Saturday, January 31, 2009


We might be having Beggar Chicken for dinner later.. mmm.. guess where then?

Friday, January 30, 2009

Did you get it on your own?

I remembered how I was so eager to get my driving license so I can drive out to anywhere I want and not wait for people to come pick me up, if they are free, feel like it or on the way passing my house.

When I got my driving license, I was already studying in KL. Back then, I had to walk a 10 minutes walk out to the bus-stop to take the bus to college. I asked my parents for a car. They didn't want to get me one. My dad just won't give it to me. So bus I took for the rest of my uni-college years. It was not all that bad since I had the ex's car to drive sometimes when he is not using it, college mates who is in the same area carpooled me.. but most of the time, it was the bus and the long walk home in the sun.

I didn't get a car till I started working in the corporate world for real. Paid my own downpayment and that was it.. I finally got my own car, tho it is a tiny one but nevertheless, it is my OWN. I BOUGHT MY CAR ON MY OWN! It was rather a struggle to pay for rent and car installments at the same time but I pulled it through.. with Hubby now taking over the burden. =) *thank you* but still it is now OUR CAR. WITH NO HELP OR WHATSOEVER.. I feel very proud of my this achievement even when this friend of mine laughed at me that shes got a bigger car than mine. I know she is joking and I didn't mind but if it were others that made such a comment, I would have said at least I got it all on my own without my parents having to fork out any $$ for it.

A lot of people asked me if Simon drives. I say no.. he sits behind and takes care of Jaden while I drive around. I have been driving around for years and I like it. Hubby can't have any of those car-jerking moments due to his slip disc. I prefer to keep it safe and I drive.
People asked too if when are we going to change little monster? I don't know that yet.. but I am sure I would rather put downpayment for a house first instead of a car. The car can wait. Little monster is still going strong.. so why change her now? A car can wait.. you guys can go zoom zoom in your big cars while I go zoom in my little faithful one. =)

I love you little monster!

Superficial me.. but thats me =)

influenced badly by Gwen but not as bad as she is.. but still its all your fault Gwen!

I have my eyes set on this baby. What do you think? Its about USD348... conversion rate is 3.6 at the moment.. just waiting for it to go back to 3.2 exchange rate before thinking about getting it.. but still.. I wonder how can I even hint to the botak fella.. hmm...

and this baby is selling at USD458. I know.. even more expensive than the one above.. *sigh* how? dilemma dilemma...


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Essentials little boys like me need ...

Checking to see if anybody is looking at me.. No? Set-lah..

Now how do I open these two CNY cookies goodies?

I am so living the song, "Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?" *tee hee*

and of course these babies.. One day they are all gonna be mineeee!

Now ssshh.. don't go telling daddy on me k? *burps and rub tummy*

I am so grateful, so so very grateful that Jaden only started to accept drinking formula like now now because if he did back since Sept 2007, I would think I will only be clad in t-shirts and pants that costs less than RM5 for the rest of his drinking milk stage.

Tesco was selling Pediasure 900g for RM55.95 then or something like that. Confirm the RM55 is there la.. others I saw was selling at RM57 lah, RM60 lah and I thought to myself so lucky I go grocery shopping at Tesco. I saw the big 1.8kg Pediasure selling then at about RM77 or RM88 only then.. and I was like.. SO WORTH IT WEY!

Then yesterday I had to go and re-supply the milk powder because Jaden finished the 900g tin of milk in like 2 weeks.. he drinks milk twice a day now.. once in the morning and once at night before bed.

Jusco was prolly selling the 900g at RM60 or RM62 so I confidently told Hubby that we should just get it at Tesco which is like RM5 cheaper. So Iz drove us there and I ran down to get the milk powder. It will be more worth it and longer lasting if I were to get the 1.8kg size.. and when I reached the aisle, I almost choked blood. Guess how much it cost like NOWWWW???

Just after CNY, the price all shot up to RM59.99 for 900g and RM117.30 for 1.8kg. I mean WHAT? Why? What reason do they have to inflate the prices in like just a few days? If i knew, I should have grabbed a few when it was selling cheap. DAMNIT!

I queued at the cashier counter waiting for my turn to pay. The guy in front of me bought a lot of things and he paid only RM120. I got only 1 thing to pay for and it costs me RM120 too. Where is the justice? EVen the cashier lady commented when I was paying.. "Mahal-nya!"

yea RIGHT! IT is DAMN MAHAL lor.. what to do? All for in the name of making sure Jaden receives proper nutrients to grow strong and healthy.

p/s: Is it normal for a 16 month old only to drink 240-260ml per feed? Or should they be drinking more?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Pleasant surprises =)

As hubby and I were at the computer area, having a discussion about something, we suddenly hear the door creaked opened and out came crawling a little baby boy who just woke up.. how cute can that get and it happen on the day he officially turns 16 months old. =) It sure was an early surprising start to the day..

