Saturday, February 21, 2009

Raymond Lam 林峯 - 愛不疚(Love With No Regrets)

One of the songs I kinda like in Moonlight Resonance.. *sigh* going Canto-Chinese this month huh me?


firefly said...

pssssstttt...i'm going to meet raymond lam this evening....yum yum....eheheheheheheeeeeee (imagine those evil witch laughter...*blink blink)

blubbieMs said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO How could you??? I also wanttt!!!!!!!!!! I don't like you now! bLek =P hehehehe

firefly said...

sob sob sob!!!! I din even got the chance to take pix with raymond cox he wheezed off so fast with bosco and ron....Butttttttttt...i mnaged to take pixs with Chan Hou (Moses chan) and Hor Ma...Lookout for the photos...wahahahahahhaa