Monday, June 23, 2008

Sprouting out

So many things happened but I got a little too lazy to post because before my arse could warm the chair, it has to get up and about to serve my little big boss.

Jaden is now pulling down files from the cabinet and is very proud of his doings. Hubby and I have to move everything that is on the second level to top so just to not let Jaden pull anything out and ter-hurt himself. Last time we moved all things from the first level to second level is to avoid letting Cheekie and Cheeko bite and now, another level of two up to avoid Jaden's wandering hands.

His pearly whites are starting to sprout from the gums. Just a little bit of whites showing on top of his lower gums. So cute. Can't wait for them to grow out of the gum but somehow that means I will get bitten. He has already started to bite me without the gums. So if he has teeth then, habis-lah I!

He has gone back hating his porridges. He only likes his rice cereals. HOW HOW HOW? Its quite frustrating when you take a few hours to prepare and cook the porridge only to be rejected by him. "BUEKKKKK!" is the grateful response you get when you feed him. How la not to feel disappointed with myself? Am I such a bad cook afterall or is he just not used to the porridge texture and taste?

o.Oh and did I mention that Jaden knows how to response to "Come here Jaden!!" and there his two little feet scurrying over to wherever you are? So cute!! He even follows wherever Hubby and I go. Now, he is the supervisor at home. Supervising every single of our movements in the house. Everyday is a new day to learn about each other -Jaden and us.


Anonymous said...

It's not your cooking. kids are like tat sometime. Ok one day...blek another day. IF he doesn't like it, just give it a rest for a few days/ 1 week, then come back and try again.

Anonymous said...

hey, show me jaden's pic...
i miss him alot...
its been awhile i didnt update myself on his stuff d...
faster post more....i want to see his teeth/gum or watever....
take pic of his proud face when he did his job(pulling stuff frm ur shelf).
wuakkaka....anw....i miss all of u!!

blubbieMs said...

Shooi : Guess you are right. Coz one day he loves his banana rice cereals, then the next day, he makes such a face as if I am torturing him and to makes things worse, he wipes it all over his face and plaster one big proud grin all over!!! You tell me angry a not? hehehe

Iz : Jaden big big boy already ler.. He still shy want to show his teeth ler. Wait till he starts biting his father then I show you ok? =) We miss you guys too!