturday. It has to be the medication and enough sleep she is getting in the ward. Puts her mind off things and separates her from her usual dealing with those that contributed to her illness. Doctor had us to go to make an appointment with the radiology unit for her CTG brain scan. Just to be safe, as it might be the cause to her illness. Just to be safe...
Mom made friends with some patient inside the ward. She tells me that they eat together, they chit chat when its not visiting hours, they invited her to play UNO together with them in the ward... that explains why she was not feeling that lonely when dad and I weren't there 24/7 with her. Anyways the visiting hours at the psychiatric ward is strictly 3pm-7pm only.
Doc met up with dad and I this morning to discuss about mom. Just to cross-check our story with hers, so as to see if she is hallucinating or just plainly sane enough to differentiate now and then. Doc then informed us about the medication she has to take daily, I asked about side-effects, he told us about the price that is going to cost us monthly and when we could actually notice the medicine takes for a better reaction. Fair enough... dad is going to pay for her medication monthly, while Hubby and I are going to take care of her in our home from now onwards. At least with me, she will listen and take her medication. If left with my father, confirmed she would miss her medication and then we will be back into square one. Dad promised to visit her twice monthly as he has his work to do up north.
Mom did mention a few times that she wish to go back Penang at least for a few days to see to the house, to make sure that everything that can go rotten gets thrown out and wants to pack more clothes down here. BUT for now, I am going to make her stay until her CTG scan, then allow her to go back only during the weekend and make darn sure that my dad is with her 24/7 and that he makes sure that she takes her medication without fail.
Life is going to be a challenge in this house now... wish all of us luck!
Mom made friends with some patient inside the ward. She tells me that they eat together, they chit chat when its not visiting hours, they invited her to play UNO together with them in the ward... that explains why she was not feeling that lonely when dad and I weren't there 24/7 with her. Anyways the visiting hours at the psychiatric ward is strictly 3pm-7pm only.
Doc met up with dad and I this morning to discuss about mom. Just to cross-check our story with hers, so as to see if she is hallucinating or just plainly sane enough to differentiate now and then. Doc then informed us about the medication she has to take daily, I asked about side-effects, he told us about the price that is going to cost us monthly and when we could actually notice the medicine takes for a better reaction. Fair enough... dad is going to pay for her medication monthly, while Hubby and I are going to take care of her in our home from now onwards. At least with me, she will listen and take her medication. If left with my father, confirmed she would miss her medication and then we will be back into square one. Dad promised to visit her twice monthly as he has his work to do up north.
Mom did mention a few times that she wish to go back Penang at least for a few days to see to the house, to make sure that everything that can go rotten gets thrown out and wants to pack more clothes down here. BUT for now, I am going to make her stay until her CTG scan, then allow her to go back only during the weekend and make darn sure that my dad is with her 24/7 and that he makes sure that she takes her medication without fail.
Life is going to be a challenge in this house now... wish all of us luck!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
She looks a lil better now
Visited my mom today at the hospital. Dad was there already before me. He brought down some of my mom's clothes from Penang. Mom looked better than the week before when she first arrived in KL last Saturday. She was eating her dinner when I arrived. It seemed that she has made some new friends in the ward. Well, at least that would keep her mind off things and also at least she would not be that lonely like the earlier nights she was warded.
Told my mom I won't be visiting her tomorrow. Dad would be there for her. I will only meet Dad on Monday at 9am where we will be talking to the doctor again. I am just hoping that the doctor won't piss the shit out of me. Sometimes I feel I have anger issues but if I were to compare to some people I know, I think my anger issues are considered mild.
Hubby is taking a break right now watching his favourite team play against Middlesbrough. Luckily Carragher scored.. if not, confirm Hubby's mood would be rather foul. Its been quite some time since he last watched football... now that the season has begun, gone are the days of my TV watching during the weekends. The remote is his during the weekend.
Managed to buy Jaden his diapers. We bought 12 packs of diapers for Jaden... that would last him about 1 1/2 months, that is if he don't do big business twice / three times a day. I wonder how my sister is doing with her baby? Probably better than me as she has her in-laws and mother by her side at the moment taking care of her and baby. Can't wait to see baby Howard now!
Told my mom I won't be visiting her tomorrow. Dad would be there for her. I will only meet Dad on Monday at 9am where we will be talking to the doctor again. I am just hoping that the doctor won't piss the shit out of me. Sometimes I feel I have anger issues but if I were to compare to some people I know, I think my anger issues are considered mild.
Hubby is taking a break right now watching his favourite team play against Middlesbrough. Luckily Carragher scored.. if not, confirm Hubby's mood would be rather foul. Its been quite some time since he last watched football... now that the season has begun, gone are the days of my TV watching during the weekends. The remote is his during the weekend.
