Friday, August 28, 2009

3-in-1 day

Jaden turns 23 Months Old ! One more month to graduating to being a 2 year old... and does that mean the Terrible Two tag will follow suit?

  • Jaden still can't really talk in words but he could convey messages to us through hand gestures and baby talk which Hubby and I could catch-lah what he wants or is trying to tell us.
  • He allows me to brush his teeth now each time during his bath time, which he will also in turn try to bite the toothbrush playfully just to annoy me when I am trying to quickly finish bathing him so he doesn't catch cold...
  • He tries to run now, still wobbling from side to side, sometimes ending up tripping himself over something.
  • He has recognized Vitagen or Yakult as HIS DRINK and will always try to take it from the fridge when I am taking something from it, pushing me out of his way.
  • His tantrum throwing is still bad, resulting in whackings from me as usual but he finds them funny. So whenever I whack him, I have to whack him 5-6 times straight hard in a row to let him know I am not playing with him. When the pain sets in, his tears will also set in.
  • Found a game he think is funny and No, its not funny to Hubby and me because it involves the TV. He keeps pressing the buttons behind the TV and that irritates the shit out of me when I am watching subtitled movies.
  • Loves his father to bits. The face will brighten up whenever he sees his father and will want to hang out with his father in front of the computer.
  • Caught him flipping his storybooks, looking at the pictures and laughing to himself. Wonder what caught his funny bone attention?
  • Eats more solid now. Cooking his rice a little softer compared to adults' rice, and him loving his vege more than meat unless its satay!
So this is more or less Jaden's 23 Months Old milestones.. hopefully he will be able to talk in proper words soon...

Today is also one of the many anniversaries in Hubby and my date. Just well, all three of us were just too tired by the end of the day to want to do anything special or memorable together unless if you want to count that my left shoe tore when I was at MidValley eating dinner and have to ber-tempang back to the car, drive barefooted and walked tempang back into the house.....

Of all days and when I thought, how and when 'she' will come, 'she' has to make it today the first day.. thus adding on to the tiredness of today's event. Lets just say the three of us have to leave the house at 630am and we only came back home at about 8pm? (well, Jaden and I did come back home at about 745am-245pm to sleep off again before going out)

Had a lunch appointment with my sister at BVII. Howard is such a big boy already and he is so much fun to play with. Jaden only started warming up to his cousin when we were paying the bill, of course which he ended up throwing a tantrum as my sister pushed Howard away (going home mah!) and I taking him down the lift to the carpark.

The boy wants to play and his cousin wants to sleep. How lah like that? Both the little boys crying for different reasons. My sister and I was full from taking care of these two boys.. I bet all mothers out there will understand what I mean from that but it was all fun!

After the lunch date with my sister, which ended up at about 430pm, I took Jaden to go find his father at work and I guess that was when Jaden tired out himself by running around. Jaden was just so happy to see his father and after that, running around trying to seduce everyone else in the room and he was even caught in action sneaking a peek into one of the model's back! *aaarrrghhh* Once I get my hands on that photo, shall show you all.. but for now, you guys would just have to settle for other photos then. =)

It is really a very very very tiring day indeed!


MooNkitty said...

your kids so cute... sorry about the Wilber's video clip. File to big and couldn't send it to you.. sorry~~~

MooNkitty said...

your kids so cute... sorry about the Wilber's video clip. File to big and couldn't send it to you.. sorry~~~

Bryan and Brandon's Mama said...

Handsome boys!