Turning 12 Months Old means he has another vaccination to take. This time, the MMR Vaccination. For those that don't know what is MMR (Mumps, Measles and Rubella).
Taking him to the doctor this time also means having his weight check, his body temperature, his lungs and breathing check because he has been breathing really hard and it disturbs my peace of mind when I hear him breath like that. It sound as if he has lots of mucus yet he can snort them out.
He has not been able to sleep properly for a few nights now. He will wake up after 2-3 hours of sleeping CRYING for NO APPARENT REASON. That being said is maybe we just didn't understand what he is uncomfortable about or maybe he is just having nightmares. All these are making both of us lose sleep especially Hubby who works till late into the night and then when he is just about to doze off, my little crying machine starts his engine and won't stop. He does not want to be on the bed. He wants to be carried and we have to have various 'gadgets' to distract him.
Like last night, the little boy slept off at about 230am and woke up at 5am for no reason and just sat up crying till about 7am when he got knocked out by his own tiredness. The little boy didn't even want his father to comfort him. He rather sit on the floor and make a ruckus with his Stack-em-Up toys. I thought he was already well distracted and wanted to bring him back onto the bed and let him continue playing there but he immediately kicked up a BIG ASS FUSS and started crying uncontrollably again.
Its kind of sad not being able to know why he is acting as such but well, all I could do is to keep him entertained, take his mind off whatever that was disturbing him and then only let him make his mind up to go back to bed.
When they say you have children, its a life changing thing.. its true I tell you.
**update 1115pm
Jaden took his vaccine like a hero. No cries -nothing, He just gave this look like he felt that there was something not right happening to him. So cute I tell you if you could see his expression. Hubby was holding on to the Dr Altaf's toy xylophone to distract him while I hold him. Dr Altaf then quickly gave the boy his vaccination at the butt. Short and painless I should think so.
Anyway, he still have his heavy breathing and phlegm that really disturbs me. I am really getting very paranoid if he could actually breath properly. Coz I have a feeling that it is the breathing problem that is making him have sleepless nights and when he has sleepless nights, so do we. BAD BAD thing to happen NO? I just hope he will soon get over this heavy breathing.. if not, I am going to take him to see the doctor again and demand the doctor that he do something about my son's breathing problem. I am really getting worried sick over this matter.
He is only weighing at 8.6kg now. Doctor says he is rather underweight for his age. Hubby and I are going to supplement him with multivitamins and a bottle of formula milk from now onwards. Hopefully he will put on the supposed weight he should be weighing. I only he stays healthy and all.. nothing I would ask for.. really really praying for his phlegm and hard-breathing probs to go away like NOW!
Doesn't help with him crying almost every 2 or 5 minutes.. with mucus flowing out but never the full snort that will clear the nasal passageway. Getting so down because of this now. I rather its me that is feeling what he is feeling than him having to go through it. Gggrrr.. such a bad mother not able to take care of his health properly. FAIL!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Counting down -looking back
A letter to my son
My dearest Jaden,
Today you turn ONE.
Mommy cannot believe that it has already been a year you came into our lives and make it brighter.
It was as if yesterday, Mommy and Daddy both discovered that Mommy was pregnant with you. Our first sonogram of you was a little 19mm fetus with legs and hands. Daddy and Mommy nearly cried seeing you in mommy's womb for the very first time.
Then there were the times when you would just kick endlessly in mommy's womb. You kick mommy real hard especially when mommy is driving, when daddy is watching Liverpool games and you are just one night-owl that would kick away into early morning before you decided that it was your bedtime.
Preparing to give birth to you was one of the most exciting thing Mommy and Daddy looked forward to. Both of us were so excited that we could not sleep at all the day before.
Daddy was there to witness your birth. Your Kai-Ma Joy was also there in the labor room with mommy while we were waiting for you to come out.
You were rather an angry baby when you came out of Mommy. Hearing your cry for the very first time was the best thing that ever happened.
All these months of being with you 24/7 has made both mommy's and daddy's life filled with explosions of unconditional love and happiness.
To be able to watch you grow every single minute, achieving your milestones is a great honor. We appreciate every single second spent with you. We are so proud of you.
You are always ever ready with a smile to greet us whenever wherever. Mommy love getting up in the morning to your smile, and sometimes, you would even be petting mommy.
We would like you to know that Daddy and Mommy will always be there for you.
For all the years ahead, we both wish you nothing but safety and good health all the way. There is nothing better that we would ask for.
We love you and will love you always for your whole life.
Daddy and Mommy
Today you turn ONE.
Mommy cannot believe that it has already been a year you came into our lives and make it brighter.
It was as if yesterday, Mommy and Daddy both discovered that Mommy was pregnant with you. Our first sonogram of you was a little 19mm fetus with legs and hands. Daddy and Mommy nearly cried seeing you in mommy's womb for the very first time.
Then there were the times when you would just kick endlessly in mommy's womb. You kick mommy real hard especially when mommy is driving, when daddy is watching Liverpool games and you are just one night-owl that would kick away into early morning before you decided that it was your bedtime.
Preparing to give birth to you was one of the most exciting thing Mommy and Daddy looked forward to. Both of us were so excited that we could not sleep at all the day before.
Daddy was there to witness your birth. Your Kai-Ma Joy was also there in the labor room with mommy while we were waiting for you to come out.
You were rather an angry baby when you came out of Mommy. Hearing your cry for the very first time was the best thing that ever happened.
