Saturday, June 16, 2007

Daily Conversations

U know its one of those days you are at your blurest or you just want to shiok sendiri and you start having random conversations like these:-

Example A: (while waiting for the lift)
Wife : Can you open the letterbox and see if the postman already come?
Hubby : Urrgghh.. can you be a bit more nastier than that?

Example B: (in the car on the way back, hubby reading an interview in a magazine)
Interview Question (IQ)
Hubby (H)

IQ : What kind of phone do you own
H : House phone

IQ : Which phone are you eyeing next?
H : A public phone

IQ : Are you into mobil games?
H : I didn't know that petrol stations now offer games

IQ : What other gadgets do you own?
H : You mean other than my vibrator?

IQ : Do you give your number out to eager fans?
H : I give them to non-eager fans too.

IQ : Any experiences with weird fans?
H : I am having one right now.

IQ : Let's talk about Internet lifestyle for a while. Are you a keen user?
H : (with an eyebrow raise and a grin) Oh yes, very...

**No intended sarcarsm, or degrading the real interview that took place in the magazine. The answers replied by hubby was plain stupidity to entertain himself when the the wife is driving and ignoring him. Hubby was just plain bored. Just for gags!**

Now can you imagine what I have to put up with everyday? Trust me when I said hubby was laughing like a hyena when he asked and answered his own questions. How distracting can that be when you are stuck with him in a moving car and you are concentrating on driving. Harzardous to the driver I would say!

is around the corner. Last night, hubby and I went to celebrate an early Father's day dinner with Father-in-Law and the rest of the Yap family who was in KL. Isaact joined us for the dinner too because we went back to the same restaurant that we held our wedding for him to have a taste of the 9 course meal he missed while he was in UK.

Met up with hubby's grand-uncle too who was present for the dinner. Its scary to think of it but seriously, I nearly mistaken his grand-uncle for father-in-law's cousin bro or brother. They looked about the same age, somewhere in their 60s but nooo.. grand-uncle is already in his 80's. Cracking jokes over wine and good food, everybody had a great time.

Thinking of Father's day.. *sigh** would not be able to celebrate it with my father this year.. thats when technology comes in and saves the day. Will call him tomorrow to wish him and when I get to go back to Penang, will treat him to a nice family dinner. I miss home.. Hubby, Isaact and I was supposed to make a trip back to Penang this weekend which got me so hypered and then slapped me with a "We need rest this weekend dear and I need to work" Just imagine how the music suddenly died down.. but oh well, as long its for work, I totally understand.. next time then...

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