Monday, July 30, 2007
Need a lion dance performance?
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Presenting 2 of the S Club Members : Simon & Sam
Hubby's Favourite Boy! Isn't he cute? Did I mention he, too, is a camwhore? They start young...
Went to Klang today for an opening of Iz's father's new shop. So happened that there was pasar malam, so hubby and I went happily. Those that know us would know that we both will never be caught dead bringing nothing back from the pasar malam. So guess what we bought?

DURIANS!!!! DURIANS!!!! YUMMY!!!!! *sigh*
Well, I possibly could not be satisfied with just durians, so I got myself putu pirings and lots of corn and ayam madu bakar! Isn't life beautiful?
Saturday, July 28, 2007
No words...
I am tired...
It might have something to do with the hormonal changes in my body at the moment but still... I wish I can cry it all out than to keep it all in...
or maybe its just the ungodly hours that I am still awake and mumbling silly myself...
Friday, July 27, 2007
Pregnancy Privileges
eg: Reserved tickets given straight to you at the dot its released to public, and you do not have to wait in line.. they will ask for you. =) "10 brownie points to that particular cinema!" like what hubby said...
The Simpsons' Movie rawks!!!!!!
oOh.. I finished Harry Potter dey.. *gRin* wanna know the ending? *an Even wiDer eViL gRiN**
nah, I am not that bad...
On another note, don't we all look so happy here? *sigh* Its been 2 month since xy's big day... how time flies!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
ONLY RM87.92!
No other purchases needed!
No need to get up at 4am or jostle with the mad crowd!
Know what I am going to say next?

Hubby bought me Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows .. tell me, how can anyone not love my hubby who totally understands what I want... muax muax**
So in 7th heaven now with the book... Finally, the complete set of Bloomsbury versions...
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
aiskling from u for me?
Need to pile on more weight.. only piled on 700gms in 2 weeks of eating all those food? *sigh* metabolism in me is really high I guess...
eM down again!
You can only fall asleep when dawn is breaking.
Last month, you told me you start eating your dinner near midnight.
Previously, you said you eat early and do not eat after 8pm.
You said you saw things. You saw fierce-looking people.
I told you not to wander around on your own. I said to not say anything that will make people think of you otherwise. But you choose to do so. To have you taken to the 'right authorities' will break his and my heart but I guess it will be time soon that he and I make such a decision.
What made you change into what you are today? Why? How? When? Who?
Questions I ask myself everyday.. Why is it others can be mind-healthy when they are much more elderly than you are? Why you? What happened along the way?
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Am supposed to start my weekend 'job' cleaning up the house, which I think I am procrastinating again but I am sure I will get to it somehow after I finish my hot chocolate drink...
Already feeling so guilty not able to help hubby much now, I guess I better start getting on with my 'housewifey roles' right now... its all about the responsibility of a 'housewife'! Anyone wants to loan me their kakak? hehehe
Better start now before hubby gets up and start his naggings.. sometimes I think he is a nagging woman in disguise but still I love him.. my big botak!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Girlfriends of mine ... #1
My Bestfriend #1. She who shares the same thoughts as I do and well, can practically know whats going on my mind. Shes always there for me, someone who I can count on no matter what ungodly hours to talk to and she knows what to say and how to make me think rationally. She who can laugh together with me in the middle of the night when we both can't sleep. Her house, my second home. She is one of the few ones who saw me from the freakishly annoying girl to who I am today.
My Bestfriend #2. Someone who I can count on when I am in the mood to want to eat and try new food. Someone who is there for me in times of trouble. Someone who believes in me that I can and will always drives me to do it. She was the one that trusted me enough to let me have my first drive on the road without any training and license. Someone who is kind-hearted, sweet and loving in person..
What can I say about the first girl-friend that I made in LUCT? Someone that I bought balloons for and walked with her in the pasar malam, feeling so happy? What more can I say about the girl who holds no grudge against me for challenging her to cross the busy roads of Sunway with a sprained ankle? Someone who stepped on my feet till it bled profusely in the cinemas? Someone who I wake up with at 6 in the morning to go see sunrise? Someone who hid with me behind her mother's kitchen counter to avoid some stalker? Someone who cursed at roundabouts when she first got her license? Someone who can make you laugh even when she is not trying.