Managed to buy Jaden his diapers. We bought 12 packs of diapers for Jaden... that would last him about 1 1/2 months, that is if he don't do big business twice / three times a day. I wonder how my sister is doing with her baby? Probably better than me as she has her in-laws and mother by her side at the moment taking care of her and baby. Can't wait to see baby Howard now!
Friday, August 22, 2008
no one else but us
Got fed up with the air con that I changed the whole layout of my bedroom while Hubby was not home. Can't have the aircon dripped and make my life miserable. Now it can drip all it want and well, I will still be peacefully sleeping. HAH!
Wonder what time will Hubby reached home tonight. Poor thing must be tired to the bones. He has not much sleep and the workload.. hmm.. I better be a good wife and not let Jaden disturb his sleep tomorrow. Shall let him sleep till the afternoon, when its time to visit my mom. =)
Dad is down in town again and thankfully on the day I cannot make it to visit mom, he made it. There is no one to take care of Jaden and I don't really want to drive him to the in-laws unneccesarily.. such a double work in a way, to drive to Old Klang Rd, dropped baby, drive to PPUM and then back to pickup baby again at Old Klang. If the petrol does not kill me, the traffic jam I face kills. If only in-laws could offer to come up to my place to babysit for a while while i make my trip down to hospital but DREAM ON EMILY! That will not happen like for the next century. Maybe Yvonne would do it, but then again, she is working now so I don't want to disturb her.
As for friends who offer to look after Jaden for a while, well, I really appreciate it but its okay.. guess Hubby and I will manage it through... Worse comes to worse.. I have to lugged him along to the hospital and take turns carrying him outside the ward with my dad while we each take our turn to accompany my mother.
Tomorrow and the day after is Baby's Fair at Midvalley. Going to hunt for his diapers and hope that its selling at a very much discounted price. If I can, I think I will buy a carfull of his diapers. You have no idea how hard is it to find the brand that Jaden use in local hypermarkets.. its affordable, good and fits Jaden right...
Jaden's kai-ma Joy is now in Japan. Oh Nippon! May she enjoy herself to the fullest there.. *sigh* kan nice at times to get to travel here and there without anything to think back on?
Wonder what time will Hubby reached home tonight. Poor thing must be tired to the bones. He has not much sleep and the workload.. hmm.. I better be a good wife and not let Jaden disturb his sleep tomorrow. Shall let him sleep till the afternoon, when its time to visit my mom. =)
Dad is down in town again and thankfully on the day I cannot make it to visit mom, he made it. There is no one to take care of Jaden and I don't really want to drive him to the in-laws unneccesarily.. such a double work in a way, to drive to Old Klang Rd, dropped baby, drive to PPUM and then back to pickup baby again at Old Klang. If the petrol does not kill me, the traffic jam I face kills. If only in-laws could offer to come up to my place to babysit for a while while i make my trip down to hospital but DREAM ON EMILY! That will not happen like for the next century. Maybe Yvonne would do it, but then again, she is working now so I don't want to disturb her.
As for friends who offer to look after Jaden for a while, well, I really appreciate it but its okay.. guess Hubby and I will manage it through... Worse comes to worse.. I have to lugged him along to the hospital and take turns carrying him outside the ward with my dad while we each take our turn to accompany my mother.
Tomorrow and the day after is Baby's Fair at Midvalley. Going to hunt for his diapers and hope that its selling at a very much discounted price. If I can, I think I will buy a carfull of his diapers. You have no idea how hard is it to find the brand that Jaden use in local hypermarkets.. its affordable, good and fits Jaden right...
Jaden's kai-ma Joy is now in Japan. Oh Nippon! May she enjoy herself to the fullest there.. *sigh* kan nice at times to get to travel here and there without anything to think back on?
My little breakdown
The freaking air con dripped on me again. This time, it did not even last more than 2 hours after it was switched on. Thankfully I dressed Jaden in his short sleeved body suit so he will not be able to suffer the heat. Switched on the fan instead but can tell-lah that the boy has trouble sleeping soundly compared to him in an air-conditioned room. Already spoilt him from young.. that was my bad I admit but I rather he not get heat rashes when he was a baby. Got to go change the whole bedroom layout by tonight.. so if it drips, let it drip.. ASS LG AIR CON!
Hubby left very very early for work and would only be back really late tonight too. I hope everything is fine with him then. So worried that he did not get a good rest as the little boy was just trying to get his attention by playing peek-aboo with him. The boy has grown back very attached to his father. The only time he comes to me now is when he really wants something from me -either food, change diapers or pull my hair.
