Sunday, March 30, 2008

Frustrated at the paediatricians

Its pretty frustrating when you want to take your son to the paediatrician and when you reached there, it has a sign hang "CLOSE". Fine! Maybe its my fault for not calling earlier to check if it was opened but still, it was not a public holiday so no reasons right? Nevermind, then when you call the next day and the receptionist says they are open till 9pm and that was like 530pm when you call.. so fine! You dress up your son and braved through the traffic jam and then to find it close. BUT YOU HAVE JUST CALLED LIKE 1/2 hour ago!!!!!!! Freaking ##!!@@!!

You are disappointed with paediatrician #1, so you decided to try others and there is just one opposite where you stay. Yay! .. only to find out that it might be the wrong choice afterall. *sigh* The doctor actually asked me to wean my son off breastmilk now. WTF? What type of paediatrician asks such a thing of a pro-breastfeeding mother? Weren't they suppose to encourage it instead?


Anonymous said...

those r def not gd paed!

blubbieMs said...

I really hate it when it comes to those paed trying to tell us to wean baby off breastmilk. Luckily I have got a very supportive husband who even wants me to breastfeed him till like 18 months old or more... So frustrating kan, the paed?