Mommy came down to KL on Monday, the day Hubby left with WernShen and Justin and went to Taiwan for Computex 2011.
Brought her to eat lunch before coming back home and boy, did she immediately go to work as soon as she put down her bags and got briefed by me about switches, water pipes and doors.
Dad came down and joined her on Thursday and I brought both of them to HoiPeng seafood at ss2 as a compensation for both their birthday dinner. Since mommy has always been saying how she wants to eat crab, I ordered 2 sweet sour crabs, fried mantou, kamheong lala and belacan kangkung. Lets just say both my dad and mom was uber please with all the dishes, of course they were most satisfied with the crab and the fried mantou that went very well with the sweet sour sauce.
For me, it was damn satisfying for me to watch the smiles on their faces.

Unfortunately, Jaden fell sick on the night that dad reached so I could not bring them places the next two days. Instead, both of them were helping me out while I just concentrate on Jaden. Mom cooked a whole pot of chicken porridge for me, and dad driving my mom out for dinner and buying me back dinner so I don't starve. The best thing was, they did not even call to ask what type of food I wanted them to tapao for me, but mom always made the right choice. *sigh* Parents do really understand what their children like and want, don't they?
I wake up to a cleaned house every morning, spick and span. Not a speck of dust in sight. Everything that I asked for is put right in front of my face in a jiffy. Boy! Mom can really move fast. Dad, on the other hand, was helping me making sure that Jaden drinks his water every other five minutes until Jaden runs away or voiced his displeasure.
Jaden, has an instant bond with my dad but he needs to warm up to my mom because he has not seen for a bout a year now. In the end, the little boy stole his grandparents' hearts by planting both of them with kisses before they left back to Penang.
I took them out for a dimsum breakfast before dropping them off at the bus station. It really felt like the old days where we, three sans Jaden would have our weekly Sunday dimsum but this time round, its me footing the bill and asking them to order and take whatever they like.
Finally, I got to do my duty as a daughter, and well, Simon has a part in it too, and that was giving both of them their 2011 birthday present and compensation for me not being there with them this Chinese New Year. *sigh*
I really don't know when will I be able to meet up with my parents like that again and have the luxury of staying so long with them but I sure did enjoy my week with them when they were here.
Came back to the house feeling rather empty, no mother asking me what I am up to and all that.. but well, not for long before the doorbell rang in the afternoon and the man comes back from his weeklong holiday too, from Taiwan.
So, for now, its back to routine work again .. =p
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