The boy got up at about 11 and he played till.. dunno what time.. but I fell back asleep coz I had a headache and the boy also fell asleep right beside me. Have to check on him in a minute or two to see if he has woken up.
We have come to a conclusion that our little boy is like a PR manager /social butterfly. He has no qualms about other strangers carrying him or playing with him. He will just allow anybody to carry him. The only time he will cry is if he is in a foul mood. Last night, after dinner, Hubby ter-serempak with a friend and these two men started chatting away like some long lost friends la.. and then the little boy, also joined in the conversation, from time to time, waved his hands at Hubby's friend and then even allow Hubby's friend to carry him. Still feeling not shy, the little boy go and touch people's goatee pulak! *aLamaK!!* how la like that? When he grows a little older, have to teach him to stay away from strangers d.. and not simply smile, play or talk to strangers... it is such a dangerous world out there!
On another note, yesterday I rushed to the hospital to want to meet up with my mom's doctor to get the specific diagnose and if I could get her discharged yet. Who knows, of all times, so SUI! as I was waiting to park, this Peugeot, without even looking to the back to see if there were any cars behind him, he just reversed and BAM! He hit my driver side, luckily missing my headlights. It was clearly his WRONG! as I was already long time waiting with a signal indicating I was going to park. and you know what? The nerve of him to come down and offer me RM20! RM20 WTF? YOU THINK JUST BECAUSE ITS A KANCIL YOU CAN BULLY AND i AM A GIRL SO YOU THINK i LET YOU OFF EARLY AH? I WAS ALREADY IN A FOUL MOOD BECAUSE I AS RUSHING TO FIND THE DOC BEFORE SHE LEAVES THE BUILDING. Then he offered RM 50. I still refused! Paint from my car chipped already.. and the dent was rather in.. so I was heartbroken to see my little monster *hurt* like that and he actually have the nerve to offer me such a CHEAP PAMPASAN! HELL WITH YOU! I called Hubby and my dad.. and in the end, they told me take RM100 or report police. I asked the man for his Boss's name and number because he said that he was only a driver and he is only making a living. TO hell I care with what you do or how much you make. You hit my car, you pay for the damages right? He refused to give me his boss's contacts and insist that I either let him take me to Kota Damansara to a mechanic shop to repair (which I think is the most idiotic thing to do if I agree to it, because he might just disappear and never turn up), he pay me RM50 or nothing at all.. or report.. then I say its either RM100 or I will just report. Jotted down his number, car number plate, name and he said, fine, he rather report.. So great.. I was all done for.. lock my car door, ready to run into the hospital when he walked back to me and pressed RM 100 into my hands and told me never ever to call him or speak up of this matter. AGAIN I CURSE YOU FOR NOT BEING A MAN TO STAND UP FOR YOUR WRONG AND EVEN WHEN YOU KNEW YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG, YOU THINK YOU CAN GET AWAY BY CHEATING A GIRL BY OFFERING A RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICE OF RM20! FUCK YOU FUCK YOUR JOB FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU!
Back to my mother, I ran all the way to the psychiatric clinic only to be told to head to the ward and the nurses there will contact the doc for me. So I talked to the doc and she told me that my mom needs to stay in at least till Monday and she wants to meet up with my dad and me to discuss about her past, before they both got me. I then told the doc that if my mom is just fed medication while she is there at the ward, I rather take her home and give her the medication myself but was told that they are actually monitoring the medication to see if it suits her. If not, they still need to change it. That my mother has severe memory relapse and is diagnosed as schizophrenic. Suddenly, I couldn't contain my emotions any longer. First, the car, then now I can't even take my mom back to my house and second, what would Hubby say to the damage of my car.. I burst into tears right at the nurses station. One of them wiped my tears away and the other assured me that my mom will be alright and well taken care of in there.. quickly wiping away my tears, calmed myself down, I walked towards my mom's bed to find her sleeping. Woke her up gently and then had a short chit chat with her.. massaged her shoulders, poured her water.. make sure she finish her lunch so she wont get hungry.. *sigh* and I got out from there before I burst into any waterwork fountain infront of her..
I hate to face the fact but I know deep down inside she will never ever recover back to a normal person just like you and I. Just that she will be controlled..
Hubby left very very early for work and would only be back really late tonight too. I hope everything is fine with him then. So worried that he did not get a good rest as the little boy was just trying to get his attention by playing peek-aboo with him. The boy has grown back very attached to his father. The only time he comes to me now is when he really wants something from me -either food, change diapers or pull my hair.
The boy got up at about 11 and he played till.. dunno what time.. but I fell back asleep coz I had a headache and the boy also fell asleep right beside me. Have to check on him in a minute or two to see if he has woken up.
