Monday, January 28, 2008

He is 4 months old today!

Jaden is 4 months old today!
Can't believe it...
It was as if it was a Friday morning, Hubby waking me up early to bathe and wash my hair thoroughly because that will be the last I wash my hair till like 3 weeks later...
Having a roti telur before heading to the medical centre to admit myself.
Doctor broke my water bag and something was stuffed up my ass to make me clean my bowels completely.
Put on IV Drip to hasten contractions... got my very first epidural.
Joked and talked and attempted to watch movie with Joy in the labor room.
Have her and Hubby to massage my feet and move it about tho I could no longer feel anything from waist below...
and pop comes the baby...
*sigh* maybe somethings aren't meant to be forgettable..

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