All these months of being with you 24/7 has made both mommy's and daddy's life filled with explosions of unconditional love and happiness.
To be able to watch you grow every single minute, achieving your milestones is a great honor. We appreciate every single second spent with you. We are so proud of you.
You are always ever ready with a smile to greet us whenever wherever. Mommy love getting up in the morning to your smile, and sometimes, you would even be petting mommy.
We would like you to know that Daddy and Mommy will always be there for you.
For all the years ahead, we both wish you nothing but safety and good health all the way. There is nothing better that we would ask for.
We love you and will love you always for your whole life.
Daddy and Mommy
Friday, September 26, 2008
Some really needs a good teaching...
I read some where in MM's blog that an African student was killed by some locals here over some racism act. Then there was a statement that says it happened probably because they wanted to teach these foreigners a lesson and how to behave in this country. I agree to the saying "Masuk kandang lembu, bla bla bla.. (sorry i forgot that last line but I think the locals would know what I mean) Sometimes they can be really too loud and rowdy and have no respect for the locals.
I am not saying all because I have friends from Botswana and most of them that I know are rather well behave, polite and are just simply really nice people.
On the other hand, some are really rowdy and rude and just plain sore-eyes. Like today, I just witness an act of sexual harrassment by two African men driving a MYVi at my area. There was this two malay girls in tudung walking past and the driver just reached out his hands to want to molest the girl. You tell me, do they deserve to be whack real hard and be taught a real good lesson in disturbing the locals?
Just as I was feeling quite a bit sorry for the death of that one African student, I guess today's incident just cleared my shame for the locals who killed him.
Like the saying goes, one rotten apple will spoil the whole basket full of good apples.
I am not saying all because I have friends from Botswana and most of them that I know are rather well behave, polite and are just simply really nice people.
On the other hand, some are really rowdy and rude and just plain sore-eyes. Like today, I just witness an act of sexual harrassment by two African men driving a MYVi at my area. There was this two malay girls in tudung walking past and the driver just reached out his hands to want to molest the girl. You tell me, do they deserve to be whack real hard and be taught a real good lesson in disturbing the locals?
Just as I was feeling quite a bit sorry for the death of that one African student, I guess today's incident just cleared my shame for the locals who killed him.
Like the saying goes, one rotten apple will spoil the whole basket full of good apples.
Counting down to The Day
Jaden's birthday is like just a couple of days away and I'm panicking! I worry that it would not turn out the way I want it to be and that when Jaden grows up later, he is going to say my mommy didn't do a good FIRST birthday for me. Think he would say it?
For those that helped worry about me not getting a birthday cake for Jaden, fret not. I finally found a bakery specializing in novelty cakes to take in my order despite its only a week away. Thankfully they took in my order. If not I am going to cry buckets full of tears. So who took in my order? Choffles of course! AND it is so damn near Jaden's birthday location. I am just disappointed in a way that Special Cakes was not able to take in mine. Nevermind.. there is always next year and years to come.
Next year, I promise to make preparations for Jaden's birthday two months in advance at least.
Hubby and I got Jaden his birthday present already. We even allowed him to touch and feel it.. play? Nah, he won't get to play with it till hes bigger. Now, its touch and feel and see only for the baby boy. =)

It was really hard getting our hands on this U-Command Wall-E. Went to so many Toys'R'Us and either none could be found there or the box looked as if they have gone to war and back. Finally, we found it at Subang's branch. Yay! Hopefully when Jaden grows up, he will appreciate his first birthday present from us and play with it with CARE!
For those that helped worry about me not getting a birthday cake for Jaden, fret not. I finally found a bakery specializing in novelty cakes to take in my order despite its only a week away. Thankfully they took in my order. If not I am going to cry buckets full of tears. So who took in my order? Choffles of course! AND it is so damn near Jaden's birthday location. I am just disappointed in a way that Special Cakes was not able to take in mine. Nevermind.. there is always next year and years to come.
Next year, I promise to make preparations for Jaden's birthday two months in advance at least.
Hubby and I got Jaden his birthday present already. We even allowed him to touch and feel it.. play? Nah, he won't get to play with it till hes bigger. Now, its touch and feel and see only for the baby boy. =)
It was really hard getting our hands on this U-Command Wall-E. Went to so many Toys'R'Us and either none could be found there or the box looked as if they have gone to war and back. Finally, we found it at Subang's branch. Yay! Hopefully when Jaden grows up, he will appreciate his first birthday present from us and play with it with CARE!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Don't you just love me Mr Yap -Part 2
Eversince Jaden's birth, Hubby and I use a separate dishwashing liquid to wash only his bottles, bowl and sipping cup.
Just yesterday, his dishwashing liquid finished, so I took out another bottle and un-screwed it. I then started to press the handle for liquid..
Eh, this is actually empty. OMG! They gave us an empty bottle.
What is it?? Your mom put the used one down there isit?
No lah. I just unscrewed it only.. how can it be used in the first place?
Where did we buy it then?
Jusco, a long time ago dey..
Then how like that?
I dunno.. maybe write a complaint letter in to *** ?
But you already unscrewed it, people might think we actually finished using it and then want to cheat people to give us free stuff some more. (opens bottle and look inside)
There are some remains inside tho.. its finished already isit and you totally forgot about it.
Can't be!! I am damn sure because I just unscrewed this.
Feelin disappointed with my purchase, I said, "Never again shall I want to buy from xxx. Boycott them!"