We have come to a conclusion that our little boy is like a PR manager /social butterfly. He has no qualms about other strangers carrying him or playing with him. He will just allow anybody to carry him. The only time he will cry is if he is in a foul mood. Last night, after dinner, Hubby ter-serempak with a friend and these two men started chatting away like some long lost friends la.. and then the little boy, also joined in the conversation, from time to time, waved his hands at Hubby's friend and then even allow Hubby's friend to carry him. Still feeling not shy, the little boy go and touch people's goatee pulak! *aLamaK!!* how la like that? When he grows a little older, have to teach him to stay away from strangers d.. and not simply smile, play or talk to strangers... it is such a dangerous world out there!
On another note, yesterday I rushed to the hospital to want to meet up with my mom's doctor to get the specific diagnose and if I could get her discharged yet. Who knows, of all times, so SUI! as I was waiting to park, this Peugeot, without even looking to the back to see if there were any cars behind him, he just reversed and BAM! He hit my driver side, luckily missing my headlights. It was clearly his WRONG! as I was already long time waiting with a signal indicating I was going to park. and you know what? The nerve of him to come down and offer me RM20! RM20 WTF? YOU THINK JUST BECAUSE ITS A KANCIL YOU CAN BULLY AND i AM A GIRL SO YOU THINK i LET YOU OFF EARLY AH? I WAS ALREADY IN A FOUL MOOD BECAUSE I AS RUSHING TO FIND THE DOC BEFORE SHE LEAVES THE BUILDING. Then he offered RM 50. I still refused! Paint from my car chipped already.. and the dent was rather in.. so I was heartbroken to see my little monster *hurt* like that and he actually have the nerve to offer me such a CHEAP PAMPASAN! HELL WITH YOU! I called Hubby and my dad.. and in the end, they told me take RM100 or report police. I asked the man for his Boss's name and number because he said that he was only a driver and he is only making a living. TO hell I care with what you do or how much you make. You hit my car, you pay for the damages right? He refused to give me his boss's contacts and insist that I either let him take me to Kota Damansara to a mechanic shop to repair (which I think is the most idiotic thing to do if I agree to it, because he might just disappear and never turn up), he pay me RM50 or nothing at all.. or report.. then I say its either RM100 or I will just report. Jotted down his number, car number plate, name and he said, fine, he rather report.. So great.. I was all done for.. lock my car door, ready to run into the hospital when he walked back to me and pressed RM 100 into my hands and told me never ever to call him or speak up of this matter. AGAIN I CURSE YOU FOR NOT BEING A MAN TO STAND UP FOR YOUR WRONG AND EVEN WHEN YOU KNEW YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG, YOU THINK YOU CAN GET AWAY BY CHEATING A GIRL BY OFFERING A RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICE OF RM20! FUCK YOU FUCK YOUR JOB FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU!
Back to my mother, I ran all the way to the psychiatric clinic only to be told to head to the ward and the nurses there will contact the doc for me. So I talked to the doc and she told me that my mom needs to stay in at least till Monday and she wants to meet up with my dad and me to discuss about her past, before they both got me. I then told the doc that if my mom is just fed medication while she is there at the ward, I rather take her home and give her the medication myself but was told that they are actually monitoring the medication to see if it suits her. If not, they still need to change it. That my mother has severe memory relapse and is diagnosed as schizophrenic. Suddenly, I couldn't contain my emotions any longer. First, the car, then now I can't even take my mom back to my house and second, what would Hubby say to the damage of my car.. I burst into tears right at the nurses station. One of them wiped my tears away and the other assured me that my mom will be alright and well taken care of in there.. quickly wiping away my tears, calmed myself down, I walked towards my mom's bed to find her sleeping. Woke her up gently and then had a short chit chat with her.. massaged her shoulders, poured her water.. make sure she finish her lunch so she wont get hungry.. *sigh* and I got out from there before I burst into any waterwork fountain infront of her..
I hate to face the fact but I know deep down inside she will never ever recover back to a normal person just like you and I. Just that she will be controlled..
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
No one
My dad has to go back up north today. He has lots of back end work to see to and in his line of work, no work today, no money today kinda job. *sigh* So after today's visiting hours, he will take a bus back to Penang and only come back down to KL on Saturday morning. Hopefully by then, my mother is discharged and resting at home.
Am going to head to the hospital in a while to see my mother and send my father to the bus station. A dilemma waits ahead for tomorrow when Hubby goes off whole day for meeting in KL and I have to go visit my mother as there will be nobody else available to visit her.
