Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Blood -Round TWO

Today, we went for another round of blood draw for Jaden. His doctor has advised us to do another round of test after his second round of drug-based antifungal, just to test his liver, kidney and have a complete blood count once again to make sure he is in the pink of health before we embark on this procrastinated chelation journey.

This time. I have another mother who joined me this trip, bringing her son along for his blood test too. Hers is rather extensive compared to Jaden this time round. Hers must be similar to Jaden's first blood draw last year in December.

I called the lab this morning and enquire about foreigners doing the procedure and what is it that they must bring. Turns out to be only the passport and of course the prescription letter by the doctor.

As I walked in through that glass door with Jaden, the lab technician and the receptionist took a look at me and say, AGAIN? 

i am a little amused that they remembered both Jaden and I. Must be their first time having to draw 3.5 tubes of blood from a child.

BUT little did they know that this time, they are going to have to draw from two children. ASD children at that. Its a challenge, I am telling you.

I mean, if you tell a neurotypical kid not to move, at least they understand a little and will be scared and not move that much but our children, the ones that are most sensitive to touches and us having to hold them down and strangers poking needles into their arms, they of course will scream their head off and try to fight their way out from those firm grasp. 

Jaden only had to draw one tube of blood this time and since his vein was exceptionally easy to find and poke into, blood was just running out as fast as they could as soon as they poke the needle in. It was over in like less than a minute. 

My friend's boy had a different case. Finding the veins in him was difficult, and that of course has got him started struggling and crying. I really felt for both mother and child. 

Worst thing was that his blood was so thick, it takes a loooong time to fill up even a tube and we had to rest for a while before switching arms to draw blood from the other arm. Blood traces was found splattered over his tshirt and mummy's arm as well.

The mom told me she was near to tears while she was singing twinkle twinkle little stars to help calm her son down while they were drawing blood from him. I totally understand how she feels. 

Her case took rather a while, as for us, while they were busy drawing blood from the little boy, I had to take Jaden off to the toilet to collect his pee sample. I am glad we have finally got him to pee on demand so it really made life easier, not having me to make two trips to the lab.

Of course the boys were in tears after the thing, but they quickly recovered from all that, and was themselves again while we mothers, especially my friend, was much more stressed out than her son.

It is always a pain to see our child in pain, wishing we could take the pain for them instead, don't we?

Anyway, now that this is over and hopefully we don't have to do it for a loooong loooong time, we shall just wait for the results and hope everything is on the normal or better range.


tanshuyin said...

It is hard even for me too when I see them pining Shern down to draw his blood. And I actually cried the last time they did it.

blubbieMs said...

Shu Yin, I think I am a bit sadistic that way. My heart breaks too but I guess I was strong in that sense that I didn't break down. My husband will be the one that will totally break down and cry and I am the cow that holds her child tight and assure him its ok and will be over in a second. But it sure is a painful experience anyway for both parent and child. :(