Linaree and I met up early in the morning for breakfast and got our hair done at Hartamas. After sending her back to Banyan, where she was putting up for the nights she was down in KL, I hurried home, changed into my dress and slab on some ICI on my face. Joy was already waiting for me downstairs and SueKingKong was around the corner ready to pick both of us girls up to the wedding luncheon.
Everybody was there by the time we three girls reached. Doing what we do best, noisy as ever and well, with wine in our hands, the rest was history.
(L) to (R) clockwise from standing to sitting :: Z, Clem, Linaree, Joy, Kelvin, VeeMei, Lujoo, M, RachelLian & SueKingKong
Clements must be thinking Linaree got a bunch of crazies, with me and my flying food around the plate, instead of having the waiter to pour us wine each time our glasses empties, we demanded for the bottle to be put permanent at our table.
My girlfriends being bitchy to the poor waiter who attempted to take away their bowls of sharkfin soup, oh boy, it was laughter all the way at our table and SueKingKong stuffing Clements with prawns.
Our table, table 5, yamseng-ed the loudest, and longest and the best thing was, it was a table filled majority with girls and only two men. That is how loud we were, and how crazy we all are, with the wine in our bloodstream. We enjoyed ourselves tremendously, of course, with the historican, SueKingKong, snapping away every picture she could get.
Finally taking a group picture with VeeMei and RachelLian whom we have not seen in donkey years, and well, what can I say, completed that afternoon of madness.
Kelvin’s wedding was a bomb and that was made possible because of the sotong gilas at table 5.
Congratulations to you Kelvin and your wifey, Alva, and of course thanks for enabling us , the sotonggilas, to come together on your day.
So what happens next after the wedding luncheon? Everybody goes home... end of story?
NO... that would have been really sad for all of us who hardly gets the opportunity to meet up like that, wouldn’t it?
OF COURSE we had plans for the night, dinner together and then drinks after.. which the drinks led on to all of us reaching our respective homes at 530am in the morning and waking up feeling like some old croaks the next day.
Hubby was nice enough to help babysit Jaden for me the whole day without complaining and rushing me home. Thank you!
But well, I did come home after the wedding luncheon to bathe Jaden and cook him his dinner and supper before I left again with my friends.
Took Linaree. Clements and Lu to go have dinner while Zairynn went on to have her dinner with Tanya and Joy at Bangsar. We were separated into two cars / two groups but all managed to reached Borneo Baruk Club almost the same time and that was when the real party began.
We opened Absolut Vodka, had shots and just partied on crazy. Crazy till Clements finally loosened up and got up and started dancing.
Moved on to Asian Heritage Row after Borneo closed and mamak later to let everybody sober up more and feed their hunger.
:: this is me begging to go home after a loooong night out ::
Boy, came home at 5am.. and thankfully it was SueKingKong that drove as she is not a drinker =designated driver. I can imagine my fun cut into quarter if I were the designated driver.. but well, lets just say Saturday was fabulous mad and I missed all these crazy college moments.
(L) to (R) :: Joy, Z, SueKingKong, Tanya, M & Linaree
It was really like college days relived but well, everybody paid their dues the next day. The aftermath of self-destruction by going all out the whole day with alcoholic drinks in our system.
We all raised our white flags and said, we are too old for this shit but well, if we have a chance to do it again, I am sure we will jump into it without any hesitation. =)