My relatives down here in KL? Well, even though they know that she is warded, but none offered to come and pay a visit. To H**LL with them for all I care. I do not really want to have anything to do with them anymore. All sorts of excuses when it comes to visiting my mother or talking to my mother.
Anyway on another note, one of the latest development of Jaden.
*sigh* Now the boy is crying because I made him jumped and when he jumped means he knew he is doing something he is not suppose to do and is caught... my baby boy.. got to go console him now.. ciao ciao
Am going to head to the hospital in a while to see my mother and send my father to the bus station. A dilemma waits ahead for tomorrow when Hubby goes off whole day for meeting in KL and I have to go visit my mother as there will be nobody else available to visit her.
My relatives down here in KL? Well, even though they know that she is warded, but none offered to come and pay a visit. To H**LL with them for all I care. I do not really want to have anything to do with them anymore. All sorts of excuses when it comes to visiting my mother or talking to my mother.
Anyway on another note, one of the latest development of Jaden.
- When you sing "If you are happy and you know it.." He will clap his hands.
- He knows the tune to Twinkle twinkle little star.
- Knows how to throw a ball.
- Climbing out of his walker.. in his expert stage already. Today Hubby found him out of his walker, and head down onto the carpet. Luckily its the carpet and not the floor.. if not sure got siren wailing in the house dey. Any thing to strap him in his walker I wonder?
- Third teeth sprouting down from the upper gum
- Getting more attached to his father / manjaing full time
*sigh* Now the boy is crying because I made him jumped and when he jumped means he knew he is doing something he is not suppose to do and is caught... my baby boy.. got to go console him now.. ciao ciao
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Status of my mom : Shes quite sedated by the medication so she is mostly sleeping.
Me? Hubby and I are now discussing what are the future plans dealing with my mother... and all don't seem that bright because there are conflicting possible problems here and there, down in Perlis, Penang or KL but I am sure we will find a way..
My mood : I am feeling really low these days. Emotional in a way but I still have a son to take care of.. so well, focusing on my son when I am not focusing on my mother.. the only two people in my life at the moment that I really have to care for..
Hubby? Well.. hes got so much work to do and I feel really bad to trouble him with MY family matters.. when hes got his too to worry about. Moolahs aint coming in from my side now that I have decided to let my mother stay with me.. So Hubby will be the sole provider for the family and stressing him out won't be a good idea..
I have to hold back my intentions of working or studying now... and you know who I blame? Those that pressured my mother into her situation.. I don't think I really want to have anything to do with them now... Seriously, my hatred for them knows no boundaries. My mother cared and loved them and when she is in such a situation, no one tried to do anything nor tried to care for her.. all they could do is talk about it, laughed about it, get angry at her.. now, everybody is avoiding her.. so taking her down to KL is the best thing to do. she can cut all ties with them. SHIT I am turning into a bitter bitch..
I just hope that the doc diagnosed her realy quick so I can take her out of the ward and let her take her medication back home.. I don't want to leave her alone there no more.. it hurts me to be stuck in between.. its for the best I know but when it comes to really taking action, it hurts...
Me? Hubby and I are now discussing what are the future plans dealing with my mother... and all don't seem that bright because there are conflicting possible problems here and there, down in Perlis, Penang or KL but I am sure we will find a way..
My mood : I am feeling really low these days. Emotional in a way but I still have a son to take care of.. so well, focusing on my son when I am not focusing on my mother.. the only two people in my life at the moment that I really have to care for..
Hubby? Well.. hes got so much work to do and I feel really bad to trouble him with MY family matters.. when hes got his too to worry about. Moolahs aint coming in from my side now that I have decided to let my mother stay with me.. So Hubby will be the sole provider for the family and stressing him out won't be a good idea..
I have to hold back my intentions of working or studying now... and you know who I blame? Those that pressured my mother into her situation.. I don't think I really want to have anything to do with them now... Seriously, my hatred for them knows no boundaries. My mother cared and loved them and when she is in such a situation, no one tried to do anything nor tried to care for her.. all they could do is talk about it, laughed about it, get angry at her.. now, everybody is avoiding her.. so taking her down to KL is the best thing to do. she can cut all ties with them. SHIT I am turning into a bitter bitch..
I just hope that the doc diagnosed her realy quick so I can take her out of the ward and let her take her medication back home.. I don't want to leave her alone there no more.. it hurts me to be stuck in between.. its for the best I know but when it comes to really taking action, it hurts...
Monday, August 18, 2008
Over the weekend
... the father and son spend almost 24 hours together while mommy was busy with other family matters...
Please be well!
Woke up at 630am to get ready.
Wake parents up at 645am.
Evbody out of doors at 715am.