Then I walked back to the sink and see what I can savor from the last remaining drops of liquid to wash Jaden's food bowl only to realize...
That all these while, I was pressing on the old finished bottle instead of the new one. The new one had been framed by me all these while. It has been full all the time I was dissing out to Hubby.
OMG! Damn shy wey!
Feeling so stupid now.
All I could afford to do then when I realized my stupid mistake was sat down on the floor laughing...
Don't you just love your wife, Mr Yap?
Just yesterday, his dishwashing liquid finished, so I took out another bottle and un-screwed it. I then started to press the handle for liquid..
Eh, this is actually empty. OMG! They gave us an empty bottle.
What is it?? Your mom put the used one down there isit?
No lah. I just unscrewed it only.. how can it be used in the first place?
Where did we buy it then?
Jusco, a long time ago dey..
Then how like that?
I dunno.. maybe write a complaint letter in to *** ?
But you already unscrewed it, people might think we actually finished using it and then want to cheat people to give us free stuff some more. (opens bottle and look inside)
There are some remains inside tho.. its finished already isit and you totally forgot about it.
Can't be!! I am damn sure because I just unscrewed this.
Feelin disappointed with my purchase, I said, "Never again shall I want to buy from xxx. Boycott them!"
Then I walked back to the sink and see what I can savor from the last remaining drops of liquid to wash Jaden's food bowl only to realize...
That all these while, I was pressing on the old finished bottle instead of the new one. The new one had been framed by me all these while. It has been full all the time I was dissing out to Hubby.
OMG! Damn shy wey!
Feeling so stupid now.
All I could afford to do then when I realized my stupid mistake was sat down on the floor laughing...
Don't you just love your wife, Mr Yap?
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Jaden's developments :updated
- He can now pull himself up and is no longer scared to sit down anymore.
- He dares to let go a hand while another one is holds on to the cot railing.
- Sometimes he even let go both hands but that of course, will lead to a fall like just in 2 seconds.
- He knows how to lift both hands up in the air when I say "YAY!"
- He has got two upper teeth sprouting down from the gum now = 4 teeth now!
- He knows how to do the hand sign for "Finish!"
- He growls at his father, he growls at us for attention.
- *update* He just stood without support for a good 3-4 seconds before falling.. OMG! I am so proud of his achievement!
- He is fearless, oblivious to danger.
- He waves hello to everybody he sees when he is in a good mood.
- He knows how to groove to the music he likes.
- He prefers girls to guys anytime...
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Finding the perfect cake
I was having a hard time trying to find the perfect cake for my Jaden.
Afterall it is going to be his FIRST birthday and I want it to be somehow memorable.
At first, I got excited over the novelty cake that could be found at one of the stalls in Ikano LG. Called the owner up and asked about pricing. It all came up to about RM300++. Hmm.. not a very good start..
Then I found a bakery through some Allthingspurple's website, Just Heavenly. Nice cakes and all, bakery shop can be found in Bangsar. The very name Bangsar and its address already scare the shit outta me. Called them nevertheless, and it also came up to about RM300++.
Almost giving up, then thought of just doing a Number One like what Hubby had for his very first birthday. How I know he had a Number One cake, photo lah of course...
Went to the normal bakery shops and starting asking around. Went to two in fact but the designs weren't shouting "ORDER ME ORDER ME!" so I kept searching.
Then just yesterday, 9 days before my son's birthday, I stumbled across another mummy's blog and found the cake lady I wanted to order from -Special Cakes. I knew from the pictures that she is going to be the one baking my son's cake. Called her up but was turned down because she has Raya cakes orders and Jaden's birthday is too near to Raya. DAMN...
Then I asked Hubby to call her up to try to persuade her to take in our order. I should think she agreed to it because she asked us to email us the type of cake design we wanted. So far, she has yet to revert back so I am crossing my fingers hard that she agrees to it.
Just as I was satisfied with my order, I came across another blog and another cake shop that does novelty cakes, Choffles. AARRGGGHHHH!! When I was looking for them like two three months back, there was not any promising one in sight and now when the date draws near, so many is popping up in my face.
It is so hard to come to choose a perfect cake for my beloved little boy. *sigh* but I am going to try because I really want his first birthday to be special for him. At least when he is a little older, he can look back at the photos and say, my parents did all that for my first!
Afterall it is going to be his FIRST birthday and I want it to be somehow memorable.
At first, I got excited over the novelty cake that could be found at one of the stalls in Ikano LG. Called the owner up and asked about pricing. It all came up to about RM300++. Hmm.. not a very good start..
Then I found a bakery through some Allthingspurple's website, Just Heavenly. Nice cakes and all, bakery shop can be found in Bangsar. The very name Bangsar and its address already scare the shit outta me. Called them nevertheless, and it also came up to about RM300++.
Almost giving up, then thought of just doing a Number One like what Hubby had for his very first birthday. How I know he had a Number One cake, photo lah of course...
Went to the normal bakery shops and starting asking around. Went to two in fact but the designs weren't shouting "ORDER ME ORDER ME!" so I kept searching.
Then just yesterday, 9 days before my son's birthday, I stumbled across another mummy's blog and found the cake lady I wanted to order from -Special Cakes. I knew from the pictures that she is going to be the one baking my son's cake. Called her up but was turned down because she has Raya cakes orders and Jaden's birthday is too near to Raya. DAMN...
Then I asked Hubby to call her up to try to persuade her to take in our order. I should think she agreed to it because she asked us to email us the type of cake design we wanted. So far, she has yet to revert back so I am crossing my fingers hard that she agrees to it.