Then at about 2.30 to 3pm came a knock on our door. I opened it and then close it back. Then open it again and close it and ran to the room to wake Hubby up. I really couldn't believe who turned up at my door. No lah, it is not Lee Hom at my door. OMG ! Iz is back from UK!!!!!!!!!!

Even Hubby who was so tired got out of bed. All for Iz... *sigh* I am so happy he is back. I am sure Hubby too is happy that his bestfriend is back too. At last Iz got to see his god-son live for the very first time and well, Jaden just took an instant liking to his god-pa. Instinctive maybe?

Charlotte and Iz came at the right day anyway today. It is Jaden's 16-month old day and as usual, we will get a cake to celebrate and this time, Iz got to eat the cake.

Look at how happy they all are..

HaPpY 16 MoNtHs OLD
baby boy!


Finally we are done! Finish! Finito! Liao liao! Wan le! Habis!
We can finally take a breather and go enjoy Chinese New Year these few days and keep Jaden company...

This is really one mad challenge we took up and we delivered.. as promised...

Now, its time to sit back and chill...

wait.. pending housework beckons. AAAARRRGHHHH

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

No celebrations

No we did not go 'pai nin' on the first day of Chinese New Year.
No we did not go 'pai nin' today either

Hubby and I are both rushing a project, trying to earn than to give out money... well... its not that I am being the stingy MRS but nobody has yet to come and 'pai nin' with us. SO you expect the money to come to you?

Well, we will have some space to breathe after tomorrow for just a few days and its back to the grind again.

Poor Jaden who has to entertain himself this few days as mummy and daddy are both working away, ignoring him. Thankfully Cheekie and Cheeko kept him company. =)

Somehow this year, I don't feel the CNY mood. I wonder why? Is it because I am all grown up? Not much hype? I guess its just the surrounding I am in.. maybe... maybe if I get to spend it with families who really appreciate the true meaning of F A M I L Y then I will feel it.. not saying the SimonYap clan aint appreciating it.. we are appreciating the THREE OF US together.. just the other side.. if you know what I mean.. at least with mine, we are all close-knitted since young...

Monday, January 26, 2009

At least ...

We did have our reunion dinner at Aunt Lin's after all.
Some of them just weren't there but it ain't important.
At least those that appreciates the meaning of family were there.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Kong Hei Fatt Choy !

Happy Chinese New Year 2009 everyone!
May yours be a blessing good one

SimonYap clan will be at home ~

The SimonYap clan will be stuck at home this CNY. Jaden is still too little, in our opinion to travel far by car to anywhere as he can't sit still at home and flying back home means spending unneccesarry cash for example -Cab (to n fro) plane tic that will cost about RM500 for both of us and with that amount, it is already reaching about RM700 so with that amount, we could prolly just save it and give it to our parents instead or well, into the house purchasing fund.

I heard reunion dinner ain't happening this year for the Yaps. One family is going off on their own to have their own meals and the other too. Well, lets just say the family is just not 'family-oriented' at all and I just fucking couldn't be bothered anymore with them. Next year round or so, I'd rather be back up north with my side of the family or somewhere for holiday instead of seeing those who has no CNY in heart. Its rather sad and pathetic YES! but well, since I am married into this surname, guess the only thing I can do is make do and adjust myself to their customs.

When my own family gets bigger, I shall just hold our own reunion dinner. No point joining one that don't really have it in the heart.

It is so different when comes to think of the my past reunion dinner at Jie Li's house every year. Cousins get together and all... *sigh* I missed those good old days! Going from house to house to visit relatives and laugh and eat and laugh and play and eat.. this is what I call FAMILY!

I am a tiny weeny sad that I am not able to be with my family and relatives this CNY again but well, this time round we got lots of work to complete and hand back by end of CNY so well.. might as well earn some moo-lah, excuse of not going over to the in-laws maybe =) and be with just my very own family. CNY celebrated with the two of them is more than enough at the moment. Shall shaped Jaden into being a family-oriented person.. and not the way the in-laws do it ...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A glint of hope

I think I can finally let Hubby put Jaden to bed now instead of me every night. Why?


Now Hubby has NO REASON why he can't put Jaden to bed.

I tried two nights ago when he was hungry for milk and he just took to the bottle teat like fish to water.. and then last night.. and this afternoon when we were outside...

Finally.. after so many months of me worrying that he is not receiving enough nutrients and calcium from breastmilk now that I am not drinking any milk myself or eating food really high in vitamins.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Just you and me

Today is just Jaden and I at home.. till Hubby comes home of course.. but yea, starting our routine without Hubby today and well, with a crawling inquisitive baby around the house aint a easy job when I have to keep an eye on him and also get things done before Hubby comes home.

Jaden now prefers to crawl around the house and pulls himself to a standing position when he reaches either Hubby or I. Does that mean he will soon learn how to stand properly and then walk? Look at how hopeful I am.. I just can't wait for him to walk... really.. I hope he can walk by the time WWei's wedding comes.

Right now, I can't blog long because I have to go get lunch stuff ready and also, Jaden's bathtime and get him to nap. Work gets done when he is sleeping.. my little freedom in the house. So guess I better ciao now and get going.

