Saturday, February 28, 2009
Creepy-ly crazy
Brought Jaden out of the room at about 12pm only to see my mother all dressed up ready to go out. Then she said "I cannot go out already. I don't feel good in my bladder".
So I said ok.. and asked her to prepare her own lunch. She replied that she had the tai pao already and is still full from it.
Then she said, "But didn't you said you wanted to go out. I heard you say late go out.."
..... what the ..?
"No! When did I even come out of the room to talk to you? What are you talking about? I just woke up from my sleep, what made you think I will come out and tell you I am going out later and go back to sleep?"
"Was Gwen here then?"
Now that pissed me off then already.. Gwen? What the heck is she doing here.. padahal I know her butt is parked firmly in Melb and how possible could Gwen be here when she is clearly NOT?
"What are you talking about? What Gwen here? If Gwen is here, you think I will stil be here or not tell you that she is back? Don't know what are you talking about when I already said that I just WOKE UP FROM SLEEP AND JUST CAME OUT OF MY ROOM??????"
The she said but I saw a girl in the house....
*gasps* WHAT THE FU*K???????
So now here I am telling myself she prolly heard the neighbours and thought someone was talking to her instead.. It must have been the neighbours!
Fuck.. but what a way to start a weekend to creepy questions... FUCK!
他能给你保护 代替我的照顾
谢谢你的结束 冷却后的残酷
谢谢你的知足 告诉我别再付出
谢谢你的温度 记忆留在最初
他能给你保护 代替我的照顾
谢谢你的结束 冷却后的残酷
谢谢你的知足 告诉我别再付出
谢谢你的温度 记忆留在最初
谢谢你的结束 冷却后的残酷
谢谢你的知足 告诉我别再付出
谢谢你的温度 记忆留在最初
Thursday, February 26, 2009
3rd photoshoot
Then late last night as I was about to go to bed, only did I see Iyvene's message to me telling me to bring him to this studio near my place for the photoshoot casting and so we did, today, dressed him up in his overalls, and brought him over to the studio. Alas, I realized my son looked incomplete without shoes. We need to get him shoes!!!!!!
Anyway, he did rather well, smiling all the way, seducing people even if he just met them there and then. So now, all I can hope is that he gets the job.. if not, then it will just be another photoshoot session for him. =)
*sigh* I wonder if this is what it comes down to.. me driving the young one out now for his stuff and no longer doing anything that deals only with me and me myself?
Need entertainment!
Jaden has been walking more and more and is even attempting to try to stand without holding on to stuff but well, his attempts are still at the beginning stage but I guess it will be a week or two before he can do it. At least he is trying! So happy and proud of his achievements!
I have been searching high and low for some drama goodness now that Miss No Good has come to an end for me. Need more entertainment! Can you actually 'taste' the bored life I am leading at the moment? I am trying to find the drama 'LoveTrain' released in 2003 but can't seem to get it in Speedy. Guessed I will just settle for No Air on 8TV every weekday 830pm then..
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
3 years ago ... =)
I used to get so excited over these celebrations but last night when we had our nightly chats on the bed, with Jaden sleeping away, I mentioned that somehow I don't feel any excitement toward this date but more to my birthday where I get to do pre-birthday, birthday and post-birthday celebrations with Hubby. *sigh* I guess I can still be a kid most of the time.
Mom is allowed to be discharged tomorrow. Dad will then bring her back to UMMC to meet up with the psychiatrist to see what they can do about the medicine she was prescribed. The DSC doctor said what mom is going through now is 90% the side effects of Risperdal. *sigh* Noob UMMC doctor.. how I wished it was Dr. Tan and not the new doctor...
Anyway leaving you guys with one of my fav songs .. I know.. but I think I have been bitten by the Mandarin song bugs..
believe it or not, I do know how to sing this song.. memorized the lyrics siut! Bring me back to my memories when I was still 17 or 18 years old.. =)
Monday, February 23, 2009
Bu de Bu ai .. ???!!
Mom is hospitalized again, bladder emptied and tube sticked down inside to the tummy to check her acid level since she keeps having occuring acid reflux almost daily.
Its raining cats and dogs while I am typing. Just put Jaden down for his afternoon nap without bathing him just yet. He was already yawning and ready to fall asleep with the air-con in the room on.. rain pouring.. how therapeutic the sound of rain pouring, cool air from the air-con, a big bed where he can do snow angels on and a nice warm, snuggly comforter to cuddle up to.. even I nearly fell asleep in the process..
