Thursday, July 4, 2013

Baby Names

Apparently since I got to name our first child, I have lost all rights to name the others, if they were to come.. and well, since we are expecting the second baby, Hubby is estatic that he gets to name the child this time.

Despite me trying my best to trade with him options on stuff that he can do and pass on that naming responsibility to me, I failed! Yea, so the second baby is going to get his name from Daddy's choice.

Well, there are a few on my lists but it was shot down by Hubby, saying it sounds either pretentious or uurrgghh. Well, Hubby did name a few he shortlisted but we could not come to an agreement until last night. He said a name that I agreed instantly but well, who knows if that will be the name. :)

I am currently 17 weeks pregnant and feeling very much heavy already. I doubt my kgs are above 50 but I am feeling like I am 60kg and above.

My tummy this time round, seems bigger compared to when I was carrying Jaden at 17 weeks. My tummy is as round and big right now, same as when I attended XiuYi's wedding back in May 2007 and that, I was already 22 weeks pregnant.

We have been telling Jaden that he is going to be a big brother ever since we found out that I was pregnant but I am not very sure if he knows what we are saying. I am not even sure how to prepare him for the arrival of his sibling but I am sure, it will sail smoothly into place when time comes. 

Right now, all I let him do is touch my growing belly and saying that his baby sibling is inside and when the sibling is out, its his duty as a big brother to teach good examples and house rules to baby. Jaden will be promoted to a kor kor status.

This pregnancy had been rather harsh on me during my first trimester. We found out when I was about 4-5 weeks pregnant and two days right after that pee-stick confirmation, I had been hurling myself crazy, be it day or night. Morning sickness my ass, it should be call 24/7 sickness. My sense of smell heightened and a walk pass any food court or coffeeshop can send me straight into nausea attack. Even the smell of my neighbors' cooking makes me sick.. or better still, I had to stay away from food channel. The very sight of food makes me sick.

I have very very poor appetite, yet I was hungry almost every 2 hours and needed to have something to munch on. I also suffer from migrane attacks, which that I suffered too the previous  pregnancy. It was quite a different experience for me this round of first trimester pregnancy. With Jaden, it was a breeze through.. this, well, I experienced firsthand what morning sickness actually meant.

Blood tests were done, and now we are waiting to do the structural scan which will take place when I get to my 22nd week of pregnancy.

If I had a choice, I think most of my days right now would be spent sleeping and eating. Its no joke that I feel tired and out of breathe easily. Its as if I lack of sleep though I may have already had a full 8 hour sleep. I could just sleep off anytime.. backaches are starting to creep up on me now, but that is not stopping me from sleeping just yet. Its just that now, instead of just sharing the bed with Hubby, I also have to share the bed with Jaden, it makes sleep a little harder. I have to sleep and getup according to Jaden's schedule and no longer on my own schedule.


I can already picture how i will be like when baby finally join our little brood.. so, since I already went through that newborn period, I know that sleep is very precious and I make it very clear to Hubby that I shall sleep as much as I want right now because I know I won't be able to soon, in a few months time. :)

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