Saturday, June 30, 2007

D . LeH . mA

She went off on her own. She took off and she never once got to thinking how many would have been worried bout her. Off for 36 hours or more, she did not even book herself a room to rest. Well, can't blame her for that but still .. walking around till its time to come back down? How much this time is she going to spend? Is she going to stay normal or go stare at others and make them feel uneasy. Is she going to be blabbering nonsense and start her singsongs and dances? What is she going to do up there .. those long hours.. Will she be able to tell time and come back down before she is left up there? I am practically so mentally and emotionally tired. I want to take a rest yet I can't. I have a responsibility to fulfil yet I can't perform it as I am so bloated. I have my own and the little baby's health to take care of. To ensure a healthy growing baby at the end of my 3 months. Why can't she behave? Why can't she be sane like others? She has now gone from bad to worse.. I do not dare to predict what comes soon after stages of her being.

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