Just Jaden and I.. and o.Oh before I go, I just want to wish

to Ms. Khaw Yi Ling and Mr. Nick Lim.
good childhood friends of mine that are hard to come by!

Monday, January 19, 2009

He turns 18 today!

My boss turns 18 today.

This year round, at least he did not get to see the cake first before 12am and it ain't cupcake. I should think this is the best cake I have ever tasted and it sure was everybody that was here to 'surprise' Simon last night's first time too and BOY! It is mmm... delicious!

I messaged two of his bestfriends and asked if they would like to show up at 12 to 'surprise' him and they replied me real fast YES! At least this time round, it ain't my friends who showed up to wish him Happy Birthday but his very own friends.

Off I went out in the evening to pick up the cake and he made it so hard for me to go. He even hid the car keys up so high on his toy shelves that I need to take the dinner table chair to go reach it. Grrr.. want to give him surprise also cannot. Pestered me to tell him where I am going but NAH.. I didn't tell him and came back in 50 minutes. See? I told you so I won't be gone for more than an hour... I was so happy when I saw the cake. I knew he was going to love it.. at least this is something different from normal cakes you get from cake shops..

Its a DURIAN CHEESECAKE. Well, the SimonYap clan is a big fan of Durians and both his friends too do eat them so.. nobody got cheesed off by the overwhelming lovely smell. I found the guy who makes it through this website and boy, there was no double thoughts on which first cake I would want to order from him and I am sure it also won't be the last. He is so professional and is a very nice guy to deal with.. so if you are looking for something special, why not pop over to here and give it a try! No regrets!

Shan, his childhood friend came at about 1135pm. My boss was sure surprised and when they both were just going to smoke outside, Tymi, who just came back from NY turns up and DOUBLE surprise!!!

Jaden felt so excited to see so many people and he played his part as the host too. He made Tymi feel at home and even greeted him "Deh!" and Shan "Eh?".

Birthday boy & Tymi

Birthday boy & Shan

At 12 sharp, we sang my boss the customary Birthday song and I sure hope he remembers to make a wish before blowing the candles.. aawww.. my boss is all grown up now.. finally he turned 18!

SimonYap clan

The three of us went out for a late dinner since the Birthday boy got to work and well, by the time he reached home, only did I get to go bathe and freshen up so yea, that took about an hour and that explained the late dinner. We went for our usual Sushi King.. and as the Birthday boy likes it.. a quiet affair on the day he turns 18.

Just for Reality Check...

Happy Birthday BABY!!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Daylight robbery

Not me! My friend...

One of my girlfriend was robbed in the bright daylight, right under her nose..

It was a lesson learnt, a painful one nonetheless but well, guess to be able to share the story with you guys out there might just open up our eyes and ears to all these tricks robbers pulled these days.

"he says:”can i snatch ur belongings?” “Yes!” i replied smartly

[I know! I know what you will be thinking after reading this… And stop asking why am I being soooo stupid and reacted such way yea..

I was always extra careful and alert but I admitted that this time I was just being tooooo stupid and fxxxing naïve…!

I got a sms early in the morning,


Sim Card Kamu telah dipilih…..Prize Utama RM15,000 Cash…. Sila dial 012-8xxxxxx”

Well, for your information, this is not the first time that I received this type of sms, but I always ignored , ignored and ignored.

Without knowing why, today, I just feeling like giving a try…Therefore, I used my house phone and called up the number stated in the sms…

A man who sounded like a sarawakian or a sabahan on the other end was speaking non-stop the moment he answered the call. Eventually, he came to the main point where he asked me :”Kami akan bank-in kamu punya cash, oleh itu, kami perlu akaun nombor anda …”

NO WORRIES people, I did not give him my account number and I just hung up the phone. (I thought I was not thatttttt stupiddddd , right…who knows…)


Before I left my office, my colleague told me that she needed a replacement to work for the event tonight. Immediately, I took out my phone and started calling all the girlssss…

Finally, I got this girl, name Weyn Chi…

Weyn Chi: Alright, I will give your colleague a call to confirm my attendance in a short while.

I drove home after I ended the conversation with Weyn Chi.

Half an hour later, I received a call from my colleague.

“nobody call me yet…can you check it out for me? It’s already 1820pm, and we need it by 1900pm!!” my colleague said.

“Alright, alright, I will figure it out right now. But at the same time u can try to give her a call as well.”


“Hello” A man who sounded like a Malay, picked up the call.

“Hello” came to reply from me…

“Hello?” The man shouted angrily again…

I hung up the phone, double checked the number and RE-DIAL.

“Hello?” The same voice came from the other end.

“Hello, Weyn Chi please?”

“Oh, Weyn Chi? Kamu dia punya kawan ka? Saya Nampak telefon bimbit dia di tepi jalan. Saya mahu pulang-kan telefon kepada-nya la!”

As I remembered, Weyn Chi had another phone number…

“ah, tak-apa la. Saya akan panggil owner-nya panggil kamu sekarang” relied relunctantly.

