Wednesday, October 3, 2007

So far so good...

So far, everything is going fine! *touch wood* Baby Jaden eats, sleeps, poo-ed & peed fine!

Just to update those faraway god-mothers and friends what Baby Jaden's been up to.. for your information when I was wiping his ass yesterday evening, with my back bent forward to have a closer look at his ass..(have to make sure kan, no shit stays..) he decided to let out a funny sound, coming from the ass crack. Yes! He farted right into my face! Try smelling it.. My nose didn't work till this morning then..

This morning, when he woke up, with his grandma's help in changing diapers and the whole process of wiping ass and all, just right after I cleaned him up nicely, put some baby lotion.. and as I was just going to pull the diaper under him, he treated me to tea. A little fountain squirted right onto my hands... Angry a not? =)

*sigh* What did I say about discovering new things everyday?

God-ma Joy measured him yesterday. He grew to 54cm from 51.1cm... Joy seems to have this thought that everyday he is growing and changing.. all I see is a hungry, wailing, impatient, fiesty BUT CUTE, ADORABLE and ADORABLE and ADORABLE and LOVELY and LOVELY and LOVELY and LOVELY baby Jaden!

*photos galore again..**
Crying out loud for milk...



firefly said...

my goodness....look at the face when he's crying for you, ems.... =)

blubbieMs said...

You mean how he cried when he saw me? *gRin* jst kidding~

He looks as if hes crying out loud "MURDERRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!"