Monday, June 25, 2007


Last weekend was just plain wonderful.. only if hubby was with me but anyways I did enjoyed my journey back to Penang.

Mom picked me up and off I went to Baptain, my one and only trusted hairdresser so far who has not cheated me of my money. Dinner was seafood, where I had grilled salmon and claypot curry prawns.. yummy! and off I go next to supper with SChee at Gurney for some fried chicken skin and Leng Chi Kang. Penang and its food.. Since DVDs and CDs were so much more cheaper in Penang, SChee got me 4 CDs and 2 DVDs. I know I am such a sucker for all these pirated discs but hey, it does help me save a lot compared to oris.. well, no different from those that downloads.. hehehe

Off I go to Queensbay Mall for the first time in my entire life that I have been a Penangite. Sushi with SChee and Venus, who kept spilling her food on her white pants. It was just plain nice to catch up with friends you have not seen for quite some time. If I am not mistaken, I think the last time I met Venus was Chinese New Year 2006?

Evon and Chen Yong took me out for midnight apple pies and sundaes. How sweet right? We talked and laughed.. no one could actually believed that I am already a married woman and also pregnant! *gRin* Always a step faster than the rest when it comes to unpredictable steps in life.

Another night of seafood dinner with parents. Crabs with eggs!!! YUMMY!!! and of course, knowing me.. I could not resist taking a stroll down to the pet shop and got my mom two little bunnies to keep her company at home. One brown spotted one named Cookie and the One white one named Choobie. Both are black-eyed ones. But as I speak of them right now, Cookie passed away this afternoon. He was actually given free by the pet shop owner because the owner saw little surviving chance for Cookie and that Cookie was very attached to Choobie. =( I guess Cookie is now in rabbit heaven, and not limping anymore. Poor Cookie.. he was born a limp in all three legs.. Bless his little cheerful soul tho..

Now, I am back in KL with my hubby and the rabbits. Getting naughtier and naughtier by the minute. Looking at them and comparing to Choobie? Choobie is just the size of their one head. So can you imagine how big these two rabbits of mine are? 4 Choobies equals 1 Cheekie... *sigh* they grow up too fast...

Anyway, now that I am home sweet home with my hubby, its all back to the norms again.. *sigh** if you are wondering if my hubby did missed me when I was away? I doubt not.. He said the house was much more a peaceful, quiet place and that he don't eat that much when I am not around.. *shakes head**

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