“aiyoh, macam itu ka? Tapi sekarang saya nak pergi kerja la…dekat itu…”

“huh?! Apa?! Bali?”

“bukan! Banting! Saya nak pergi ke Banting untuk kerja sekarang. Saya dekat OUG sekarang, boleh datang sekarang tak?”

“TAK BOLEH! Banyak JAM la sekarang!”

“Kamu ka mana sekarang?”


“ok, saya pergi ke Pj Hilton la boleh-kah?”

“TAK BOLEH! Banyak Jam la!” In fact, I was thinking…Why is this man being so kind-hearted?! Its just a mobile phone. And since he is in a rush to work, why not he just leave the phone with him first?

Immediately, he replied :”ok, saya pergi ke kalana jaya. Kamu tahu Kelana giant tak?”

“Aaahh, ok boleh boleh” I answered stupididly.

“kamu datang sekarang dengan segera ya. Saya nak pergi kerja sekarang!”

“Harlo..Di mana kamu?” I called and asked again..stupididly…

“oh, kamu boleh datang ke Shell tak?sebelah Giant?”


I parked my car at the road side, and I got out from my car. I kept looking at all the people who rode motorcycle (I was imagining that he was a malay man with office wear and rode a motorbike).

I kept calling my friend’s number while I was waiting for HIM. Unfortunately, nobody answer the call.

‘He might be riding right now, that’s why he couldn’t hear the phone ring’., I told myself.

Meanwhile, I tried to call weyn chi’s friend as well. But nobody pick up the callsssssssssss after thousand timeesss of trying it.

Finally, an Indian GUY walked to me.

“aiyoh, saya duduk di sana sudah lama la!”

Wau, how could he make it to kelana jaya from OUG by taking ten minutes huh? I asked myself…

He wore a brown-orange-yellowish tee-shirt with a jeans. He had nothing with him but a mobile phone. He doesn’t not look like what I was imagining at all! And yes, He looks like a typical snatch thief, a typical bad guy, a typical son of the bxxxh.

“Hey, yang telefon bimbit itu dekat isteri saya la. Kerana tadi kami tak boleh Nampak you, oleh itu dia pandu ke dalam giant.mari-lah, kita pergi cari dia sekarang”

He turned and walked into the giant’s carpark. I went up to my car immediately and I followed him behind.

He turned and look at me…and he jumped up to my car and said : “Pandu saya masuk la. Kerana saya tak tahu mana dia sekarang la!”

I drove him in to Giant STUPIDIDLY!!! HELPED! I was always alert and I would never ever response to any stranger and always kept a distance from strangers even they were just asking for direction.

But how could I drive a stranger like this?????

My NEW Playboy Bag Was sitting on the passenger seat, next to me. And that fxxking Indian GUY was sitting behind me. He kept looking around as if he was searching for his wife.

“aiyah, saya punya telefon tak ada credit dan battery. Boleh guna kamu punya call saya punya isteri ar?”

I took out ONE of my mobile and I kept the other mobile inside my bag…

“ok, nombor dia ialah…..016-xxxxxxxx” I was holding the mobile by myself without letting him to hold it.

It went to voice-mail. Right after that, I called my friend’s number again. It went to voice-mail as well.

“oh, saya ingat area itu tak ada coverage la! Mana kamu punya isteri? Mengapa dia tidak jawab kawan saya punya bimbit? “

“yang phone itu vibrate la..dan kami letak di sana, tak boleh dengar punya” He pointed at somewhere inside my car by telling me that the mobile phone was placed there inside his car.

Suddenly, he took out his phone, and started talking on the phone in Indian language… and he guided me to drive further and stopped my car at the side.

After he ended his conversation with his “WIFE”, he told me that his wife went back to the place where I met him just now, which is shell station.

When I arrived to shell station, he told me, No, it’s the bus station at the roadside.

I turned back and look at him, there is no BUS STOP here!

He said YES! The wife was there with him just now.

I drove out from Shell STUPIDIDLY and I went around Giant to search for the bus station.

I failed to get any bus station, of course…

I stopped my car at the roadside again and started calling the number again…With a little suspicious, I asked him to repeat the number again. Who knows, he reacted immediately with an innocent and blur kind of look and asked me to show him the number see if I dial it correctly.

I really showed him the phone —stupididly!! I should have escaped!

He looked at the number carefully by reading it out one by one..and he continued :”betul ar yang itu nombor. Mengapa tak boleh dapat punya?”

“Okay, saya ada dia punya nombor lain. Tapi di dalam saya punya sim card la. Boleh exchange sim card ke phone kamu tak?”


“saya punya bimbit tak ada battery! Sekarang saya nak pergi kerja la! Cepat la!”

I changed the sim card for him, and I tried to search for the number for him.

Suddenly, My ‘the other’ mobile which was sleeping inside my bag RANG! I did not bother but he realized that I had two mobile phones.