Just as I was satisfied with my order, I came across another blog and another cake shop that does novelty cakes, Choffles. AARRGGGHHHH!! When I was looking for them like two three months back, there was not any promising one in sight and now when the date draws near, so many is popping up in my face.
It is so hard to come to choose a perfect cake for my beloved little boy. *sigh* but I am going to try because I really want his first birthday to be special for him. At least when he is a little older, he can look back at the photos and say, my parents did all that for my first!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Wide-eye at 430am
Dreaming nicely away, I heard "Piak Piak Piak Piak" and the bed bouncing. Turned around and to my horror, there my son is all wide-eye and hitting his father's hand. His father is sleeping and there the son is hitting him away!!! "Piak Piak Piak" and he turned to me and smile.
Crawled over to my side and started holding on to me to want to stand up. OMG!!! Whats the meaning?? I glanced over at the clock and it showed 430am. *sigh* there we go again, another sleepless night for me.
The little boy decided to wake up and play at such an ungodly hour. I quickly lie him down and tried to breastfeed him, my last attempt in making him fall back asleep but NO! He has other plans in mind.
He rolled around, climbed up and down, stood up on his own and nearly went crashing into the wall *heart attack* and pulling my hair. He got onto my nerves when he decided to yank my hair real hard so I whacked him at his thighs. That quiet him down for a while.. and soon he was rubbing his eyes and yawning away. *phew* L
ike a little puppy trying to find a suitable place to pee, my son a suitable spot to sleep, he settled right beside his father's snoring back and fell asleep there.
So dangerous but I decided its best to leave them father and son alone and go back to do what I do best -SLEEP!
Crawled over to my side and started holding on to me to want to stand up. OMG!!! Whats the meaning?? I glanced over at the clock and it showed 430am. *sigh* there we go again, another sleepless night for me.
The little boy decided to wake up and play at such an ungodly hour. I quickly lie him down and tried to breastfeed him, my last attempt in making him fall back asleep but NO! He has other plans in mind.
He rolled around, climbed up and down, stood up on his own and nearly went crashing into the wall *heart attack* and pulling my hair. He got onto my nerves when he decided to yank my hair real hard so I whacked him at his thighs. That quiet him down for a while.. and soon he was rubbing his eyes and yawning away. *phew* L
ike a little puppy trying to find a suitable place to pee, my son a suitable spot to sleep, he settled right beside his father's snoring back and fell asleep there.
So dangerous but I decided its best to leave them father and son alone and go back to do what I do best -SLEEP!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Predictable life
went to One U for lunch with mother.
thought of going for a fringe trim but Eva was on leave so scrap that...
shopped for a patterned tights -found it!
Jaden is sleepy.
rushed home, bathed him and let him nap.
Jaden woke up two hours later.
fed him porridge.
took mother and Jaden out to Ming Tien for dinner.
have not been there for a year already.
finally home, and time for my TV programmes.
time to relax?
the only time to unwind would be when the boy finally falls asleep till tomorrow morning and the whole cycle repeats...
my life is so predictable
who wants to switch with me for just a few hours?
Just kidding!
thought of going for a fringe trim but Eva was on leave so scrap that...
shopped for a patterned tights -found it!
Jaden is sleepy.
rushed home, bathed him and let him nap.
Jaden woke up two hours later.
fed him porridge.
took mother and Jaden out to Ming Tien for dinner.
have not been there for a year already.
finally home, and time for my TV programmes.
time to relax?
the only time to unwind would be when the boy finally falls asleep till tomorrow morning and the whole cycle repeats...
my life is so predictable
who wants to switch with me for just a few hours?
Just kidding!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
F for funky
He loves his mooncakes and he loves them funky. While his father is a big fan of funky tasting F&B, this little boy too developed a taste for funky tasting one. This time, contradicting with his father's taste bud -PAPAYA MILK MOCHI.
Hubby says he went depressed after eating (only a quarter of a slice, mind you). He says its as if he just ate KLCC's toilet.
Jaden, couldn't stop asking for more and more of that slice.
Hmm.. The two boys in my life has funky taste and descriptions for their food.
Took him to Midvalley's Toys'R'Us today to find his birthday present. There was only one left and the box looked as if it went to war and back. So disappointing. Didn't get it because the box looked really battered. Going to try Subang Parade Toys'R'Us and see.. hmm.. hoping they have lots of them in stock.
OMG, two more weeks to his ONE YEAR OLD mark!!! I am getting really excited now...
Hubby says he went depressed after eating (only a quarter of a slice, mind you). He says its as if he just ate KLCC's toilet.
Jaden, couldn't stop asking for more and more of that slice.
Hmm.. The two boys in my life has funky taste and descriptions for their food.
Took him to Midvalley's Toys'R'Us today to find his birthday present. There was only one left and the box looked as if it went to war and back. So disappointing. Didn't get it because the box looked really battered. Going to try Subang Parade Toys'R'Us and see.. hmm.. hoping they have lots of them in stock.
OMG, two more weeks to his ONE YEAR OLD mark!!! I am getting really excited now...
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
Its the time of the year where I will go ooo lala over mooncakes. I *heart* mooncakes. I love them... just absolutely love them, better still if there is double yolk in them but anyhow, if they are mooncakes. I simply adore them. MMm..
Hubby got ourselves only a box this year because
1: We then, weren't aware of the date till Aunt Lin informed us late last night.