Finished watching the Miss No Good drama at about 4am today. No more drama for me, no more going goo goo gaa gaa over Wilbur Pan anymore now that the drama ended. Just glad the storyline ended how it should be but well, would have prefered it if they filmed the wedding of both the girls and guys instead.. well.. its all done for. Now I will just be on a lookout at all Speedy Videostores to see if I can find the 'Love Train' DVD. Heard it should be as good... or 'Why Why Love'.
The house is in a mess and I really mean a mess and I am so procrastinating in wanting to clean up. Well, guess I might as well make full good use of this time, being alone with no toddler crawling, walking around pulling things down and clean up as much as possible. So well, toodles from here now... and pray that I can get as much done in about an hour half before Jaden wakes up from his beauty nap.
and before I go, I have got one of my fav chinese songs MV to share..
His first steps - 3 days ago
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Early Business
Just as I was about to dozed off, I heard a "Uugggnnnhhhhh" and his face went into some 'pushing' features and soon after, greeted with a stench I am most familiar with. The little boy has done his business and is then feeling a little eeky and was flipping around, butt nearly ending on Hubby's face who was busy snoring away by then. I then waited just for a minute or two more before scooping the little boy up onto his nappy table and changed him. Thankfully I have got a plastic bag ready this time in the room. After changing the boy's diapers, wiping him clean and all, fed him some water to drink before ignoring him, which bored him out instantly and he went back right to sleep. Believe me when I said when i was changing his diapers then, he was busy talking to me. *sigh* I tell you this kid of mine will prolly grow up to be one that questions his parents non stop.
Woke up at our usual time around 11-nish today and this time, its my churning tummy 'knockin'. Luckily my mother was up already, so quickly throwing instructions asking her to keep a lookout on Jaden, I rushed into the toilet and *wham* Lets just say i was relieved after spending about 15 minutes inside. Its been quite long since I had a churning tummy and I suspect its either due to dinner last night or just the 'aunty' of mine that wants to have a few last 'words' with me before she goes off for the whole month.
Speaking of aunty, my youngest aunty was actually down in town last night and I fetched her over from her hotel to my place to visit my mom. Such a coincidence huh? She stayed for a little while, played with Jaden, fed him before I fetched her back again to her hotel in PJ. It was raining quite heavily for a while and a small part of the road outside seksyen 14 was flooded. I really wonder if the people who build these roads did take into consideration the drainage system and geographical aspects when they were building the roads or just building it for the sake of lots of money going into pockets, little coming out for a better infrastructure?
Iz and Grace also came over last night after their movie and we went out for dinner together. Hubby found a new fav place to eat at Kota. The food wasn't all WOW but sure was much cheaper than those of similar style. I can forsee Hubby wanting to go back there more often now.
I guess its soon then, when he will just walk and not crawl.. and OMG! which means he will soon run and we have to chase after him. Chasing after him crawling is already quite a task.. *pant pant pant* Who wishes to lose weight and not pay for gym fees? Sign up here!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Raymond Lam 林峯 - 愛不疚(Love With No Regrets)
Friday, February 20, 2009
Drama in my life at the moment...
There is nothing much a housewife can do except take care of her child, clean up the house, prepare lunch or dinner for the husband... and watch TV. That is basically the thing that I do while confined at home but you know what? I do look most forward when 830pm comes weekdays because that is when my current favourite drama takes place. Is anyone out there watching Miss No Good?

*sigh* I am telling you what you are missing out if you are not.. The main stars are so cute!! Especially the main three.. Rainie Yang, Wilbur Pan and Dean Fujioka. I am so in love with this drama... I think I will go get the DVD once its out or is it out already in Speedy?

Anyone knows who Wilbur Pan is? I guess its time for me to say Move over Lee Hom and Hello Wilbur!!! Heres a picture of him and tell me, don't you think hes a candy to look at? I am going all so high school girl crazy over his character in the drama at the moment. Hes so cuteeeee!!!!

Now I am feeling a tiny pinch of sadness because soon, this drama will come to an end and my weekdays will become boring again.. *sigh* Nevermind.. coz now I think I am getting hooked to another at 7pm.. woo hooo~
Corrine, you should absolutely watch this drama.. you will love it!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
A woman knows herself best
I knew something was wrong with me the moment my nose acted up like 3-4 days in advance. I then knew my aunty was going to come and pay me a visit.
