I am so grateful, so so very grateful that Jaden only started to accept drinking formula like now now because if he did back since Sept 2007, I would think I will only be clad in t-shirts and pants that costs less than RM5 for the rest of his drinking milk stage.
Tesco was selling Pediasure 900g for RM55.95 then or something like that. Confirm the RM55 is there la.. others I saw was selling at RM57 lah, RM60 lah and I thought to myself so lucky I go grocery shopping at Tesco. I saw the big 1.8kg Pediasure selling then at about RM77 or RM88 only then.. and I was like.. SO WORTH IT WEY!
Then yesterday I had to go and re-supply the milk powder because Jaden finished the 900g tin of milk in like 2 weeks.. he drinks milk twice a day now.. once in the morning and once at night before bed.
Jusco was prolly selling the 900g at RM60 or RM62 so I confidently told Hubby that we should just get it at Tesco which is like RM5 cheaper. So Iz drove us there and I ran down to get the milk powder. It will be more worth it and longer lasting if I were to get the 1.8kg size.. and when I reached the aisle, I almost choked blood. Guess how much it cost like NOWWWW???
Just after CNY, the price all shot up to RM59.99 for 900g and RM117.30 for 1.8kg. I mean WHAT? Why? What reason do they have to inflate the prices in like just a few days? If i knew, I should have grabbed a few when it was selling cheap. DAMNIT!
I queued at the cashier counter waiting for my turn to pay. The guy in front of me bought a lot of things and he paid only RM120. I got only 1 thing to pay for and it costs me RM120 too. Where is the justice? EVen the cashier lady commented when I was paying.. "Mahal-nya!"
yea RIGHT! IT is DAMN MAHAL lor.. what to do? All for in the name of making sure Jaden receives proper nutrients to grow strong and healthy.
p/s: Is it normal for a 16 month old only to drink 240-260ml per feed? Or should they be drinking more?
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