2: Can't eat much either because of bad throat infection going on -don't want to risk losing voice.
3: So Jaden can have his first try of mooncake, nibbles but will do for now.
5: Not so keen on devouring them much this year.

We got Jaden his first battery operated Winnie-the-Pooh lantern too. Just to signify the festival and let him have a go at being Chinese and celebrating festivals like these. He seems to like his lantern at first but now, all he wants to do to ALL his toys is to throw them on to the floor to see us pick up after him. He finds that entertaining. *sigh* My little boy... so naughty!
Hubby is watching his Liverpool vs. Man Utd game right now. Earlier on, when Man Utd scored in the first few minutes, he was cursing like mad. Cursing till dead bodies could turn in their grave but well, he only meant well for Liverpool's sake. He is such a diehard Liverpool fan. That meaning Jaden will be growing up *forcibly* to be a Liverpool supporter too. Seeding exercises has already begun for the little boy.. hehehe =)
Mother went for her brain scan yesterday morning. We will only get to know about the results in two weeks time. Dad went back up north again and will be back in a fortnight too, for mother's checkup and also Jaden's First Birthday.
Speaking of Jaden's birthday, I haven't got things ironed out yet. Damnit! Got to start working on it now.. so ciao ciao till then.

Hubby got ourselves only a box this year because
1: We then, weren't aware of the date till Aunt Lin informed us late last night.
2: Can't eat much either because of bad throat infection going on -don't want to risk losing voice.
3: So Jaden can have his first try of mooncake, nibbles but will do for now.
5: Not so keen on devouring them much this year.

We got Jaden his first battery operated Winnie-the-Pooh lantern too. Just to signify the festival and let him have a go at being Chinese and celebrating festivals like these. He seems to like his lantern at first but now, all he wants to do to ALL his toys is to throw them on to the floor to see us pick up after him. He finds that entertaining. *sigh* My little boy... so naughty!
Hubby is watching his Liverpool vs. Man Utd game right now. Earlier on, when Man Utd scored in the first few minutes, he was cursing like mad. Cursing till dead bodies could turn in their grave but well, he only meant well for Liverpool's sake. He is such a diehard Liverpool fan. That meaning Jaden will be growing up *forcibly* to be a Liverpool supporter too. Seeding exercises has already begun for the little boy.. hehehe =)
Mother went for her brain scan yesterday morning. We will only get to know about the results in two weeks time. Dad went back up north again and will be back in a fortnight too, for mother's checkup and also Jaden's First Birthday.
Speaking of Jaden's birthday, I haven't got things ironed out yet. Damnit! Got to start working on it now.. so ciao ciao till then.

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Puking and having a headache at the same time is NO FUN
Three nights ago, after downing a whole piece of 2 roti canai, earlier, fried rice .. I think my tummy could not accept the oil thus making me puke like waterworks and also gave me a throbbing headache, which I downed 4 panadols in the timeframe of just 2 hours each. I just could not stay up to take care of Jaden nor could I open my eyes. Both eyeballs hurt like mad and well, Jaden on the bed with me was not a very good idea then. He ended up being scolded really harshly by me and Hubby have to come to rescue. (rescue the baby, not me) Hubby took him out to the living room while I thought I would just lie down for 15 minutes without any interruption just to see if the headache would go away. I doubt its just a mere headache. Its migrane I think. Nyways, Hubby could not take it anymore, juggling between a baby in hand, watching out for the naughty rabbit and doing work in front of the comp at the same time. So he took Jaden in and asked me if I slept off.. I jumped up and muttered something in mandarin. Of all languages to reply Hubby, I replied in Mandarin. I found it funny myself after a while. Jaden, by then was already tired, so it was quite easy putting to bed and breastfeeding him till he slept off. Me, then, dozed off to never never land and never looked back since till morning. Life can be such a bitch when you have a demanding baby to look after and at the same time, trying not to fall sick, have a tummyache, headache or anything that can go wrong with the body. Because if anything does go wrong with my body functions, Hubby would then be stressed out having to juggle the amount of work he has and yah, a demanding baby and two rabbits. So it is my job to keep myself healthy at all times... *tough luck tho this week.. been having cough n flu, must have caught it from Hubby and Jaden, who has the runny nose now...*
My mother is still here staying with me. Maybe at the end of the month or next month after the Raya holiday, shall let her go back to Penang for a few days, under tight supervision of my dad because she has to keep taking her meds daily... and let her do whatever she wants to do in Penang. She kinda is homesick in a way already... She worries about the state her house is in. Almost a month already now that she is here with me. So far so good. Housework I no longer have to worry. i know.. I am such a bad daughter right, but she insist on helping out with housework because if not, she will even be more bored. She can't sit still to watch TV, she is not allowed to go down and walk on her own as I am scared she gets lost and she does not have a handphone anymore, mind you. And that, well... its just her la, always cleaning and cleaning one thing after another. She is going to have a CTG scan this Fri morning. Hoepfully everything is fine. Dad would be down here in KL again tomorrow to accompany her to the hospital. This time round, its too early for me and there is absolutely no one to take care of Jaden so I am going to be home waiting for results instead...