He reacted calmly “oh, yang dia punya nama ialah Sayang. Kamu dial la sayang ..Tapi kan, kamu guna bimbit yang lain dial la nombor dia kerana saya punya phone tak ada kredit lar”

I took out my the other phone STUPIDIDLY…

When I was trying to search for the name “sayang”…he took the mobile phone away from me and he said “Aiyah, saya search ler!”

My car door was locked! I was trembling but I did not know why I never escape! I had time! I had time to do that and I was thinking, if he does anything to me,. I will just jump off from my car! But I never realized my bag was just next to me …

He did not know how to use my LG phone! And he passed it back to me and asked me to search for the number.

I saw the name SAyang! ‘erm, I think I was thinking too much, I think he is the real kind-hearted person since he is really calling his wife right now’ ..i mumbled to myself.

I was holding my phone, and he was looking at the screen with me scrolling up and down to search for the name. I found the name ‘sayang’ and I wanted to call immediately but he reacted promptly by telling me that, NO, its not that number..its another number..SEN…

When I saw the name ‘Sen’, he told me …”Bukan! Kamu Scroll up lagi…”

I scrolled up and down, finally, I just dialed Sen number without further asking.

I tried to listen…and there was someone answered the call from the other end… ‘Ok, at least he is not lying this time’ I mumbled to myself again.

He was on the phone and was talking in Indian dialect again but I heard the “Fly-over bridge” and so forth.

Once he hung up the call, HE PASSED ME BACK THE PHONE STRAIGHT and he asked me to drive to the opposite shell station.

I looked at him…I wanted to tell him that I do not want to take the mobile anymore. But before I opened up my mouth, He continued talking :”alamak, dia ka sana la sekarang. Aiyoh, saya nak pergi kerja la!! Kamu pandu ke sana segera la.”

Again, I drove him all the way to the opposite road, which is opposite giant.

That time was so so so JAM-ed and I had spent almost half an hour with HIM ALONE inside the car!

I peeked at the mirror, I saw him peeked at my belongings.

A lot of things flashed in my mind that moment….

I buckled off the safety-belt. I was thinking that, if he does anything to me, I would just jump out from the car…(oh, I think I was a genius that I thought of all these but not stop the car and asked him to get down from the car immediately…darn!)

When my car was stucked in the jam, He looked frustrated and he told me :”My god! I would be late to work man! Look at the JAM!!”

“Boleh pinjam-kan phone sekali lagi tak?”

He passed me back the phone immediately, and he was in my car right now…it should be alright for me to lend my phone to him right? … I thought…

He used my phone and called someone. And he was speaking freaking loud next to my ear…

“harlo, Cik. Boleh tak kamu call back pejabat, dan beritahu xxx saya akan lewat ke kerja la. Ya ya ya. Boleh? …oh ya! …Ok, terima kasih Cik!…”

I opened up my ears and tried hard to listen to the other end of the phone…I wanted to know whether he was actually acting, or he was really calling someone else?

Unfortunately! I really heard someone Respond to him! And I was pretty sure that it was a woman!

‘will I be very rude if I ask him to get down from the car now? But he was really talking to someone on the phone just now…it seems real..maybe?!’ I asked myself repeatedly.

This time, he did not return my phone to me immediately. I looked at the back-mirror every single second, and I realized that he was using my phone to missed-call his own mobile. And, He was so so so freaking smart that, he turned his phone to vibrate mode which I heard the vibrate sound when he was calling himself by using my mobile.

WAHLAU! I should have be more suspicious this time right?! But why??? Why didn’t I react in any way?

Again, He took up my phone and was calling to a man! In Indian!

I could understand a little bit that he asked the man to meet up with him at the shell station opposite Giant.

Well….here came my suspicious look! …Before I opened up my mouth, he PASSED ME BACK my mobile Phone again and he told me that he would be late to work, therefore he decided to asked the friend to picked him up to work by motorbike instead of driving!

Ohh, I was thinking…how the hell your friend could reach here in such a short period?

Again, before I analyzed it, he took my phone from my hand and he called the ‘wife’!

Well, when he was talking, I was looking at him! And I realized that, He was calling NO-ONE!!! Because I saw my wallpaper!! But he was talking on the phone!!

Damn! I was so scared at the moment and I did not know how to react!

I got back my phone, and when I was driving into Shell station, I tried to make calls. I was really a genius that I wanted to test whether the wallpaper will still be on the screen while we are having conversation?!

After I stopped my car at the shell station, he tooked my phone again and he told me his friend was around.

I asked him , WHERE??? He tooked my phone and pretended talking on the phone. Who knows, while he was talking half-way, My phone RANG!!! My bf called!!

I did not talk to my bf but I asked him to hold the phone! I placed my phone on my lap and I turned it to loud speaker. Meawhile, he was pointing me to drive over to the roadside.

I yelled at him and I told him that I cant stop my car at the roadside because there are a lot of cars passing by!

Well, what the hell was I thinking at the moment?! I did not know! I knew that he asked me to drive to a narrow road next to shell and I really listened to him and drove all the way there! He asked me to stop the car and I just stopped the car!

