Friday, June 20, 2008

Would you be back four months later?

Shes gone back to Penang. She is on here way and should be reaching home in an hour half. This time round, its not a tear-jerking emotional departure from her. Maybe because I feel relieved that she is able to take care of herself, at least she places high importance in hygiene and pretty little things.

Since I started working, I don't remember my mother buying stuff for me anymore other than food sometimes that she wants to share with me but yesterday when I took her out shopping, she bought me shoes! SHOES! It was as if I were still a little girl and mummy has to pay for stuff. I feel so bad but then again, she said insist that its for my birthday present and that I must take it. So well, how can a girl resist pretty shoes when she sees them right? Anyway they are at 50%.

Jaden actually loves her company and there is someone that is constantly speaking Mandarin to him. He needs to learn how to speak Mandarin kan afterall hes a Chinese boy. Hubby and I fail to speak to him in Mandarin although both of us knows the language. Sux big time! Don't even bring up Cantonese. The only time Jaden hears Cantonese is when he is at his grandfather Yap's place. Just hoping he would be able to pick up the language as he grows. Mandarin is becoming just as essential as English these days to survive.

1 comment:

Gaiety XY Ann said...

come, i can give free mandarine tuition..