Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Are you happy?

Met up with SueKingKong today at her office when I brought Jaden over for his another casting. Actually its more like putting in his info into SueKingKong's office database, so just in case, if there are anybody looking for Jaden's kind of criteria, then maybe they will call us up for audition. Its all for fun anyway now.

SueKingKong has finally put on weight. Can't help but feel happy for her. She is now at a healthy 45kg and she looks fitter than ever. Radiant looking too. Must be all the love that Joe is showering her with.

I envy most of my friends that are out there in the workforce, being the power ladies, while I sit at home. This was not my initial plan actually. I had a dream. I wanted to be one of those ladies. I want to contribute but guess plans do change with time and choices you make in life.

SueKingKong asked me this one question actually and I sort of not know where my answer stands.

"Are you happy?"

I am happy. I mean why shouldn't I be right? Jaden makes me look forward to each new day and he fills me up with so much happiness when I am with him. BUT other than Jaden, am I happy with my redundant life stuck at home, not being able to financially help contribute to my family's bank account. I have never ever even thought of this situation I would be in. I have always thought that I would be able to work, find myself in a circle of network that I am most comfortable with, find love, get married, go on a memorable honeymoon,

own a landed property; nicely renovated

and then have children but am still a working mother.. Maybe I will stop working after being in my 30s but not now at such a young age of 24 and I am already labelled as a housewife? *sigh* It was not on my list of to-dos but I guess, flexibility to change has to happen due to circumstances.

So am I happy? I don't know but one thing I am sure of is that I am very very happy with Jaden being around me.

They say the grass is always greener on the other side. Some might envy my lifestyle where they hope their Hubby would ask them only to stay home and take care of their children instead of being out there working. Maybe I will be the one wishing for this lifestyle when I start working back? Who knows?

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