That moment, he was holding my LG phone and he wanted to get down from my car.

But he couldn’t open the door and he looked a little panic, same goes with me. I was panic as well. I wanted him to get down from my car immediately but …I was Panic!

I already opened the lock for him but he couldn’t open the door on the left side. And I STUPIDIDLY asked him to get down from the right side!

He told me he cant get down still.

I turned my body and wanted to help him down by stucking up the lock with my finger Manually…in a very short moment, he already got to open the door and I saw him holding my mobile phone still. I shouted loudly And by the time I opened up my door, I realized that my PLAYBOY bag was on his hand!

His motorcyclist friend rode him off immediately and he was smiling happily by waving goodbye to me~ !

And I was so so so so fxxking stupid that I got down from my car and I chased him with my legs! Darn..!

I always told myself..if there is anything happen to me, I need to be calm and use my car to bang their ass off! But why didn’t I do that that moment????

I drove back to my house madly and after I have done with whatever police report and so…I thought of calling weyn chi …(yea, she had two different number)

“Hello, Weyn Chi! This is vene from the agency”

“Oh my god! Im so sorry vene, that I did not turn up for the event today…u know I was ….”

“Well, I know what had happened. And because of your lost phone… I ….”

“huh, u know bout it?! “

“Yea, guess what?! I called you this evening ……… …..”

“So, tell me what happened to you actually, Weyn Chi?”

“Oh my god…your story sounds scary and dramatic man! Well, this evening when I was about to leave my apartment to the event location. I realized that my car got clamped! Well, you know usually we only have one parking space for each unit right. So, today is my first day renting this new space for me to park my car!! Gosh, the security guard downstairs clamped my car. He is a pakistanist. And I scolded him badly because I found that he is being very unreasonable to clamp my car in a legal rented space.” She said angrily and she continued

“I was so angry after I talked to the security guard. He seems like he was not going to do anything bout it. Therefore, I walked out to the road next to SHELL station, wanted to wait for my friend at the bus waiting area… Out of a sudden, there was this Indian guy came to me by riding his motorbike and he asked me, is my car got clamped? I said YES without suspicious and he asked me to borrow him my phone for him to call back to the security management because he said my car was parked at the right place, they shouldn’t have clamp the car. Oh yea , I forgot to tell you that he did mention to me that he is from the security management“

“I trusted him because I was thinking….if he is not from the security management, how the hell he knows that my car got clamped right?!” She moaned.

“He was talking on the phone and acted as if he is really talking to one of the security guard. He sounded angrily when he was talking to the ‘security guard’..he said things like “how can u guys clamp the car when the resident already park it at the proper place…bla blab la …” “

“he was talking…talking….talking….suddenly he says “JOM!” to me! And he rode off with my mobile…! “ she sounded like she is going to cry out…

“I was so stupid that I yelled and chased him by running! How could I get to chase him by my legs?” Now, she moaned again…

“Well, I believe that it was a very very natural reaction when this happened to us. Because I did the same thing as well where as I always told myself that if there is anything happen, do not get down from the car but use the car to bang their ass off. But I did not get to do it as well. And guess what?! This is my ever ever FIRST TIME that I lost my ID , license and belongings! Im always sensitive, alert and extra caution. I will never drop any of my belongings and I have not met any snatch thief before.” I replied proudly.

“but this time, I was just so blur, so unconscious and STUPID! And HELPLESS!! I believe in fate, and I truly believe that today im fated for him to snatch my stuff. Otherwise, I would not have been so blur through out the whole progress. In fact, he is not a very smart thief u know… there were so many ‘gap’ that I have found out that he was actually acting. And he was not well prepared enough and he was not familiar with the area where he snatch my stuff….But yet…I was still so so so so so so stupid that I opened up my everything for him to snatch. Included the PLAYBOY bag that I was placing it on the passenger seat obviously!” I moaned as well…

Malaysia is just so so so not safe! Do not bring your LV bag out anymore yea girls…Do not bring your expensive belongings out anymore whenever you are alone. I know you wont be like me…that stupid …but have to be alert and aware 24-7!

p/s: I have the thief’s friend number and name! but the sarjan will not do anything to it I reckon…so who wants to try to call the number for me huh ?!]

Guess the moral of the story is that

  1. Do not lend a stranger or someone you just met your mobile phones. NEVER EVER DO THAT! You can give them coins and ask them to make full use of public utilities -PUBLIC PHONE!
  2. There is never ever a nice stranger that will want to return you your lost mobile phone. Even if there is any, meet at a police station instead. Not any tom, dick and harry areas even if it is just next door to your office.
  3. Trust no one. Seriously. Trust no one!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Vege disaster tangerine sweetness

I am assigned to prepare lunch today. Normal ones. No net browsing for some recipes that I think will come out funky tasting. Just the normal minced pork with thick black soya sauce and chilli padi and stir-fry choy sum.