True enough, 'she' came in the morning, thus proving my theory right when I knew that my body was going thru these changes preparing myself for the 'visit'. I remembered the night before it came, I could feel like a rumbling tingling sensation in the abdomen, near the uterus. Its like saying I am ringing the door now.. I am coming soon..
*sigh* So next time if you see me rubbing my nose and telling you that I have terrible sinus problem these few days, please stay clear of irritating the shit out of me as that will be the PMS period and God knows what would be coming out from me when irritated.
Good day!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
yak yak yak yakkity yak..
Mother is still not feeling well as usual. Her daily routine of acid reflux keeps striking her and there is absolutely nothing the doctor can do other than giving her the meds which she is already taking. I suspect that she only takes her meals when she is hungry and that is when the gastric juice has already acted up inside her. She just refuses to listen to advice given by doctor and me, telling her to eat small meals in between from time to time, leaving no chance for the gastric juice to ber-aksi. *sigh* She came out of her room just now and told me to call the ambulance to take her away. Hell I will do it! Really pissed me off at that. Everyday the same routine, everyday the same words, everyday the same sickness... Seriously I wonder if there is anything that happened back In Penang when she was alone.
I have been surfing jobstreet quite often, looking out for potential jobs which I think I might be happy with but truth be told, I don't think the day will ever come. Part of me feels guilty wanting to leave Jaden with someone else for half a day. Being 24/7 with him since birth has created terrible separation anxiety when he is left in someone else's care even if it meant 2 hours unless its Hubby la who takes care of him while I go out. Reason being I don't think anybody will not be able to understand the cheekiness and demands of this little boy of mine. He has his own way in communicating with Hubby and I. Games he play, things he is allow to eat... things he do when he throws tantrums.. *sigh* Part of me is going to be living with regrets too knowing my time is spent confined to home and only home in my twenties. Thinking of this makes me scared in getting another child now. Maybe one is enough.
Such dilemma. *sigh* Anyway I can't complain much either. I am sure there are some working mothers out there wishing that they could just be a stay at home mom while the man becomes the sole provider for the family. I can sleep in late with Jaden, play with him or just watch my favourite dramas.. while sometimes doing the houswife duties such as cooking and cleaning up. The best thing so far about me being a stay at home mother now is I get to surf online much often, msn as much as I want, online shopping (*tee hee*) and well, getting Hubby to buy me another branded bag..
The bag I have in mind now is either LV Alma Damier / Epi Leather, LV Neverfull MM Damier, LV Saleya MM Damier or a Burberry. Which one do you think would compliment my style?

Hmm.. I have got mixed reviews coming back in regards to my request to buy something like that that costs thousands but .. well.. I just got to say, at least I am not as crazy as my high school guy friend who would have wrapped his car interior in LV if he could. Some said they are not as auntie as I am to want to buy LV. Well, let me just say, once you get your hands on one, you know you will need another one soon.. Sorry Gwennie, but I ain't loving Gucci or Miu Miu.. I think I am more of a LV and Burberry lover but I have yet to own any Burberry yet.. hmm.. Hubby is SOOOOOOOOOO gonna kill me! (*just thinking about it doesn't necessary means taking action k, baby? So don't jump yet ya!*)
Some likes mobile phones, some likes branded clothes, some like branded shoes, some like diamonds, some like cars.. me? I could go on about bagsssss whole day but that would really be boring to some so I shall just stop and wait and wait and see if my dream materialize. *wink* Aaahhh Gwen and PChern really damaged my mind real good!
Gosh how time flies and its already coming to 3 years now spent with Hubby daily only for those occasional times when I went back to Penang on my own. Hmm.. that means anniversary coming soon! WHOOPIE! and then there is the wedding anniversary.. oooohh.. the ROM anniversary.. Jaden's Bday and mine.. Hubby's Bday sigh.. how many celebrations do you celebrate in a year? I bet you won't have as many as I do.. o.Oh not forgetting Mother's day too.. aaahhhh.. AT LEAST I DON'T CELEBRATE VALENTINE'S DAY!!! I love being ME!
A brother trying to register his sister at the psychiatric clinic, of which he mentioned that his sister purposely flushed the cards and her meds down the toilet bowl so she does not have to visit the doctor.
