Thursday, July 4, 2013

Oops, I did it again ..

Little did I know when I was typing the post " First Quarter of 2013", I was already with life growing inside me.

The best thing was I had just been sharing my disappointment with my girlfriends that I really thought I was unable to conceive anymore and that almost every month, it had been negative and after a few tries of negatives, it was just too heartbreaking and all I did was just sit and wait for my next Aunty Flo's visit.

Just about two weeks ago, the left side of my breast, which I had a breast lump surgery removal before started to hurt a bit and I felt a tiny bump, and having a history of having a lump there before, worried the sh*t outta me and I quickly made a visit to my doctor to have it checked out just to make sure its not anything serious.

He sent me for an ultrasound scan of the breast tissue and the radiographer mentioned that she don't think its anything serious, maybe just an inflammation of the breast fibrosis and all that was needed to make it go away was a course of antibiotics. We checked thoroughly for lymph nodes but nothing was to be found. We scanned the right breast as well just to make sure I was all good and healthy.

My doctor then sent me home with a course of antibiotics and painkillers, which he said would make the swelling go down but I can only take those medicine if I am not pregnant. He even asked me not to get pregnant just yet if I am going to take the medicine. So I went to the pharmacy and got myself a RM6.90 test kit. 

First it showed one line at the positive side, then it faded away and the negative showed up on it after waiting for about 3 minutes.

Suddenly, my mind told me to just sit and wait it out. It was just going to be a few more days before Aunty Flo comes and I can afford to wait a few more days before popping those meds because if you start popping antibiotics, you have to finish them so I just wanted to be damn sure that I was not pregnant before I took the meds.

Aunty Flo always comes to me on time. ALWAYS and this time round, she was late. I waited for three more days before I went to buy two test kits. This time, I bought the ClearBlue testkits. Be it RM45 for both, pricey as it can be.. I wanted some accurate answers and not those that are mindfucking me. 

Lets just say the result was instantaneous.

I tried again, with the early morning pee and the result remained the same.

So yea ... 

We are pregnant with baby no.2 =)

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