Reached Hospital University Medical Centre at 730am, after parking 740am.
Took a number and waited.. We were already 0068.
The lady at the desk then told us that we need not register there. Instead we could just head straight to the psychiatric clinic to register and see the doc.
Finally met and doc have an observe and discussion talk with my family and my mother of course.
Admitted her into the psychiatric ward.
She did not suspect much, so no struggle.. easy admission.
Came back home to pack her toiletries, some change of clothes, towel and biscuits...
Went back there at about 330pm and stayed with her till 7pm.
Her situation over there? The med they gave her were rather sedative so she was on/off sleeping whenever she could which is good.
Appetite is coming back. She finished a whole packet of koay teow and half her dinner from the hospital pantry.
She is still not suspecting much.
Hopefully the doc will be able to specifically diagnosed her situation and also checked her abdomens as well because she keeps complaining that she suffers severe pain from time to time over there.
My dad? He decided to stay on here and visit my mother everyday until she is discharged... At least there will be somebody there for her everyday, me? I will try to make it everyday at least for a while to see her... *sigh*

Please be well mom!
Wake parents up at 645am.
Evbody out of doors at 715am.
Reached Hospital University Medical Centre at 730am, after parking 740am.
Took a number and waited.. We were already 0068.
The lady at the desk then told us that we need not register there. Instead we could just head straight to the psychiatric clinic to register and see the doc.
Finally met and doc have an observe and discussion talk with my family and my mother of course.
Admitted her into the psychiatric ward.
She did not suspect much, so no struggle.. easy admission.
Came back home to pack her toiletries, some change of clothes, towel and biscuits...
Went back there at about 330pm and stayed with her till 7pm.
Her situation over there? The med they gave her were rather sedative so she was on/off sleeping whenever she could which is good.
Appetite is coming back. She finished a whole packet of koay teow and half her dinner from the hospital pantry.
She is still not suspecting much.
Hopefully the doc will be able to specifically diagnosed her situation and also checked her abdomens as well because she keeps complaining that she suffers severe pain from time to time over there.
My dad? He decided to stay on here and visit my mother everyday until she is discharged... At least there will be somebody there for her everyday, me? I will try to make it everyday at least for a while to see her... *sigh*
Please be well mom!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Fringe it is for me!
Finally after a long wait for a hair makeover, I got to make an appointment with Monsoon ID salon to do my hair. The reason I chose them over Russell or Centro? Pricing and repu.
Monsoon ID may not be that famous like Centro but it is also not that expensive to the extend of nearing RM1k for a piece of head.
As for Russell, I actually did contact them and asked them how much would it all cost -rebond, cut and treatment.. it all nearly came up to Rm400+RM70+RM120=RM590.. that was only a rough estimate over the phone. They say that they still have to see my hair length. If it is extra long, then it would have costs RM470 just for the rebonding.. total would have been RM600 and above.
RM600???? I want to puke blood all over and over again. Although I was ready to spend some money on the hair but never ever so much! RM500 was max for me.
Then I remembered Xiu Yi's rebonding and then there were also some recommendation from Amelia Peng who said she went there twice and found it good. So well, why not, afterall the salon was given good reviews. So I made myself an appointment on Saturday to have my hair rebonded, cut and treated. The salon was going by package so the package that I wanted was RM299 only despite whatever hair length you have.
I then, however succumbed to the persuasion by my hairstylist to take up the body straightening package instead.. and with two treatments inclusive. It all costs RM409. Nothing else, no irritating hairstylists that tries to sell you products. None of those. The hairstylists and her assistant was so friendly and well, lets just said I clicked and just fell in love with their service. Hell yea, I am going back there again next time to look for my hairstylist.
I showed her what I wanted and asked her for other recommendations to do something to my hair. She gave me a dramatic side parting. It looked ok to me as first so I agreed. However, luckily before they pasted the gooey stuff onto my hair, I changed my mind and asked for fringe instead.
My logic -I used to have side parting too.. if i go back with a side parting, it would look as if I did not have any major transformation. A fringe? Now that is a different story. In the end, fringe it is and I absolutely love it!!!!
So to those of my girlfriends out there who wants to go and do something to their hair, Monsoon ID is my recommendation. Reasonably priced and satisfied service guaranteed. Just ask for Eva!
Monsoon ID may not be that famous like Centro but it is also not that expensive to the extend of nearing RM1k for a piece of head.
As for Russell, I actually did contact them and asked them how much would it all cost -rebond, cut and treatment.. it all nearly came up to Rm400+RM70+RM120=RM590.. that was only a rough estimate over the phone. They say that they still have to see my hair length. If it is extra long, then it would have costs RM470 just for the rebonding.. total would have been RM600 and above.