The stick thin girl who takes more than 2 hours to dress up to go out. The girl who takes 3 hours to finish a plate of rice. The girl whose voice is louder than you and me add together. The girl who cares and cooks for me. The girl who will come and pick me up in the middle of the night in times I need her. The girl who you can count on too for comforting words and a few laughs. The girl you know will join you in any fun if she can...
(no pics of her to be posted yet..**)
My housemate who was there for me when I need a shoulder to cry on. Someone to keep me company when I was alone and feeling down. Someone who I can count on to scare off Kelvin in the middle of the night. Someone who can company me to go threading and yam chaing.. Someone who I can gossip with in the middle of the night IF she is not fast asleep or drunk in her own bed...
There are lots more girls that left prints in my life.. no preference or whatsoever in the name arrangement order but they are one of the few that really impact me alright thru the growing up process over the years that has been... No.. this is not an emo post.. just some ramblings and reminiscence of good old times I shared with them.. I missed them all so bad..
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Those knees of mine ...
Woke up last night to very excruciating pain in both knee caps that nearly gave way when I struggled to go to the toilet for my pee wee session. I could not find any strength to lift myself up from the toilet seat. It was that pain that I could cry. Thank God hubby's body warmth warmed up those knee caps of mine... was dying to rub some deep heat rub into the knees and calf but something about the medication absorbing into my blood stream put me off. Scared that it will affect baby.. will it? Have to check with doctor tho when I go for checkup next week.
I am getting a little morning sickness back now. Not as bad as the first 3 months but I can feel it making its way back now.
Can't move as fast as I could the previous months as baby tends to kick and punch hard to his liking.
I can't believe it sometimes that I am going to be a mother soon. Reality is kicking in now... *sigh* just a matter of time when reality really hits and responsibility and motherly instinct will immediately take over...
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
I am ...
Yes, a penguin I am!
I walk like one ever since the tummy grew and my two feet are gone!!! I can't see them anymore!! OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
It makes me look even more like a pro-looking penguin now the "jab-in-the-ass cramp ala pain" is back!
I am officially a penguin...
Sunday, July 15, 2007
On a Saturday night...
Went to TGI for dinner last night. Its as if its raining birthdays in there. One table after another, the waiters were singing birthday songs and there was even one table, where a man proposed to his Birthday girl. The girl is pretty looking but the man cannot make it laaaa.. hehehe It was really a funny yet sweet to watch. Thankfully hubby and I already finished our meals by then. Can't stand the I feed you one mouth, you feed me back one mouth. Uurrgghh *shudders*
The real reason we were there was because hubby's god-sis was back for a short 3 days holiday and you know what? She bought little Baby Jaden some clothes. How sweet! Its damn cute i tell you. Hubby says, with the rate our friends are buying baby clothes, Baby is going to have more clothes than his parents. =) But seriously, their clothes are so darn cute, its so hard to resist not getting any right?
Fell asleep finally after sitting beside hubby, watching him play his new game. A pretty good one I must say. I prefer it to Gears of War.. oh, let me put it more in detail how I fell asleep. I could not stand watching the graphic motions of the game.. I nearly puked again, just by sitting beside hubby who was busy cursing and shooting soldiers. So i staggered back into the room, and *bam* went my head on my pillow and *snoreeeee...snoooreeeee... hee hee hee!!** Woke up to hubby laughing in his sleep and a very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very BAD CRAMP in my right calf! It was that bad, that I thought I could no longer move at all. Couldn't even wake hubby up.. actually I was just too tired and lazy to be bothered with the cramp..
Gonna collect baby cot today with Gynette and girlfriend. Can't wait! Time flies by so fast.. It was just as if it was yesterday, when hubby took me for my checkup and saw baby first time on ultrasound... and now baby is weighing at 1.5kg, ready to pop out soon in 2 months time...
Getting a bit scared now in a way.. about the epidurals and all.. should I or should I not? Is it really going to be every 2 hours of feeding? aarrgghh.. damnit! but it all pays when the baby finally coos at you, have his tiny little fingers twirled around yours, holding on so tight and the eyes, the smile.. Its all worth it going through 40 weeks...
