Saturday, August 15, 2009

A gentle reminder to myself

My hubby is out enjoying beers with the guys and I have not seen him for about 12 hours max now for the day.

He better not use the word "You don't too much" next time I go out with the girls and leave him at home with the boy because it is totally unfair. As much as he needs to unwind after work, I too, need air to breathe after being confined at home and only getting invitation from friends once in a while...

so this is a gentle reminder to myself that I, too, can go out for drinks and not feel guilty after.

I am already being a good wife at the moment for not calling him, smsing him to even ask what time he is coming back because I simply don't mind he is hanging out because I am saving all these for my own timeout.

So there.. I said it loud and clear here. I can come home after 12 next time and not a need to feel guilty because as much as Jaden is my son, it is his too.. and he needs to learn how to do some babysitting, and preparing the boy to sleep and putting him to bed for the night without me.

1 comment:

tanshuyin said...

u are so right. way to go emily! ;)