Friday, January 22, 2010

Upside Down Inside Out Schedule

It has been a mad month for me in Jan. Everything is just not happening as usual, and by my usual I mean, my cooking at home.

Hubby is downright busy with work and that means alot of meetings till late in the evening and by the time he is home, all he wants to do is just sit in front of his comp and finish up whatever work left to do and then, its off to zzz=land for him and then early next morning, the whole cycle starts again.

yah! he looks something like that now minus the hair on the head and tie around his neck...

Don't get me wrong. I am totally all thumbs up that Hubby is not home mostly because that means I get to do my own things at my pace, and without Hubby to occasionally either shout for me to take Jaden away from the computer table or hearing him complain of the hot weather. Yim yim ngam ngam.. LOL

I just don't like the idea of cooking for myself to eat at home. Its kind of sad yet I am so lazy to even want to step out of the house. Most of the time, I am satisfied with packet noodles, my soba noodles or bread with curry chicken or well, food delivery from Old Town or Dominos but all this aint healthy. At least Jaden gets to eat his home-cooked porridge.

Just like last night, since mother in law was down in town, Hubby have to put his one two hours aside to go bring her out for dinner and when he comes back home, its an immediate back to the comp chair and starts typing, planning and typing away and it does not help with him having a sore neck.

He looks like a turtle that cannot turn his head left or right.. Instead, he has to turn the whole body round just to see what is happening if he is interested in something. Actually, this sore neck would come in handy when it comes to looking at other female species other than yours truly.. LOL but well, a sore neck is no good when he has to go for endless meetings and tons of work to do. Hopefully, the sore neck will go away by tonight or recover fully when the new week commences.

Now I am contemplating whether to just go ahead and cook dinner and well, if Hubby wants to eat, then he eats, if not then I shall just pack it all up and save for my lunch.

If I don't cook, my beautiful asparagus is going to wilt silly and they won't be tasting good. Hmm... maybe I will just whip up two dishes then and only go off to Tesco in the night. Wait.. I totally forgot about my baby rabbits' pellets. Need to head to the petshop to buy their pellets. Mmm..

damnit! I think I will only cook for lunch tomorrow then. Dinner, we can have it outside or ta-paoed. There is other work to be done out here in the house. I really need to get down on fours to clean my bathroom. That I really had procrastinated too long.

Jaden woke up at 830 this morning. For what reason, I am not sure but at the moment, hes fast asleep napping away. Hopefully it will last him till about at least 11pm, then konk out for the night.. until tomorrow. I mean getting up at 830am is a good thing for little boys right?

if only this laundry room was mine.. lovely kan to have tv while ironing? LOL

Ritey rites, have to really get my ass off the comp, go fold Hubby's laundry and hang mine up, feed Jaden if he wakes up and the porridge is cooked.. then clean the toilet, then take a bath then see if I am in the mood to tapao Jaden out of the house and go do some grocery shopping or what nots.

So till then, may it rain at night later on though.. because the weather is killingly hot! *sweating like a peeg*

Have a wonderful weekend people!

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