Thursday, November 6, 2008

One of his FIRSTS...

One of my girlfriend called me up and asked me to bring Jaden over for a milk powder ad casting. My initial thought was that I am sure there are lots more other kids there and the client might preferred a pan-asian baby. I mean, those faces always appeal more to the Asians who are mostly feeling inferior of their own kind. Nevertheless, I thought it might also be fun to bring Jaden for his first casting.

GaietyblurAnn accompanied us mother and son there yesterday then. Very sweet of her! There were quite a number of children there ranging from those that could already walk, crawl professionally without knocking their head on the floor (Jaden) to 3 year olds. BUT there was no mummy there as young as I was. At least when I was there, I did not see any young mummies my age.

The crew kept asking my age and was surprised to find out that I was Jaden's mother. They said I looked younger than my age. *aawww* flattery.. it is nice once in a while BUT I AM STILL JADEN's MOTHER no matter what! I still feel old tho.. must be the all those time spent hiding at home, oblivious to whats happening out there... suddenly everything seemed so fastforward when I stepped out of doors.

When? When will my friends all start popping babies so we can all bring out babies out together instead of just me? =)

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