Ma-in-law came down today to Aunt Lin's. She would not be turning up for Jaden's birthday as she says that during that time, its near to Raya and that means no bus back to Melaka. Bus tickets are sold out everywhere. There are options of course, which I do question but well, its up to her la if she wants to make it to Jaden's birthday a not. Afterall, her said intention this time is to come and see Jaden as she will be missing out during the real date... so well.. afterall, this will be her first time seeing Jaden this year. The last she saw of Jaden was during his full moon dinner,
Hubby and I have chosen the location for Jaden's birthday but we have yet to sign and seal the place with the location. Goi to see if we can dig something better out from them before we sign the final proposed quotations. Hey, afterall we have been dealing with all these caterings, events to know what we could actually nego for a pretty good deal. With Hubby around, no one can shortchange him. *gRin* Usually others would have it done grandly in their homes and have caterers come over... too bad we dont own a landed property or else, I swear we would have done the same. The in-laws place are out of bounds thats for sure..... and anyway now that we have come to a decision on the location, going to settle on it soon.. I hope on that day, nobody is going to give a smarty ass comment on the location or food. If they do, they can go pay it themselves or out you go from the party. =) Am I being a sweet girl or what?
Rites.. now I got to quickly go bathe before Jaden wakes up or Hubby comes home and freshen up before his next meeting. So till then ciao ciao.
My mother is still here staying with me. Maybe at the end of the month or next month after the Raya holiday, shall let her go back to Penang for a few days, under tight supervision of my dad because she has to keep taking her meds daily... and let her do whatever she wants to do in Penang. She kinda is homesick in a way already... She worries about the state her house is in. Almost a month already now that she is here with me. So far so good. Housework I no longer have to worry. i know.. I am such a bad daughter right, but she insist on helping out with housework because if not, she will even be more bored. She can't sit still to watch TV, she is not allowed to go down and walk on her own as I am scared she gets lost and she does not have a handphone anymore, mind you. And that, well... its just her la, always cleaning and cleaning one thing after another. She is going to have a CTG scan this Fri morning. Hoepfully everything is fine. Dad would be down here in KL again tomorrow to accompany her to the hospital. This time round, its too early for me and there is absolutely no one to take care of Jaden so I am going to be home waiting for results instead...
Ma-in-law came down today to Aunt Lin's. She would not be turning up for Jaden's birthday as she says that during that time, its near to Raya and that means no bus back to Melaka. Bus tickets are sold out everywhere. There are options of course, which I do question but well, its up to her la if she wants to make it to Jaden's birthday a not. Afterall, her said intention this time is to come and see Jaden as she will be missing out during the real date... so well.. afterall, this will be her first time seeing Jaden this year. The last she saw of Jaden was during his full moon dinner,
Hubby and I have chosen the location for Jaden's birthday but we have yet to sign and seal the place with the location. Goi to see if we can dig something better out from them before we sign the final proposed quotations. Hey, afterall we have been dealing with all these caterings, events to know what we could actually nego for a pretty good deal. With Hubby around, no one can shortchange him. *gRin* Usually others would have it done grandly in their homes and have caterers come over... too bad we dont own a landed property or else, I swear we would have done the same. The in-laws place are out of bounds thats for sure..... and anyway now that we have come to a decision on the location, going to settle on it soon.. I hope on that day, nobody is going to give a smarty ass comment on the location or food. If they do, they can go pay it themselves or out you go from the party. =) Am I being a sweet girl or what?
Rites.. now I got to quickly go bathe before Jaden wakes up or Hubby comes home and freshen up before his next meeting. So till then ciao ciao.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
3 ways
of how I wake my mommy up.
1. Pull her hair. Tug at it as hard as I can. (Mommy is still not moving nor does she have any reaction to all those hair pulling.. hmmm)
2. Knock my head against her. Gently. Don't want to hurt myself in the process do I? (Mommy took up her hands and block her head.. clever.. but still her eyes are not opened..)
Final move that will confirm Mommy to open her eyes instantly.
3. BITE her cheeks as hard as I can.
Ok.. mommy is up and wide-eye now. Yay! Breakfast time!!!
1. Pull her hair. Tug at it as hard as I can. (Mommy is still not moving nor does she have any reaction to all those hair pulling.. hmmm)
2. Knock my head against her. Gently. Don't want to hurt myself in the process do I? (Mommy took up her hands and block her head.. clever.. but still her eyes are not opened..)
Final move that will confirm Mommy to open her eyes instantly.
3. BITE her cheeks as hard as I can.
Ok.. mommy is up and wide-eye now. Yay! Breakfast time!!!
Jaden Simon Yap
Jaden Simon Yap
To answer your question, Ms Ho
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Happy Full Moon lil Baby Howard Au-Yong !!
Today is my Sis's and David Au-Yong's baby Howard's Full Moon party. Can't believe it that its already a month since he popped out to meet the world. My family and I have yet to see the baby so we are all excited to meet the new addition to the family.
Come to think of it, I have not even seen my sis's pregnant self the whole of her 10 months ordeal. Everytime I smsed her or call her to want to meet up, she has plans of her own or she is just too tired to come out. That I'd understand because pregnant ladies do get tired easily. *ahem* I myself could just fall asleep anytime anywhere when I was pregnant. All I wanted to do was just eat and eat and sleep and pee and pee and eat and eat and sleep again.
*OMG! * I am so darn excited.. can't wait for later.... I am going to be called EE EE.. and Simon "Tiao Tiao" hahahahha that sounds really old for Simon don't you think so?
Just came back from the Howard's full moon party dinner at Janbo Restaurant @ Cheras. Food is nothing to shout about. Typical 9 course Chinese food with karaoke sets in the room and the usual chitter chatters you hear over every Chinese dinners. The main person that everybody was there to see was only Howard and only Howard.