Rushed through the chopping and dicing of the garlic, chilli padi, potatoes for Jaden's porridge and a tiny slice of ginger while keeping an eye on Jaden who was sitting on his baby chair. It ain't easy running to and fro from kitchen to living room to provide him more biscuits to keep him busy. *sigh* Thankfully Hubby got up rather early today and kept an eye on him instead.

Turns out I am not a vege good chef. WAH using pun wey! Anyways.. yah, I am not good with vege dishes and this choy sum dish turns out to be a major disaster. I WENT WRONG WITH THE MOST SIMPLE DISH! It is only stir-fry and I still screwed it up. *F A I L siut!* Nevermind.. next time I shall just stick to boiling them first then only cook the sauce separate and pour it over the vege instead. I can't possibly go wrong then could I?

Comes evening then, the whole SimonYap clan headed out to SS2 to get our annual mini tangerines. I tell you, these tangerines are bursting with sugar explosions. They are so sweet and they come in like hundreds in a mini plastic box. This year, we got ourselves 3 boxes and I bet before CNY, it will be just 2 1/2 left.

Since CNY is approaching, it is tradition that spring cleaning has to be done and well, I got rid of some old magazines. My collection of Female magazines are the heaviest of the lot. Have you seen the amount of advertisement pages in them? That really added to the weight! So as I was tying them up with rafia string, the little boy decided to 'help' me. In the end, Hubby got to trick him over to sitting quietly in the living room eating his tangerines.

Look at Jaden eating them. His first tangerine tasting and he is loving it. Loving it so much that when his father took a piece of his table, he went "Eh?" So cute!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Taking a breather ...

Dad and Mom came and is going back early tomorrow morning. *sigh* Life for a while was a breather as Dad and Mom helped babysit Jaden while I get to sit and relax watching movie, or eating dinner with Hubby without having Jaden to try climbing out from his babychair and all sorts of nonsense he is up to. BUT tonight is the last I will have of that convenience till mom comes back after the 15th of the Chinese Lunar calendar.

I have gotten myself at least two pieces of new clothes this year, compared to Jaden's dozen of new clothes for CNY. Hubby got a REDs shirt courtesy of Jaden's kai-pa. Jaden has got two Liverpool FC goodies too from his kai-pa. He will look so adorable in them. Wait till I have them wash and let him model in them. Shall snap a few photos to show his kai-pa.

Jaden has been crawling around the house lately. Exploring every corner, every nook he can and YAY! I succeeded in teaching him to come down from the couch legs first although at times of excitement, he forgets the whole procedure and goes head-first again. *shakes head*

Jaden has already received his first two angpows for the CNY. Both my parents have given him his red packet early this year as we won't be seeing them until CNY is over. So far for family get-together but well, at least there is heart in there somewhere. I think this year round will be rather a quiet affair, just having dinner at Aunt Lin's and if the weather forbids and Hubby makes a day free out of the CNY celebration free, prolly we will be driving down to Melaka to visit Jaden's grandma and pay respects to his great-grandma. =)

Next year lah, next year prolly I shall bring Jaden back to Penang with me. He should know how to walk by then. *CROSSES FINGERS HARD HARD!!!* Life might be a little easier then... or is the beginning of the twerible two nightmare?


Tuesday, January 13, 2009


It is so hard to do housework these days. Its almost like getting 1/10 things done the whole day. no thanks to Jaden who thinks scaring his parents every second now and then by standing up on his baby chair, climbing over his cot, and leaping heads first down when he wants to come down from the couch.

I have just relieved myself in the 'office' which I have been holding on for hours since Hubby left for meetings. Finally at 4pm when the boy napped, I get to do whatever i want, which includes eating late lunch in peace...

The boy is stirring from his sleep now.. there goes my freedom. Got to get the laundry down now before he wakes up fully and all 100% attention on him.

SHIT! That means clearing Hubby's comp table of my bread crumbs too and oh ya, did I mention that I broke the toilet seat? I did not tell Hubby yet in case he scold ms but yah, I not only break beds, I break toilet bowl seats as well.. so I can officially declare I AM A BIG FAT BLOB!


Here I am sitting in front of the comp contemplating to write about how I longed to go back to work in the corporate world out there and looking back and forth at Jaden eating his biscuits beside me.

The innocent look that shouts "Love me, Stay with me... Care for me!" makes my heart heavy to even want to think about leaving him at a stranger's care.

I wonder will I ever ever get back into the working world? =(

Monday, January 12, 2009

Kitchen dishes # 1 -Jan 2009

Today on the menu is stewed chicken drumsticks with slices of pork, dices of poratoes and chinese mushrooms, slices of carrots with sauteed smashed cloves of garlic..

I wonder how it will turned out. It is still stewing as I type. Stewing since 3.35pm... Rice is ready tho. o.Oh which means I have got to go downstairs to get a few Chilli Padi.

Toodley toodles!

**updated 8pm.
Hubby loves it. Jaden loves it. He got up as fast as he could from his bassinet to join us at the dinner table. He had a few grains of rice to go with it too.. so yea, its a success! YAY!