RM600???? I want to puke blood all over and over again. Although I was ready to spend some money on the hair but never ever so much! RM500 was max for me.
Then I remembered Xiu Yi's rebonding and then there were also some recommendation from Amelia Peng who said she went there twice and found it good. So well, why not, afterall the salon was given good reviews. So I made myself an appointment on Saturday to have my hair rebonded, cut and treated. The salon was going by package so the package that I wanted was RM299 only despite whatever hair length you have.
I then, however succumbed to the persuasion by my hairstylist to take up the body straightening package instead.. and with two treatments inclusive. It all costs RM409. Nothing else, no irritating hairstylists that tries to sell you products. None of those. The hairstylists and her assistant was so friendly and well, lets just said I clicked and just fell in love with their service. Hell yea, I am going back there again next time to look for my hairstylist.
I showed her what I wanted and asked her for other recommendations to do something to my hair. She gave me a dramatic side parting. It looked ok to me as first so I agreed. However, luckily before they pasted the gooey stuff onto my hair, I changed my mind and asked for fringe instead.
My logic -I used to have side parting too.. if i go back with a side parting, it would look as if I did not have any major transformation. A fringe? Now that is a different story. In the end, fringe it is and I absolutely love it!!!!
So to those of my girlfriends out there who wants to go and do something to their hair, Monsoon ID is my recommendation. Reasonably priced and satisfied service guaranteed. Just ask for Eva!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
and the cycle begins...
She is down in KL again.
This time, the situation turns for the worse.
Hopefully we can all find the solution to it ...
and stress in the house begins... with my temper, his temper and her mental...
She is down in KL again.
This time, the situation turns for the worse.
Hopefully we can all find the solution to it ...
and stress in the house begins... with my temper, his temper and her mental...
Friday, August 15, 2008
The HAT party ala Iyvene's 24th Birthday
I was invited by this darling girl -Iyvene Lee to her 24th Birthday party last night. How I got to know her is a long, weird but funny story. Anyways, to cut straight to the point, we hit it off rather well while we were 10 days away in Beijing 2004.
It was a lovely party where she even had a surprise slide show to thank all that were there with her on her special day.
The party was held at this nice little place called Pick & Brew at One Utama. Finger food and drinks were served. The food was rather good but there were some that I could not place what they were.. but as long as they were food, in they go into my mouth. *gRin*
I will let some pictures I stole off from my FB friends list's tell the story of the night..
The Limkokwingers clan
(there are actually two mothers in the photos.. one is me and the other.. can you spot her?)
June, Birthday Girl & eMs
(this pic is from my camera, taken by Eddy of course... but yay! at last one pic without hats)
It was a lovely party where she even had a surprise slide show to thank all that were there with her on her special day.
The party was held at this nice little place called Pick & Brew at One Utama. Finger food and drinks were served. The food was rather good but there were some that I could not place what they were.. but as long as they were food, in they go into my mouth. *gRin*
I will let some pictures I stole off from my FB friends list's tell the story of the night..
Pick n’ Brew
F233 1st Floor Promenade
One Utama
F233 1st Floor Promenade
One Utama

(there are actually two mothers in the photos.. one is me and the other.. can you spot her?)
(this pic is from my camera, taken by Eddy of course... but yay! at last one pic without hats)
of course not forgetting to wish the darling friend of mine a very HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
my little stunt man
Hubby left for work early today, leaving me at home to get ready, wake Jaden, change his diapers, feed him and then swoop him over to Aunt Lin's for a few hours so I can help out Hubby at work.
The event today was rather a success with the guests and media. Quite a good turnout, but of course, I would say could do better... but well, its good for now. At least the location was well air-conditioned and me no sweat no like a piggy while doing work. Can't say the same for Hubby tho. =p
Aunt Lin reported that Jaden was well-behaved at her place. He did not put up any fuss and had his nap without whining or crying. Maybe he did but Aunt Lin is covering up for him. He had a jolly good time with Xian Xian playing in their walkers, watching telly... and you know whats the best thing? When Hubby and I went to pick him up, he actually showed signs that he missed me. As soon as I walked through the door, he stuck by me and even wanted me to carry him. He was just all over me.. aah, my boy! So happyfyings to know that my son actually missed me.