Everybody, meet my latest nephew, Jaden's cousin!
Come to think of it, I have not even seen my sis's pregnant self the whole of her 10 months ordeal. Everytime I smsed her or call her to want to meet up, she has plans of her own or she is just too tired to come out. That I'd understand because pregnant ladies do get tired easily. *ahem* I myself could just fall asleep anytime anywhere when I was pregnant. All I wanted to do was just eat and eat and sleep and pee and pee and eat and eat and sleep again.
*OMG! * I am so darn excited.. can't wait for later.... I am going to be called EE EE.. and Simon "Tiao Tiao" hahahahha that sounds really old for Simon don't you think so?
Just came back from the Howard's full moon party dinner at Janbo Restaurant @ Cheras. Food is nothing to shout about. Typical 9 course Chinese food with karaoke sets in the room and the usual chitter chatters you hear over every Chinese dinners. The main person that everybody was there to see was only Howard and only Howard.
Everybody, meet my latest nephew, Jaden's cousin!
Aren't newborns just cutie pies? So darn cute and vulnerable looking, the looks are all shouting out "Love me! Love me!"
Howard is pretty quiet compared to Jaden on his full moon dinner party. The little baby is shedding off his baby hair, so that explains why he has little hair right now. Howard was just passed around from arms to arms, and adults cooing at him. *sigh* I missed my little newborn too, come to think of it.
Howard is pretty quiet compared to Jaden on his full moon dinner party. The little baby is shedding off his baby hair, so that explains why he has little hair right now. Howard was just passed around from arms to arms, and adults cooing at him. *sigh* I missed my little newborn too, come to think of it.
Do you think he look like his parents?
Jaden was excited to be there. There were lots of other kids and that really caught his attention. He was even grooving to some uncle and boy singing karaoke. He really enjoyed himself at the dinner party.
Me being me of course, would camwhore a lil... and this is two of the many photos of my own family...
Me being me of course, would camwhore a lil... and this is two of the many photos of my own family...
Of course, how could the night possibly end for me without carrying my new nephew? I simply just have to. Feeling a little shaky and scared about newborns and their fragility.. but as soon as he was in my arms.. it all came back au naturel .. After carrying Jaden for like 12 months in my arms and not touching another baby, carrying Howard is like carrying a fluffy pillow compared to carrying a gunny sack full of rice *grin*
Not a very friendly post
I got 'hantam' real real bad as soon as I finished my sentence yesterday informing Hubby of the mistake I made. 'HANTAM' for quite some time but I deserved it. This is one scolding that I didn't go BUTS or NO-LAHHHH because I memang deserved to be given that scolding..
We took mother out to have dinner last night at our fav Thai food place at Amcorp last night but that restaurant soon entered into our blacklist. I tell you why. As everybody knows, its the time of Ramadhan and so when its Buka Puasa time, it is well known that NO FREAKING non-Muslims would want to fight for dinner seats with them. Anyway, we reached there rather at 8pm and still seats were full. The waiters and waitresses then asked me how many people. I said 3. Hubby wasn't there with us yet. He was upstairs surveying toys. So mother, Jaden and I waited for an empty table of 3 excluding Jaden of course. Then after like 20 minutes of standing and carrying Jaden, my mood turned pissy and a couple rose from their table. It was a table fit only for 2. ONLY FOR 2. Then the waiters and waitresses keep ushering us to sit there. Sit there while I kept insisting that there was 3 of us. Then they gave me a funny look like "BUT HES ONLY A BABY!" till I replied them in a haughty manner that there is another adult YOU IDIOTS!
Just a minute or 2 before Hubby came down, we got ourselves the table. When the waitress put the menus down on the table, they did the FIRST mistake by putting it RIGHT IN FRONT OF JADEN. Of course, by instinct and curiousity, the boy would want to pick it up and play around with it right? So I went to take another two for my mother and myself to order whatever we wanted. Bla bla bla.. we ordered and soon, we were left with that one menu only in Jaden's hand which is keeping him happy and quiet. He was only holding it. NOT BITING IT OR BENDING IT WHATSOEVER. Then the STUPID IDIOTIC BABOON OF THAT WAITER JUST HAVE TO COME AND TAKE IT AWAY FROM JADEN, CAUSING THE SMALL STRUGGLE BETWEEN HIM AND JADEN'S GRASP, CAUSING JADEN TO TOPPLE TO HIS SIDE A BIT AND MAKING JADEN CRY. THE FUCKER MADE MY SON CRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL FOR A MENU WHICH THEY HAD SO MANY OTHER MORE SITTING THERE AND THERE WAS NO MORE CUSTOMERS COMING IN. SO WHY THE FUCK CAN'T JADEN HOLD ON TO THE MENU. AND HOW MUCH COULD THE MENU COST? So for making my son cry, Hubby and I blacklisted them for good now. Never again shall we ever step foot into that filthy restaurant ever again for its hostile hospitality and services. RAK THAI is not a baby-friendly place I tell you. Especially that IDIOTIC waiter.
