Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sleepless nights

Turning 12 Months Old means he has another vaccination to take. This time, the MMR Vaccination. For those that don't know what is MMR (Mumps, Measles and Rubella).

Taking him to the doctor this time also means having his weight check, his body temperature, his lungs and breathing check because he has been breathing really hard and it disturbs my peace of mind when I hear him breath like that. It sound as if he has lots of mucus yet he can snort them out.

He has not been able to sleep properly for a few nights now. He will wake up after 2-3 hours of sleeping CRYING for NO APPARENT REASON. That being said is maybe we just didn't understand what he is uncomfortable about or maybe he is just having nightmares. All these are making both of us lose sleep especially Hubby who works till late into the night and then when he is just about to doze off, my little crying machine starts his engine and won't stop. He does not want to be on the bed. He wants to be carried and we have to have various 'gadgets' to distract him.

Like last night, the little boy slept off at about 230am and woke up at 5am for no reason and just sat up crying till about 7am when he got knocked out by his own tiredness. The little boy didn't even want his father to comfort him. He rather sit on the floor and make a ruckus with his Stack-em-Up toys. I thought he was already well distracted and wanted to bring him back onto the bed and let him continue playing there but he immediately kicked up a BIG ASS FUSS and started crying uncontrollably again.

Its kind of sad not being able to know why he is acting as such but well, all I could do is to keep him entertained, take his mind off whatever that was disturbing him and then only let him make his mind up to go back to bed.

When they say you have children, its a life changing thing.. its true I tell you.

**update 1115pm

Jaden took his vaccine like a hero. No cries -nothing, He just gave this look like he felt that there was something not right happening to him. So cute I tell you if you could see his expression. Hubby was holding on to the Dr Altaf's toy xylophone to distract him while I hold him. Dr Altaf then quickly gave the boy his vaccination at the butt. Short and painless I should think so.

Anyway, he still have his heavy breathing and phlegm that really disturbs me. I am really getting very paranoid if he could actually breath properly. Coz I have a feeling that it is the breathing problem that is making him have sleepless nights and when he has sleepless nights, so do we. BAD BAD thing to happen NO? I just hope he will soon get over this heavy breathing.. if not, I am going to take him to see the doctor again and demand the doctor that he do something about my son's breathing problem. I am really getting worried sick over this matter.

He is only weighing at 8.6kg now. Doctor says he is rather underweight for his age. Hubby and I are going to supplement him with multivitamins and a bottle of formula milk from now onwards. Hopefully he will put on the supposed weight he should be weighing. I only he stays healthy and all.. nothing I would ask for.. really really praying for his phlegm and hard-breathing probs to go away like NOW!

Doesn't help with him crying almost every 2 or 5 minutes.. with mucus flowing out but never the full snort that will clear the nasal passageway. Getting so down because of this now. I rather its me that is feeling what he is feeling than him having to go through it. Gggrrr.. such a bad mother not able to take care of his health properly. FAIL!

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