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Just thoughts...
Beggar's chicken?
Pankoeks? Pancakes? Crepes? Waffles? Toasts?
A getaway? by the beach or pool and sipping some cocktails, while enjoying sunrise or sunsets?
I need to get a life~
Friday, July 13, 2007
Wanna be cool?
The King and I aint materializing for me already, so I do not expect much out of this tiny weeny request. Guess I will just sit my fat arse at home and wait for baby instead. =( No kai kai trips for me... SChee? Wanna bring me for a runaway? Just you and me since that stupid S girl is stuck in Melb?
Its getting harder and harder to sleep now. Indigestion and heartburn feelings are creeping in... I walk like humpty dumpty now, swaying left to right to left... a walking egg... ahahahaha (sorry... I am so damn bored that I have to entertain myself and laugh at my own stupid jokes!)
Someone! Entertain me!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Got baby some sleep suits and body suits.
Chocolate Fontant at Papa Beard is orgasmic.
Cramp is creeping in again at the right calf.
*sigh* the wonders of what I would sacrifice for...
little baby Jaden Simon Yap!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Pain in the Ass
Imagine... you drive the whole day today, feeling the numbness and the pulling of the nerve in your left leg. You walked the whole day feeling the same thing except that your ass is one higher than the other when you walk lah... *gaWd* and when you tell doctor bout your condition, he smiles at you and say "oH.. its normal!" -end of story- You sit on the floor and you need all the help you can to be pulled up! AArrrggHHHHh!!!!!!!
I guess sacrifices like that have to be made when you are expecting a lovely baby to pop out and cry mama / papa!
Went for baby's 7th month check-up. He is weighing about 1.5kg now and my weight is up by 2.7kg! Damnit.. and hubby still complains to doctor that I looked so skinny.. he is more afraid for baby to be underweight and underfed.. padahal, baby is piling on weight so healthy.... its me hubby should fear for.. what if I can't shed off those baby weight? What if i get stretch marks?
Put a deposit down for baby cot... a lovely white one.. just the right size and all. What can you say about affordable and falling in love at first sight when you set your eyes on them?
*sigh* I can still feel the numbness from my left butt cheek till down the leg... gotto sleep it off!!
p/s: anyway about the jab in the ass, I meant it literally, you know?
** a few hours later @ 1.13am**
It hurts really really bad. Hubby suspect its a muscle pull instead. I think so too. It is so bad that I can't even bend forward to pick up the juice bottle from the bottom shelf of my fridge. Its so bad that it hurts when I want to sit down or lie on the bed or get up from the couch. It hurts each time I take a step.. o.Oh noooo.. what have I done this time to myself? If you see me tempang, don't ask why.. you know the reason why... =(
Monday, July 9, 2007
Stock Count
Towels, mittens, socks, pillows, bolsters, neck support, blankys... everything is so adorable and cute and tiny..
Thank God hubby was there to help me make up my mind over which ones to buy. I prolly would have gotten all if I could...
Still need to get a few more stuff:-
- Baby cot
- Newborn clothes
- Sterilizer
- Milk bottles
- Pacifiers
- Baby strollers
- Lampins & Diapers
- Baby body bath & shampoo
- Baby oil
I think thats about it.. did I leave anything out? hmm... better get all ready before the panic begins in Sept... and anyways, its sale nationwide now.. might as well buy now and save more *gRin**
Saturday, July 7, 2007
What do you hear?
I hear you call my name
So loud and clear
So melodious to my ears
Do wait for me
Paddingtons O.oh Paddingtons
Friday, July 6, 2007
Heart Attack
[ *one ' mAtt ' ] says:
[ *one ' mAtt ' ] says:
you know what last night
[ *one ' mAtt ' ] says:
my dad died infront of me
e m s :: エミリー ™ :: says:
e m s :: エミリー ™ :: says:
no no no.. seriously..
[ *one ' mAtt ' ] says:
no battery
e m s :: エミリー ™ :: says:
Idiotic right? Scared the shit out of me for a while....