An inconsiderate idiot saying out loud to his girlfriends while staring and laughing at those psychiatric patients seeking medical treatment in the clinic.
Saw a prisoner in handcuffed hand-in hand- with two other prisoner wardens and three more wardens accompanying at the UMMC pharmacy.
My mom asking the psychiatrist to check her dictionary properly when the doc referred to her medicinal dic to confirm the symptoms.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Never feeling well
I told her I can't do shits because the doctors here, those that she sees don't work on weekends and there is NO ABSOLUTELY way I am bringing her to the hospital again, to the emergency section and they admit her and only on Monday where the doc will come do his rounds and check on her. So it is definitely a waste of money to place her in the hospital whereas she can stay home and go tomorrow early in the morning.
I told her nothing is ever going to happen to her even though she feels as if she cant breathe because it has happened so many times when her acid reflux strike and she is always much more drama about it. The more you show concern, the more she drama so I rather not do it.. although I am kinda worried. She seems to be better today tho. Hopefully it stays like that till tomorrow.
She said she had been having constipation for quite a few days already. So last night, I went to the local grocery store and got her bananas. She told me this morning, she finally could do her daily 'business'. Well, I was so tempted to buy other fruits but since she has no teeth now, she had them all pulled out in Penang due to wanting to make a whole new two row artificial teeth.
Anyway, I have to bring her over to the hospital tomorrow to see her psychiatrist and asked about those side-effect symptoms she is suffering from and is it because of her drugs? *sigh* I sure hope it is so it means there are no other medical problems then...
Friday, February 13, 2009
I am so tired
"Wo hen sien.. chen ke sen di toh hen sien"
Its not as if she is bored or what.. okay, maybe she is bored but she can't sit still and watch TV. Watching TV or movies will probably make her start to imply herself into all these characters. She then think the TV is telling her life story and she gets so worked up.
Taking her out is like taking a newborn out without feeding him first or taking food there.. and you have to come home once you reach. She can't stand the cold now, the wind or whatsoever and she gets tired easily.
So, she prefers to stay home and then, like the whole afternoon today, lie down and do nothing.. so that is when the idle mind of hers starts to think nonsense such as she has got lots of diseases la, shes worried about dunno what!!! Its endless what she is capable of thinking but being who I am, I refuse to entertain her complaints as it sure will prompt her to do more of these nonsense.
I rather be strict in my dealings with her complaints and choose to ignore all those nonsensical stuff she says. It definitely did help her bucked up and stop complaining and feeling all those fatigueness back then before she went home to Penang. *sigh*
I wonder if these are also the long term side effects of the drugs she is taking. Got to set up an appointment with the clinic soon to see how it goes. Guess I have to ask Aunt Lin to help babysit Jaden for a few hours then...
Irresponsibility and consequences
I knew trouble will come that she's gone back home for the whole month, of which my father is only home 2days a week. FCK THAT SHIT! She needs constant daily monitoring and that is the part which my father fails.
Now she came back 'damaged' again and its like going back to square one with more health problems she assumes she is suffering from. I am so fucking angry.. so irresponsible..
This all happened because of you and your family.. this happened because you weren't by her side like all husbands are! DAMNIT! This all happened because you and other bunch of idiots pressured her unneccesarily.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Iz and Grace came over yesterday afternoon too to my place. They were hoping that their CD installer could be installed in Hubby's computer but it just won't work, too so both of them had to head down to Cheras to another friend's place to see if they get lucky in getting the software to work. Poor things. Having lack of sleep over such tedious work, like Hubby commented, overworked and underpaid. These people are doing charity wey! Had a good laugh over their first freelance job experience since they came back from London. o.Oh, that reminds me to ask Gynnette something! Better ask fast now March is drawing near...
Called my sister yesterday to catch up on her little 6-month-old munchkin. Howard has yet to flip himself over yet. Sis says he must either be too fat or just a potato, which she was kidding of course.. but you know la, how all these Mandarin conversation will take place between two sisters. I don't know why but I feel rather excited for her that her little boy is going through the growing up process, which reminded me of those days back last year... when Jaden was just 6 months old. Howard has already 2 teeth sprouted out at 6 months old. Jaden only got his first tooth when he turned 9 months old. *sigh* As long as they are healthy, thats what Hubby and I always say. As long as the baby is healthy, nothing else really matters.
