Sunday, October 6, 2013

Anti or Pro Vaccine? - its a gamble ! But I rather take the gamble on being Anti Vaccine.

After having gone through with Jaden's case and a bout of self-blaming game that it was me that might have triggered off the autism in Jaden, I have decided for baby no.2 that I do not want to go down the same road again.

I am not saying that vaccines will cause autism but for some children, and their immune that we are not able to test it out when they are young, might trigger off and attack their neurological system. 

I will never know what my medical history were like, as I was adopted and nobody knows anything about my blood parents. So we just can't depend on Hubby's medical history as most of these genes do derive more from the mother, or so I read.

Hubby and I are different opinionated when it comes to vaccine. 

He believes in them. I, for one, as a mother, and my motherly instinct is telling me the other way round. It is not because I am influenced greatly but somehow something ticks in me, telling my kids' immune are not build for all these ingredients in the vaccines. 

I rather use the homeopathy and natural way to build up their immune system and this time round, I am going to make sure that I will breastfeed the baby for at least minimum 2 years exclusively and eating right. 

Eating right is the hard part though for me, but as long as I compensate baby with infant probiotics, and more of good meat and vege and probios for myself, I am sure I will be able to bring up a healthy baby, without vaccines and should the child get measles, mumps or chicken pox, I shall let him be and treat it the way the elders had treated me.

Its going to be a challenge because I know there will be arguments if baby do fall sick and that I will be heavily blamed and accused but if I as a mother, act strong for my child and keep him from what I instinctively believed will do him more harm than good, it will all be well in the end. 

So from today onwards, I am going to down myself with lots of good healthy food and less sugary stuff and probiotics to prevent GBS!

We are coming close to 31 weeks soon.. *sigh* Its only a matter of time now, as I am already starting to feel Braxton-Hicks contractions. 

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