Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Doc's med or my DIY?

Finally my durable health came crushing down. Not completely but I do feel a little weak. I am down with nasal congestions and sore throat. Nasal congestions might be common with me who sneezes like ten times continuously, sometimes more but sore throat is rather uncommon for me. Is it the weather or is it just me that has been eating lots of heaty food lately? My nasal congestions makes me rub my nose so hard that it always bleed. Scary scary! Thought of going to see the doc for some meds but then again, I am scared some GP will just prescribe those normal med that may have too large doses that would not go right with me breastfeeding. So I decided to take the matter into my own hands and google possible solutions.

Sore, itchy throat and/or cough
  • Drink strong black tea (use 2 tea bags per cup).
  • Drink hot lemonade with honey. Or make a mixture of one part lemon juice and two parts honey. Sip throughout the day.
  • Drink fenugreek tea to relieve head and chest congestion and cough.
  • Use Zinc gluconate lozenges, but avoid taking large amounts of zinc for more than seven days, because it can interfere with other minerals in the body.
  • Salt water gargle:
    Mix a 1 tablespoon of salt in eight ounces of warm water. Gargle the whole mixture (don't swallow) several times a day.
  • Apple-cider vinegar and water gargle.
    Mix 1-6 teaspoons (1/3 - 2 tablespoons) vinegar in a glass of water; you can mix it as strong as you can stand it. Gargle one mouthful (swallow afterward or spit it out). Repeat twice. Do this every hour, or as needed.
  • Slippery elm bark can help with sore throat and cough. It comes in herbal cough drops and throat lozenges (check the other ingredients!), or you can make a tea. For tea, use 1 to 3 teaspoons of powdered bark per cup, boil and simmer 15 minutes. Up to 3 cups per day.
  • Chamomile tea gargle (you can also drink the tea)
  • Goldenseal tea gargle (use every 2 hours or as needed)
abstracted from here

Think I shall just do the lemonade with honey and the salt water gargle. Will let you guys know the end results if it really works wonders. Dang! and I thought I was healthy enough to last through the breastfeeding period for my boy!

Speaking of health, Hubby and I paid RM50 just to make our boy poo. Remember when I said that he has not been pooping for the past one week. Well, yesterday, we took him to see his paediatrician. Doc said that Jaden do not seem to have any tummy wind = GOOD! and there was only a little bowel which is not hard in his right side. Jaden's left seemed clear but Doc has no idea why he is still not pooping and the fact that he is drinking breastmilk too. Should not have any problems with constipation because I don't have one. So Doc inserted some tiny yellowish med up Jaden's ass which will encourage him to poo and right enough, just a few minutes after leaving Doc's clinic, We heard a pushing sound from Jaden and ya.. you get the drift. The car stank up of the poo smell. Lets just say, he poo-ed three times yesterday after the visit. Good boy!

o.Oh and Doc said we can now slowly introduce water into his diet. Then next month, when Jaden hits his 4th month, we can intro him diluted baby juices into his diet.. followed by veges soon after. Yay! Hes a big boy now... Fri this week, Jaden is going to be 3 months and 3 weeks old.. he can laugh now by the way! *sigh* my boy.. hes going to be a mischievious one I can tell... =)

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