Okay, I hear my parents coming back from breakfast now. Got to fetch dad to the bus station.. toodles
Monday, February 9, 2009
25 random things bout me...
The Obligatory Procedure:
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you!
1# I have not have short hair since F3. (1997)
2# I regretted not continuing my ballet classes after grade 8. I wished I did.
3# I have a chip in my front teeth. The dental nurse pasted something back on and it made me look complete again till I decided to sink my teeth into some frozen chicken. Serves me right for the chip again.. how it happened in the first place? I dived in a baby pool!
4# Best movie for me ever -Ever After. Anyone knows where to get the Ever After DVD? I can't seem to find it anywhere
5# I got my first LV at the age of 24. *woohoo thanks to Hubby* I hope there is more to come tho... *gRin*
6# I bought my own car at the age of 22. Did you?
7# I got married at the age of 24, wedding expenses and planning all done by just the two of us, Hubby and I.
8# I became a mother to a beautiful baby boy, Jaden Simon Yap on Sept 28, 2007 and became a stay-at-home mom since...
9# I had roti telur at 8am and then drove myself and Hubby to the medical clinic to give birth.
10# I love to cook although some of my dishes might turned out too funky for Hubby's liking.
11# I love to travel and discover new places. *sigh* My dream is to go to different holiday destinations overseas each year. A dream which I hope can come true now that I am married. I used to go for holidays once a year at least when I was single... Now I am married to a workaholic! *sigh*
12# I can eat and eat and eat. I eat more than Hubby. Believe?
13# I love my fried egg with sugar sprinkled when beaten.
14# I used to have two dogs named Hannii and Rosie. Both I took back from SPCA.
15# I can't sing for nuts.. but I am not tone-deaf like someone who I used to work together with. I bet you know who Jojie!
16# I can't speak Cantonese without sounding like a Shanghainese and ended up calling my father-in-law "You Old Thing" instead of father in law... *bLek*
17# I missed hanging out at the beach with my Redang gang and Joy.
18# Gwen had to set up the Friendster account for me. This goes to show how noob I am in computing.
19# Some of my friends regard me as Ai-Mei-Li bu yao ming. (I prefer to look pretty and suffer the consequences)
20# I don't know my origins. Couldn't really be bothered with it tho.
21# I missed working in the corporate world. I actually missed interacting with adults and earning my own bucks!
22# I have road rage. My mouth definitely needs a good wash after each trip out on the road.
23# I want to pick up baking one day, if Hubby allows me to go for bakery classes and buys me the oven and stuff...
24# I pray daily that all my family members will stay healthy and happy everyday -Jaden, Mummy, Daddy, Hubby ...
25# I love all places cold, winter and all.. I just love em' cold
Right so now I am done with the 25 random things one should know about me or wants to know about me.. its time to tag some people who might just want to do it out of boredom, nothing to blog about at the moment or just couldn't give an arse about this.. =)
- Corrine Ho
- Jojie Loke
- Wei Ling
- Koko Jelly
- Iyvene
- Suzanna Ainol
- Faith Ashleigh Wong
- Gaiety Blur Ann
Saturday, February 7, 2009
CNY @ SueAnn's
I lost RM4.90 to be exact.. not much luck in gambling or maybe its just the chor tai tee skill all rusty due to me not having any practice for quite some time.. its been what? TWO years since I last picked up cards???
Spent a few hours there.. 2 1/2 hrs was good for me and then I have to head back home to pick Hubby and Jaden up to go buy Hubby's stuff. Luckily home was just 10 minutes away. *wink* That is how near I stay to SueAnn.
Her house is beautiful. It gives a very warm welcoming feeling when you step inside unlike some houses I know which emits a cold unwelcoming feel when you step in. I love her place and I like her father's cooking. MMm... he fed us well with his homecooked chicken porridge.
Tomorrow I am going to hit the buffet steamboat place for my annual Chap Goh Meh's steamboat meal. It will only be the SimonYap clan as Iz is busy with work. Why tomorrow and not Monday right? Well, I have got my reasons. Monday, although a public holiday, Hubby will start to work again, parking his butt in front of the comp and doing whatever he has to do.. so tomorrow is still rather 'free' for me to enjoy the last of the last days of Chinese New Year.