Tossin & Turnin like a Roti Canai
I remember one night, when I try to go to bed early, while hubby was sitting out watching Globe Trekker.. after 1 full hour of tossing and turning, I came out all teary-eyed and tired and I said the most selfish thing to him.. "can't sleep. Can only sleep after I kacau u" *gRin* such a meanie huh me? but it usually works.. disturbing him from reading his nightly reads or bombarding him with questions that has no answers... I would fall asleep instantly.. Hubby says I am crazy. =)
Back to my pregnancy, I just realize what Dr. Aldrin said was true. Now that the third trimester is here, it would be hell again for the preggers. The second trimester is the smoothest of all.. I know what he meant now.
I can no longer walk as fast as I did the past months.. because if I do, my tummy feels as if there are some contractions going on. Is that normal? Kind of feeling like something tugging you from inside. Felt it the whole time I was walking last night yet I have to keep up to my hubby's step. Just imagine a 2 year old child trying to keep up with you.. You take 1 step, the child takes 3-4 steps.. yeap.. thats the same condition I am going through with my hubby.
oh, and don't ask me about my clothes. I get very emo about it. Pants I bought, or so I thought that could last me through out my nine months as I got them about a size bigger than my previous sizes.. out of 4, I am down to 1. **pulls hair out!*
and i love bumblebee~ tra la la
Thursday, July 5, 2007
You are The Empress
Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation.
The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents,
beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home
decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful.
The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Tag team
By next week, Baby would be 7 months old. 2 1/2 more months... Fridge has been stored up with lots of milk, ma chocies, ma vitagens, ma bread just in case I want something to munch on when I am watching telly and lots of other tit bits. You never know when a weird craving might suddenly hit you right in the middle of the night. So might as well be ready! =)
Last night, I had Bah Kut Teh to myself.. followed by two different types of kuehs and then the glutinous rice dipped in kaya sauce. Hubby was looking around the coffeeshop, wondering if the others thought me crazy. I could still eat but I know hubby would prefer me to continue eating at home instead. Came home and drowned myself in juice..
Woke up touching my arms today. *guLp* I am getting fatter now. If hubby is to choke-slam me, he would have gripped on the face instead of the neck. Thats how fat I am now.. thats what I think... Think it would go away after I give birth? but but but.. its nice to eat and be carefree.. kan baby needs to pile on weight and nutriens and me too?
Gonna have a busy weekend.. other than completing reports at home, have to help hubby clean up after he makes the sambal belacan for Gyn's birthday cum farewell party... at least that means more food and when you are pregnant, people tend to be more forgiving and they sometimes let you eat their share. Wonderful wonderful!!
Monday, July 2, 2007
ma' Dinner : 3 days in a row
Saturday : Two plates of Duck rice / some vege followed by a trip to The Curve for some Paddington pancakes
Sunday : New Paris with David & Kel followed by triple deeelicious Black Pepper Beef patties burger from Burger King
Who wanna guess my weight at the end of these two months? **
Sunday, July 1, 2007
The reason why
There is a reason why you need supervision and company.
There is a reason why you need to be taking daily medics.
There is a reason why you should be housed at one of those temporarily.
There is a reason for everything that we plan for you BUT you are stubborn. You are determined that we are in the wrong and you are in the right. I cannot really blame the word stubborn in you because your mind is just not in the right state to even think anything rationally. Its already headwired and beyond help. Your attitude is changing bad to worse each passing day. It already scared others away. You have only he and I by your side, who aches so bad inside to see you deteriorate away like this.
Everything that I have thought would have happened did and there is nothing much I can do. All I can do now is worry myself sick to the max, yes in the process of affecting my baby unintentionally. You care only for your pleasure. You have no consideration towards my pregnancy even if you said you did simply just because you CANNOT THINK RATIONALLY anymore.
You refused to take in pills. You refused to have the doc check you up. You refused to get well. You are always in denial.
It is never embarassing to go out with you. NO! It only hurts and hurts and hurts! If only you knew...
For those that contributed to who and how you act today, I detest them even more. I believe in karma.
I hate myself for not being capable of making you better.
Whatever joy I had is now drowned with worries, stress and self-hatred. Whatever happiness I have to want to share with others is gone with just one missed call from you at 6 in the morning.
Why can't you behave? Why can't you?
Where can I seek help for you? How am I able to help you? What is it that you require in order to accept your situation and accept help from others?