Sunday, April 4, 2010

Such is Life

9am : Alarm rang

917am : Jumped out of bed, bathed and got ready

945am : Take baby stroller down to the basement carpark and put it inside the car first

10am : Washed baby bottle properly and make milk for Jaden

1005am : Woke Jaden up and let him drink his milk

1020am : Bathed Jaden and got him ready for his school

1050am : Apply make up, final check on baby diaper/wipes and socks

1105am : Warm car engine, put in gear, ready to drive out...

1107am : Stop car, got down, take a look..

1115am : Upstairs putting Jaden to bed... AGAIN


just because the front tyre by the driver's side is SO PUNTURED, until the rims also look as if it wants to pop out!

*sigh* such is life

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