Time really flies. Chinese New Year will soon be over... *sigh*
Thursday, February 5, 2009
No one but me
I am kinda put off cooking for now. Not even a small bowl, a spoonful or a taste to try it out and I woke up and sprang to action immediately getting the tomyam cooked.
Kind of 'hurt'. Emo kan me? but well.. just expressing how I feel. Not going to cook today. Don't feel like it.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
My darling Ivene
Jaden took an instant liking to her. Mostly because she is a girl. Second, a pretty girl (if only most knows about her 38 ways).. aaahh I love this girl of mine as we did have something special together. *wink*
I was horrified to receive her call telling me she is on her way to my place and I have not even bathed and dressed properly but seeing it was just her.. i thought scrap it! This is how I look at home and be it this way. Lets just say I have a bad hair day, a scratched face no thanks to the little rascal, my coca-cola bottle specs, and unkempt hair with a hairband pulling my wild fringe back (not working)... and the thing she said to me once she saw me...

"WAH.... looking at you makes me feel so young!!!!"

Mind you, she is only a year younger than I am. Damnit! But nevermind.. its her! She can say anything to me and it doesn't really matter.. I know how I look and it is an honese comment.
*sigh* but how can I compare myself to this 'celebrity' friend of mine leh hor? I shall just wait when you girlfriends of mine turn mother.. then lets see those comments flowing in.. =) I, by then should be just relaxing..
and why did I call her a celebrity? Thought she looks familiar? Have you been watching Astro 304 Jiayu TV? She is one of the Marys in the Mary-Go-Round magazine show. The Happy Mary.. she should be named the 38 Mary instead I personally think.. =) You know I still love you rite darling?
but all in all, it was great to have her over for a while, chit chat and laugh over our past. I missed her in a way. Sometimes I only get to see her face to face once a year. Isn't that bad? Well.. shes one busy working friend... summore now celebrity status wor.. For me, I only remember her as my roommate, my sister in Beijing... the best ten days spent in Beijing!
Want to know more bout her? She can be found here!
Is he 100% off?
Has my time and his breastfeeding session ends at 16 months?
Somehow I missed it yet I can now heave a sigh of relief.. that I no longer need to really watch what I eat but still, I am refraining from nuts and seafood. I do eat food with dried shrimps here and there but thats bout it just in case the boy still wants to continue the bonding session with me. By end of this month, then only I will decided whether if he is completely 100% weaned..
He is growing up so fast isn't he?
I missed him already. =)
Tom Yam anyone?
So off I went down the aisle in Tesco looking for
- Tomatoes
- Celery
- Carrots
- lemongrass (Serai)
- Chicken Fillet
- Grey Oyster Mushroom
- Chilli Padi (actually the bigger chilli would work better but they are far too expensive and I use more chilli padi at home anyway)
- tomyam paste (I cheated)
I defrosted the chicken early in the morning.. only to wake up later to find it all ready to be sliced into perfect size. Sprinkled a little salt on the chicken while I then go and work on other ingredients.
Wash and then cut the lemongrass off at its tip and the root.
Boil the water in the pot then throw in the lemongrass.
Then put in the paste.. according to taste and the pot size.. then dump in the chicken fillet.
Let it boil for a while.. before dumping in the other veges.. and leave it to boil and bubble..
10 minutes before taking it off the stove, only then throw in the mushrooms.
well.. basically thats about it la the steps to make a simple tomyam chicken soup.
So well.. tomyam anyone?
Sunday, February 1, 2009
To Banting we go, To Bkt. Jugra we eat ~
It took us about 1 1/2 hour to get there as there was traffic jam on the way into the small town after the KESAS. It was due to many going to the temple in Jenjarom to pray I guess. Hubby said that there is one famous Chinese temple where a lot of people go to pray at.
Once we drove into Iz's carpark and parked, the greetings we received were "Where is Baby?" Nope, not where is Simon nor how are we and all.. just "Where is Baby?" from the kids in Iz's house.
Jaden absolutely loves it there. He was fussed 24/7 by all in the house. He couldn't even care less if his parents were there or not. I don't think he minds staying there if he has to.. there were just too many things and friends to take his mind off US = PARENTS!

Iz took quite alot of pictures of Jaden with his family members.. which sums that I will not have any photos to post up here unless he passes me them. =) I only got one I took with Hubby and well, Jaden with Iz's grandmother who has painstakingly made Jaden a quilted blankie even before I gave birth.