Saturday, August 1, 2009

Fever fever please go away...

Last night at about 930pm, I have to stick the med into his ass.. and his fever came down a little, making him more energetic.. but it kinda wore off at about 1230am-1am. He even fell asleep without any fuss last night on his own while Hubby and I were still talking.

Touched Jaden's forehead again at about 530am and found his temperature to be at 39 sumthing Celcius. That calls for another med up his ass as the fever was getting really high. Jaden did not even realized that I took part of his pants off, diapers off one side and a med pushed up his ass.

His temperature did come down when I woke up around 8am plus to check on him but he soon became warm back again. Not to the extend of the high temperature he had in the middle of the night last night but will keep a watchout. Making him drink lots of water at the moment and hopefully, the temperature will just keep dropping at the moment.

Should the fever is still there by the time Hubby comes back from work in the evening later, we shall just take Jaden to the hospital and see if he needs to be admitted for a closer watch by the medical experts.

Speaking of which, I am starting to have sore throat today after some cough and phlegm yesterday in the morning.. have to take care of myself properly now too.. so that Jaden don't get anything extra from me... His fever is more than enough to make both Hubby and my heart skip a beat!

p/s: If you are wondering did we attend Howard's birthday? Nope.. we didn't. The little boy was just too sick to be going anywhere.. =(

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