Sunday, September 28, 2008

A letter to my son

My dearest Jaden,

Today you turn ONE.

Mommy cannot believe that it has already been a year you came into our lives and make it brighter.

It was as if yesterday, Mommy and Daddy both discovered that Mommy was pregnant with you. Our first sonogram of you was a little 19mm fetus with legs and hands. Daddy and Mommy nearly cried seeing you in mommy's womb for the very first time.

Then there were the times when you would just kick endlessly in mommy's womb. You kick mommy real hard especially when mommy is driving, when daddy is watching Liverpool games and you are just one night-owl that would kick away into early morning before you decided that it was your bedtime.

Preparing to give birth to you was one of the most exciting thing Mommy and Daddy looked forward to. Both of us were so excited that we could not sleep at all the day before.

Daddy was there to witness your birth. Your Kai-Ma Joy was also there in the labor room with mommy while we were waiting for you to come out.

You were rather an angry baby when you came out of Mommy. Hearing your cry for the very first time was the best thing that ever happened.

All these months of being with you 24/7 has made both mommy's and daddy's life filled with explosions of unconditional love and happiness.

To be able to watch you grow every single minute, achieving your milestones is a great honor. We appreciate every single second spent with you. We are so proud of you.

You are always ever ready with a smile to greet us whenever wherever. Mommy love getting up in the morning to your smile, and sometimes, you would even be petting mommy.

We would like you to know that Daddy and Mommy will always be there for you.

For all the years ahead, we both wish you nothing but safety and good health all the way. There is nothing better that we would ask for.

We love you and will love you always for your whole life.

Daddy and Mommy

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