Jaden now, can cruised along the couch seat but of course there has to be somebody supporting him from behind because from time to time, he will get his jelly legs and then *poom* he just sits on the floor. Another teeth is sprouting out from above.. THREE TEETH now.. and hes one biter than bites real hard! o.OH OH and one more thing, now he is giving Hubby and I heart attacks when he attempts to climb out from his walker. So many times I have beat him on his hands and scolded him, still no change... he still will try to climb out whenever he wants.. aduh sakit kepala i I tell you.. now is the time when I really have to start the 24-7 round the clock constant watch.. who knows what the boy will be up to next... and he has not even start to walk on his own yet.. *sigh*
The event today was rather a success with the guests and media. Quite a good turnout, but of course, I would say could do better... but well, its good for now. At least the location was well air-conditioned and me no sweat no like a piggy while doing work. Can't say the same for Hubby tho. =p
Aunt Lin reported that Jaden was well-behaved at her place. He did not put up any fuss and had his nap without whining or crying. Maybe he did but Aunt Lin is covering up for him. He had a jolly good time with Xian Xian playing in their walkers, watching telly... and you know whats the best thing? When Hubby and I went to pick him up, he actually showed signs that he missed me. As soon as I walked through the door, he stuck by me and even wanted me to carry him. He was just all over me.. aah, my boy! So happyfyings to know that my son actually missed me.
Jaden now, can cruised along the couch seat but of course there has to be somebody supporting him from behind because from time to time, he will get his jelly legs and then *poom* he just sits on the floor. Another teeth is sprouting out from above.. THREE TEETH now.. and hes one biter than bites real hard! o.OH OH and one more thing, now he is giving Hubby and I heart attacks when he attempts to climb out from his walker. So many times I have beat him on his hands and scolded him, still no change... he still will try to climb out whenever he wants.. aduh sakit kepala i I tell you.. now is the time when I really have to start the 24-7 round the clock constant watch.. who knows what the boy will be up to next... and he has not even start to walk on his own yet.. *sigh*
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Rest In Peace Mr Tan
Got a bad news from a friend last two days ago informing me that my F5 physics teacher / headmaster had passed away. Rumored has it he suffered from a heart attack. My deepest condolences to the Tan family on their loss. Mr Tan Har Yong was indeed a great man and an excellent mentor in all ways.. There is so much good things to say about this man but I shall keep it with me along with all my sweet memories when I was in Sri Inai Penang. Those that got a chance to know him would understand what I mean. Till then, I shall just pray for him. He will be greatly missed by all.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
You are a QUARTER century OLD, Gwenny!
I woke up sweating. Tiptoed across the cold freezing floor and into the loo I go. Seated on the 'throne', I was thinking to myself that this month is really late. Would it come? Would it not? I mean I did not do anything not to worry about it not coming but what if it so happened that we got lucky again? Worried, I went back to bed only to be greeted in the morning, drops of red on the pantiliner. It came aterall. *pHew* we no want no extra addition to the family just yet do we? Afterall we made a promise to Jaden that we will let him grow up a little more and give him our 100% first... *pHew*
Anyway, that is besides the point that I want to blog about. I was all geared up for tomorrow and the night after's events coming up and there my 'aunty' just have to drop by for visit. Thankfully today I do not have anywhere to go other than fetch Hubby off to work and maybe later, fetch him back. That leaves me a few good hours at home with Jaden and think when he naps later, I shall steal a few winks too. Hey, aunty visits can be really tiring and bitchy. I am already feeling the urge to want to snap at anything possible.

Anyway, that is besides the point that I want to blog about. I was all geared up for tomorrow and the night after's events coming up and there my 'aunty' just have to drop by for visit. Thankfully today I do not have anywhere to go other than fetch Hubby off to work and maybe later, fetch him back. That leaves me a few good hours at home with Jaden and think when he naps later, I shall steal a few winks too. Hey, aunty visits can be really tiring and bitchy. I am already feeling the urge to want to snap at anything possible.
Took Jaden to the Kelana Jaya post office for his very first time to collect a parcel and iimagine his very first time, he gets to go in to the parcel collection place where all the postmen walks in and out with their collection bags. He was all wide-eye looking around, curious at his surroundings. Aaah.. when I saw the parcel package, I immediately knew who it was from. Jaden without any hesitation took the parcel from me and tried to open it the whole way home. Well, at least that occupied his attention while I drive without having him attempting to climb out of his baby seat which he is prone of doing so lately.

o.Oh and and and one of my bestest bestest BESTIE GWEN YEOH is finally 25. Like always, I will call her Malaysian time 12am to wish her Happy Birthday but yesterday I thought I will be kinder to call her at Aussie time 12am but fail gila because I was attending to Jaden. So I called her at 11pm Malaysian time only to find out that it was 3am over there. *tee hee* Its ok rite Gwen? Muah Muah!!! I hope YC gives you an extra blasting good time today despite him having a dislocated shoulder. HAHAHAHA. You are a godma already k, so must behave behave ah!!! =)
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