Bad mother

I am such a bad mother.

People already said never ever take your eyes off your child even for a second as things might just happened and hell yea, it did to mine!

I just turned around to place the folded clothes on the table and suddenly I heard a sick thud on the flood.

Jaden fell head down from the couch to the floor while trying to get down. It was a split second ago when he climbed up there and was satisfied with the clothes there.

Of course he cried and cried and wailed and cried and screamed and wailed.. I am just so worried now. Giving a two weeks period to see if there is any behavioural changes in him. Reading from a case that happened to his one mama's cousin's girlfriend really freaked me out.

I am such a bad bad mother. FAIL!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

All by myself

I am pretty much satisfied with what I achieved today although I think I could do better. When I said better, I meant by including laundry and mopping the floor or wiping the TV cabinet. Yea. I am talking about achievements in doing housework.

Jaden slept off two nights now without drinking milk although he will wake up in the wee hours of the morning to feed still. A sign of weaning? Yes? Hopefully so but that will also be quite a sad thing for me to part with such a spscial bonding session with my baby boy. *sniff*

He woke up at about 1145am today and started to wake both his parents up. When failed to do so, he decided to start talking to me in baby language and with such cuteness, how can anyone resist? Changed his diapers and took him out to the living room for his routine-d Sesame Street video while I prepare his meal for him. After that, while he was still pre-occupied with other videos, I diced some garlic, onions, chopped up some sausages and chilli padi and took out the last night's leftover rice from the fridge. Also took out some minced pork to defrost and cleaned up the dishes.

It was almost 2pm when I had everything done, with the occasionally run-n-sit in front of the comp to surf online boutiques and blogs. Bathed the little boy and well, hes been napping since 3pm. Time to wake him up soon. While he napped, I quickly fried the rice and well, today's one is really hot for me. I wonder what Hubby will say when he taste it later.

I am so inspired to cook these few days. Just yesterday, I cooked herbal chicken soup with the real thing (those herbal stuff you can get from chinese herb stores) and fried brocolli for lunch. All those done while keeping an eye on the monley little one, running to him to meet his demands and all.. and back to the kitchen and back to the TV area. *sigh* Now I am really feeling very grateful when mom was down here so one can keep an eye on him while the other can runaround and do his/her own stuff. Now, its only Hubby or me and Jaden, lately prefers my company. Sticking to me like UHU glue. Wishing he can walk soon so I can just put him down on the floor instead high up on the baby chair and have this fear all times that he climbs out from his seat and fall. Speaking of hoping he can quickly learn to walk, I must now go and mop and clean up the living area for the little boy...

Back to motherhood I guess for me now.. toodles~

Saturday, January 10, 2009

F1 crawler

Last night, we took Jaden over to Aunt Lin's for him to meet up with Xian Xian. We were hoping by showing him how Xian Xian walks will motivate him to do so too. Well, the boy was excited to see a friend and he started crawling after Xian Xian, following him around. The funny thing is when Xian Xian grabbed a toy out of Jaden's hand, Jaden did not throw a tantrum. Instead he just looked and smile. If it was us, he would have thrown such a fit that you just want to slap him for being such a spoilt child. Well, since Xian Xian now can walk and crawl super duper fast, I am sure Jaden would catch up soon. It is always like that.. only that Xian Xian is going super duper speedy fast in the growing teeth department while Jaden is still left behind with 4 1/2 teeth still.

I got to fulfil my cravings last night too. Yippee! Its cheap and its nice and well.. its cheap and delicious. What else is there to complain about? I am talking about the siu long pao at Taman Desa Food Court. Yummy!!!! I have compared prices here and there such as in Canton-i and that one restaurant at The Curve. They are expensive and is just so-so.. well, for RM5 a tray of 6 siu long paos.. I am happy with the China aunty selling it at the food court!

After dinner, we headed over to Pa-in-law's house to pay him a visit. He had a very bad fall due to some superstition he had, and well, lets just say because of the superstition, he got injured in the process of trying to get rid of the bad omen. *sigh* Kan better to have left it all alone then? Well.. he seems so fragile now and he is hitting 74 this year. Getting injured is the last thing he would want to happen to him since recovery process won't be as fast as a youth's. Poor old man.. I hope he gets better soon anyhow.

Jaden was more intrigued by the staircase in his grandpa's house and was climbing it, sucking the energy out of Aunty Diana, Yvonne and I. Want to know the secret on how to keep slim? Have a child. Yes! Have a child and that will just keep you slim and everyday is a workout session day. Soon I will be having arm muscles I tell you.. that little boy do really keep me busy. Eyes, hands, legs.. everything mobile on me would be worked out.. no thanks to the baby boy of mine. *sigh* what to do.. would just do anything for him... =)

On another note, SoFat died. My goldfish. The last one in the aquariam.. it died yesterday after suffering for quite some time. RIP Mr Goldfish SoFat. You have lived a long 3 years with me.. and had entertained me with your cute swimming antics. Now that your suffering has ended, I hoped you RIP. *moment of silence*