8th March 2014 is a day that I
would remember for quite some time. If not, as long as I live.
Mason turns exactly 3 months old and that is
also the day MH370 went missing on their route from KL-Beijing.
The whole of Malaysia and other countries are
now praying hard for the return of MH370.
Although today is already the 8th
day as we speak, chances of survival are really low but we are still praying,
for at least the aircraft to be found so we all can have some inkling to what
happened and also closure for the family members of the affected passengers and
crew members on board.
A lot of countries have stepped in to help us
in this search and rescue (SAR) mission to allocate the aircraft. From the
South China Sea, the search has now extended over to the west coast of
Peninsular Malaysia, into Straits of Malacca and the Andaman Sea.
The missing flight had more stories than just
vanishing into thin air. Turned out, there were two passengers who managed to
board the flight using false passports. Now, not only our country is being
watched by others to hear some positive news of the SAR, we are under scrutiny
for our country security lapse.
Hubby and I have been tuning in to every press
conference that Astro Awani is airing live, hoping each day that we tuned in, we
get to hear good news. Alas, that has yet to happen but our hope still stays.
Rain is scarce these days and the whole of
KL/Petaling Jaya has started water rationing. *touch wood* To add on to the
suffering of living with water ration, the city is shrouded with haze as high
as 300 API for Klang district and 186 for Petaling district.
This haze lasted
for about a week and it was at its worst last three days.
Funny how the MOE
still have not declared schools to be closed when API hits 150. They only close
schools in Klang because that was at a deadly hazardous level. I made Jaden
stayed home for the past two days. I could not bring myself to allow my
children to go out and breathe those nasties, although school did mentioned
that they will be keeping the children indoors but hey, I rather keep mine at
My eyes watered immediately the moment I stepped out of the house, how
much worse would it be for my two young children?
Jaden, I really wished I am able to sit down
with him to do work, to be much more patient with him but my temperament gets
the better out of me. I am such a monster. With the little brother clinging on
to me, wanting to be in my arms always, Jaden knows he has the advantage of
misbehaving and I can’t do much to correct that behaviour of his. The only good
I get out of it is that it forces him to eat independently, though I still have
to spoonfeed him from time to time as I could not bear to deal with the spills
on the floor, shirt and table.
Mason is observing all of us and I wonder what
goes through his little mind. I want to be able to correct my
parenting/teaching skills with him, to right things from wrong that I did with
Jaden. Though this time, I hope that Jaden will be able to learn as well from
his brother’s learning pace. It is so hard to sit both of them down together to
play/read/work together. I can’t even find time to go to toilet to pee. That is
how hand-tied I am with the little one, my koala bear.
15th March
The Prime Minister just announced that the
search has turned completely from its course, heading towards the Southern
Corridor and the flight ended there, where it is a very remote area and no
possible landing marks.
So now, the SAR team are racing against time
to search for possible debris sightings and God willing, the blackbox so
everyone affected can come to a closure.
Somehow through this MH370 incident, I am able
to narrow down who I would like to have some intelligent talk with and not just
someone who bangs the government for whatever they do.
I believe that our government is trying their
best in coordinating this SAR exercise, and also seeing to the affected family
members’ needs. One who just blabs and criticize our Malaysian government most
probably have not heard from the affected family’s mouth on how well they are
taken care of by MAS and the caregivers and how information is always provided
to them first hand basis once it is verified so as not to bring or break their
As for the Chinese, I cannot understand why
they are asking questions or throwing blame that are really unprecedented, that
no one saw coming. Did anyone see 911 coming? Did anyone criticize US for their
SAR efforts and put blame on how the westerners for Osama’s attacks? Why did he
do it in the first place? Did anyone in USA trigger him to come to that barbaric
The Chinese are able to condemn us because we, Malaysians condemn our own
country. I believe it is the time to stand united and let the government do
their job, while we observe. Hey, this SAR exercise will really have quite a
big say in us re-electing our government at the next election, provided no
dirty tricks are played then.
April 1st
Mason is turning 4 months old soon.
He is able to roll himself from tummytime to
his back, selectively of course if he is feeling like it and also, from his
back to tummy time. These actions are still a little assisted from time to time
but we are getting there.
I had a run-in with dwindling milk supply last
week for about two days. Got my heart palpitating as it reminded me of the same
scenario when Jaden, too was three or four months old and I was feeling all
sick, took meds and milk supply really went low on me. It always stresses me
out because both my boys do not take to bottle so it is head-scratching on how
to make sure that they stay well-fed. Luckily, I got to pinpoint my milk
boosters and of course, eating like a pig.
Durian is a really good milk booster, followed by red bean buns/red bean
dessert, lactating red date tea and pizza and rice. Yes, rice is essential in
my daily diet to make sure that the tap doesn’t run dry.
Mason is starting to play too, with much more
baby babbles and laughter and the mischievious antics that he seduces us with.
He still only have eyes for his brother, then me and then only Hubs but hey, I
am not complaining. It really is very helpful when I need to do some housework
and Jaden is there to distract him.. for a few seconds at least.
Mason catnaps mostly during the day but his
bedtime routine still remains the same. *phew* Usually I would have these
little plans of getting to have some me time after putting Mason to bed at
night.. and I fail right there. I would fall asleep too as soon as the little
boy dozes off. Taking care of two boys with different needs and wants can
really suck the energy out of you and all you want to do is lie down, close
your eyes till the next daylight.
Jaden is a very sweet boy, still kissing his
brother from time to time, holding his hands or pinching his brother’s fishball
cheeks. *sigh* I really pray they grow up close knit and loving towards each
Jaden has shown some signs of jealousy but not to the extend of hurting
his brother. Instead, he will try to vie for attention, coming to sit on our
lap, kissing us, hugging us or trying to play with us.
Usually Hubs will be the
main fellow Jaden turns to, then only me.. I will, too attend to him if I am
not feeding, changing Mason’s diapers , bathing Mason or putting Mason to bed.
But oh well, its tough trying to balance out the attention right now.. will get
easier with time and hoping Jaden won’t shut himself up on me then.