Saturday, November 14, 2009

Class today for J

Jaden went for class today instead of tomorrow. He absolutely loves it!

Jaden woke up at about 930am, fed and bathed him, then myself, then off we went.. leaving Hubby still in lalaland. Jaden clapped his hands when I was put him in his stroller in the carpark. It is as if he knew we were going to class where he can play.

The smile on his face outside the class door, while I was putting on socks for him was priceless. Overall, he attempted a few more things than last week and I am so proud of him. This Sat class has 3 boys, inclusive of Jaden and 2 girls but I guess I will stick to Sunday class. Sat's schedule is a little too early for both Jaden and I at the moment. 11am? No thanks! =)

Took Jaden to Jusco after class to buy slippers as he outgrew his and there was no slippers for Jaden in Tesco the last time I went. Bought him a belt and suspenders as well. Overall damage = RM63 before 1pm. *sigh*

Wiped his hands and legs and face, changed him into more of a comfy t-shirt and long pants and put him back to bed with his father and the boy just fell right asleep, less than 10 minutes?

I snucked out of the house then to do my stuff, something I have been wanting to do a long time -eyebrow threading. Finally I got it done today just in time to attend TommyTKC's wedding tomorrow. Guess my next eyebrow threading session would be before I go back for NickLenny's wedding in Penang.

Came home, had lunch and both the boys woke up. Couldn't keep my eyes open, so I asked Hubby to take care of Jaden instead, feed and play with Jaden while I take a short nap, which ended up being a 21/2 hr nap. *yawn*

Its now half past midnight and Jaden nearly fell asleep before his milk... luckily I got him in time and now, after his milk, instantly poo-ing.. just waiting for him to poo finish.. then give him a quick rinse and a good thorough scrub at the butt... and then both of us can go to bed.. yay!

Tomorrow is going to be quite a long day.. got to get up early to do some housecleaning.. and then get ready for the wedding.. Nite peeps!

p/s: and WernShen won the Live Mannequin Blogathon contest! Whoopie! Congrats neighbor! =)

pp/ss: I can smell the poo even with a very very blocked nose.. damn! Must be one hell of a poo.. oh gawd!

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