o.Oh and just a note out there too.. if you happen to make my son cry or bully my son, well, Hubby and I would blacklist you too.. OR when the boy is a little bigger, we would teach him to fend for himself. So he will either hit you or be sarcastic back to you, DON'T BLAME US. We are only merely teaching him to fend for himself in this cruel world out here if he is treated unfairly or bullied for no apparent reason. Hey! Look at his father! You think his father will let you bully him? Do you dare to bully the father? IF you don't. don't even try the son because the son has TWO VERY VERY PROTECTIVE parents! Thank you for your kind attention! *gRin*
We took mother out to have dinner last night at our fav Thai food place at Amcorp last night but that restaurant soon entered into our blacklist. I tell you why. As everybody knows, its the time of Ramadhan and so when its Buka Puasa time, it is well known that NO FREAKING non-Muslims would want to fight for dinner seats with them. Anyway, we reached there rather at 8pm and still seats were full. The waiters and waitresses then asked me how many people. I said 3. Hubby wasn't there with us yet. He was upstairs surveying toys. So mother, Jaden and I waited for an empty table of 3 excluding Jaden of course. Then after like 20 minutes of standing and carrying Jaden, my mood turned pissy and a couple rose from their table. It was a table fit only for 2. ONLY FOR 2. Then the waiters and waitresses keep ushering us to sit there. Sit there while I kept insisting that there was 3 of us. Then they gave me a funny look like "BUT HES ONLY A BABY!" till I replied them in a haughty manner that there is another adult YOU IDIOTS!
Just a minute or 2 before Hubby came down, we got ourselves the table. When the waitress put the menus down on the table, they did the FIRST mistake by putting it RIGHT IN FRONT OF JADEN. Of course, by instinct and curiousity, the boy would want to pick it up and play around with it right? So I went to take another two for my mother and myself to order whatever we wanted. Bla bla bla.. we ordered and soon, we were left with that one menu only in Jaden's hand which is keeping him happy and quiet. He was only holding it. NOT BITING IT OR BENDING IT WHATSOEVER. Then the STUPID IDIOTIC BABOON OF THAT WAITER JUST HAVE TO COME AND TAKE IT AWAY FROM JADEN, CAUSING THE SMALL STRUGGLE BETWEEN HIM AND JADEN'S GRASP, CAUSING JADEN TO TOPPLE TO HIS SIDE A BIT AND MAKING JADEN CRY. THE FUCKER MADE MY SON CRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL FOR A MENU WHICH THEY HAD SO MANY OTHER MORE SITTING THERE AND THERE WAS NO MORE CUSTOMERS COMING IN. SO WHY THE FUCK CAN'T JADEN HOLD ON TO THE MENU. AND HOW MUCH COULD THE MENU COST? So for making my son cry, Hubby and I blacklisted them for good now. Never again shall we ever step foot into that filthy restaurant ever again for its hostile hospitality and services. RAK THAI is not a baby-friendly place I tell you. Especially that IDIOTIC waiter.
o.Oh and just a note out there too.. if you happen to make my son cry or bully my son, well, Hubby and I would blacklist you too.. OR when the boy is a little bigger, we would teach him to fend for himself. So he will either hit you or be sarcastic back to you, DON'T BLAME US. We are only merely teaching him to fend for himself in this cruel world out here if he is treated unfairly or bullied for no apparent reason. Hey! Look at his father! You think his father will let you bully him? Do you dare to bully the father? IF you don't. don't even try the son because the son has TWO VERY VERY PROTECTIVE parents! Thank you for your kind attention! *gRin*
Friday, September 5, 2008
o.Oh I did a boo boo
oops.. i did a boo bo with emails and all.. o.Oh I did a boo boo..
sorry... my bad my bad!
*slaps ownself*
sorry... my bad my bad!
*slaps ownself*
Thursday, September 4, 2008
How on earth did he do it?
Just two nights ago, while I was sitting down on the floor watching some TV programme.. oh yah, if I am not mistaken, Lipstick Jungle.. I suddenly found my son standing beside me, holding on to the couch for support. He was in his walker just like a few minutes ago and then STANDING BESIDE ME? OMG! He practically did it this time. Climbed out from his walker, totally oblivious to the potential danger he faces in case his walker gives way when he climbed out. How la like that? Would an investment in a playpen help now?
Monday, September 1, 2008
My stuntman!
Jaden is getting naughtier and naughtier by the day. He is so oblivious to danger and hurt he could have caused himself just because he wants to reach out for the things he want. When he is out to get that thing, he is all the way out. He would clamber out from his walker onto either the couch, the book shelf and sometimes south down to the floor just to get the book / toy he made fell. Even after endless harsh scoldings, smacks on the hands and legs, he will still insist. Today I found a new gadget to whack him with. A ruler. To whack on his palm and leg if he insist on doing such dangerous stunts. He is very very naughty and it does not help with Hubby pampering him, giving in to those smiles. I, on the other hand, is prepared to be the bad cop that will whack if he deserves to be whack to be reminded that he is doing something naughty and bad!
Of endless bickerings and leeches lurching
Is there not much hype or am I just the only one not feeling the 'love-in-the-air' for this time round's Merdeka day?
or maybe we are just all jaded with all the political bickering going on in the country?
When can we go back to our normal lives in peace and harmony while the Government really do their job in ensuring the safety and peace in this country.
*sigh* Now that Ramadhan starts tomorrow, it means that Raya is just next month.
Would the leeches be out to suck blood again? *wink* Or would they only strike the Chinese a month before CNY?
or maybe we are just all jaded with all the political bickering going on in the country?
When can we go back to our normal lives in peace and harmony while the Government really do their job in ensuring the safety and peace in this country.
*sigh* Now that Ramadhan starts tomorrow, it means that Raya is just next month.
Would the leeches be out to suck blood again? *wink* Or would they only strike the Chinese a month before CNY?
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