Friday, September 26, 2008

Counting down to The Day

Jaden's birthday is like just a couple of days away and I'm panicking! I worry that it would not turn out the way I want it to be and that when Jaden grows up later, he is going to say my mommy didn't do a good FIRST birthday for me. Think he would say it?

For those that helped worry about me not getting a birthday cake for Jaden, fret not. I finally found a bakery specializing in novelty cakes to take in my order despite its only a week away. Thankfully they took in my order. If not I am going to cry buckets full of tears. So who took in my order? Choffles of course! AND it is so damn near Jaden's birthday location. I am just disappointed in a way that Special Cakes was not able to take in mine. Nevermind.. there is always next year and years to come.

Next year, I promise to make preparations for Jaden's birthday two months in advance at least.

Hubby and I got Jaden his birthday present already. We even allowed him to touch and feel it.. play? Nah, he won't get to play with it till hes bigger. Now, its touch and feel and see only for the baby boy. =)

It was really hard getting our hands on this U-Command Wall-E. Went to so many Toys'R'Us and either none could be found there or the box looked as if they have gone to war and back. Finally, we found it at Subang's branch. Yay! Hopefully when Jaden grows up, he will appreciate his first birthday present from us and play with it with CARE!

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