The feet is still off the ground... Haven't learnt how to walk it by himself yet
So happy in the walker (needs extra back support :: see red pillow behind)Jaden finally got his first taste of sitting in a walker. He was afraid at first, so he did not dare to put his legs on the ground until I showed him that it was alright and he was memang meant to put his legs down on the ground to move the walker. He has yet to want to move around in the walker but at least he overcome the fear in sitting in one. Very good. Now Hubby and I can go shopping for a walker!
Hello! Meet Suan Suan!Suan Suan, who is 5 days older than Jaden was eating porridge when we arrived at Aunt Lin's. So I thought might as well let Jaden try porridge again but he absolutely HATES it! Think he still havent got used to the texture just yet. Will try again tomorrow. Going to shop for pumpkin and try cooking it with the porridge. Aunt Lin said it will make the porridge sweeter since Jaden's got a sweet tooth just like his mama. I was thinking of corn and carrots but Hubby said corn might leave husks lying around if boiled with the porridge too long and that it might choke Jaden. True? Hmm..
** September 2007 babies **
(See the difference in weight?)
Bought quite a lot of new food for Jaden to try. Got him rice cereals with apples and cranberries. Wonder if that is nice. Shall know once he tries it.. but I am sure as long as the food is sweet tasting, he would love it. Junita just gave me some tips on how to make the porridge sweeter and tastier for baby. Maybe I will try out her recipe..oh what am I saying? Maybe.. it would be definitely. Anything to make Jaden start taking porridge.
Just posing around in my beanie for photoshoot