Thursday, April 5, 2012


These has been going on with me for several days now, happened the past few weeks too where I can't seem to fall asleep, no matter how I try to shut my mind off. I just can't sleep.

Time seems to go by slowly while I toss and turn in my bed, wrapped under my comforter, hoping that my movements will not wake my little precious up.

Sometimes it gets so bad, I just need to come out from the room, leaving my two boys to the big bed while I will end up in front of the comp. On lucky days, I will probably have the drama episodes to catch up on that can help me pass the time much easier and of course, entertaining my boredom.

Some people would likely be doing some housework but well, knowing me, someone who is so so not trained for housework would procrastinate. The most I will do is do the laundry or prepare food for Jaden. Cleaning, I may not be sleepy but the whole body is tired.

I, no longer have the luxury to nap anymore. Jaden's therapy hours are arranged almost throughout the day and that, I have to be on my utmost alert as he might either throw tantrum, have pee accidents that I may need to clean up, hungry during his break time which means I have got to prepare his meals before he comes out for his break, clean up the dishes and pots after that to prepare for the next meal time. Bathing him, watching over him when the one therapists leaves for the day and he has that 1-1.5 hrs interval before the next therapist comes and by that time, its already nighttime. Time for dinner, washup, cleanup, wind him down and its bedtime by then.

And with each bedtime, I pray for a long good night sleep, only to suffer from insomnia and that sucks, because not only it will affect my next day cycle and also make my dark circles even darker. Not meaning to be racist but my dark circles could probably match a Southern Indian's skin colour with just a night of no sleep. That is how bad my dark circles can get, and pimples sprouting out... and the one I wish it never happens -migraine that no 2 panadols can help.

So for now, I am going to try to lie down a bit on the couch for at least half hour to have some power nap before its time to wake Jaden up to start his day. I need it badly.. :p

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