Sunday, August 14, 2011


Its been about two months since I last post a blog. It is just that I am so uninspired to blog as I have nothing interesting to share other than rants about my relationship and that, too, I don't really want to hang my dirty laundry out in the open. Therefore, the hiatus in blog updates...

but I do really need to find time to sit down properly and blog about Jaden's experience with Liverpool vs. Malaysia back in July.. =) so just be patient and wait for that update and hope, I will get to blog almost daily or at least once every two days ..

I need to blog them out too since I tend to forget what goes on in life quite fast these days. Signs I am getting older (in my brains) and well, its that time of the year to start panicking and planning for Jaden's birthday party.

Gonna be quite a tough one as we are going GFCF and well, how to please both guests and boy during that day.

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