Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bad habits are hard to break

My sleep cycle is never really stable.

There are times when I will be sleeping till past noon, and still feel that its not enough and there are times like these, where I automatically open my eyes at about 630-ish-730am and then, no matter how hard I try to go back to sleep, I just can't.

and then, at about 12pm, I feel sleepy back again.

* yawn *

Here I go .. already feeling the call of my bed but there is only an hour more to go before the boy has got to wake up and prepare for his classes today.

I never learn my lesson.

I figured that if I drink any coffee or tea, nearing lets say evening time onwards, its gonna be one loooonnnnng night for me before I can even fall asleep. Most probably when the rooster starts his day, that is when I will only be able to fall asleep. If not, I am like on some adrenaline run that I just need to be wide awake.

and Sunday's Macchiato Latte killed me yesterday, it has now turn my cycle to waking up at about 7-ish now.. hopefully not for long.. :p

I need my beauty, mind-recharging sleep.

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