Sunday, November 29, 2009

Alone on a Sunday

We thought we were late for class, but there were no one in sight playing in the class when we got there. Jaden was the only student there today and he got 100% attention from Teacher Siew Ming.

Sean, the boy joined the class yesterday instead of today, Olivia is away on vacation with her family, Wen Jie was still sleeping and Ashraf will only be joining in January after the whole month wedding weekends in December.

He was a happy boy today running around, teacher helping me out making him complete the obstacles two rounds. To make him finish the whole obstacle activity, I have to hold the colourful balls in front of him, just out of reach so he is driven to go over up, down, in and out to get to the balls. *tiring*

Since there weren't any kids today, Teacher Siew Ming told me to bring him again next Saturday for replacement so he can also interact with other kids. So it will be like an extra class for him. Yay! I am sure Jaden would enjoy it. So that could only mean Jaden will be attending two classes two weeks in a row as in the middle of the month, he would be going back to Penang with me so class would be pushed forward -19th Dec and then 20th Dec.

Jaden turned 26 months old yesterday but he has not achieve much in terms of vocabulary milestone. He refuses to speak or follow what we are saying. He still babytalks and that worries us. The teacher told me by 2 years, the kids should have at least have a 3 syllabus vocab such as "I don't want!" but Jaden is still going nen nen nen nen da da da da ta ta ta and occasionally if hes in the mood, bye or daddy. Thats all. No much change from months ago.

Jaden do understand what we are saying to him but he just refuse to talk. Is there anyway to make him talk or at least want to talk? Going to give him till three years old to pick up more words and hopefully in a month or so, he will at least say one new word.

The little boy is down with a bad runny nose and cough. His body was feeling a little warm after class today and I am on a lookout for any fever signs. At the moment, just making sure he downs lots of fluids into the body and will be cooking him minced chicken porridge after posting this up. Got to keep him rested at home, at least for the whole week till he recovers, which also mean me being locked up in the house with him. Well, its ok for me as long as he gets well.

Last night, we went to Carnaval Churrascaria for dinner. This time round, I made reservations and since its a public holiday weekend, nobody around in the city, there were lots of empty tables around. Anyway, got to try out that place which well, serves lots of meat. You have got to be a meat eater to go there and enjoy the rump steak, garlic beef, lamb shoulder, chicken, dory fish, prawns, pineapple and chicken ham. I love the garlic beef best.. followed by the rump steak, pineapple , chicken ham. The garlic bread was so so only but well, with the two accompanying sauce on the table, everything is good. =) Drinks of course do not come cheap. Its a buffet place, and if I am not mistaken, is RM55++ per person.

Wondering about the place? Its at Damansara Jaya -Atria there the same row as Maybank. Its a corner shop.

My tummy must not have got used to the medium rare rump steak and it got me going to the toilet at about 7 in the morning after. I remember feeling the exact way when I first had my beef steak and lamb. My tummy is somehow funny. It has to like register a certain meal for me more than once or I will suffer the churning tummyache. Same went for Shogun the last time.. That is why I always eat my steak well-done no matter what. I just can't stomach medium or rare. I like my things cooked! =) So that also means no sashimi for me. I am not a raw food person.

Parking in One U was horrendous when we left for home today after Jaden's class. I guess its a weekend ritual thing to happen in shopping malls. Thankfully we were leaving that place and not just going there.

Jaden came home and fell asleep for about 2 1/2 hours while I cleaned up the long procrastinated rabbits' room floor. *phew* So now whats left is to do the dishes, and then prepare dinner, then fold the clothes and wash another set of dirty laundry.

Soon, it will be time to start packing up some stuff to be thrown or donated away. There is just too many rubbish on my side. *must not be a hoarder!* right.. easier said than done but will be done. Well, better get my arse going now before I start to slack in whatever I must do...

Have a good weekend peeps!

1 comment:

Gaiety XY Ann said...

We've been wanting to tried the restaurant out.. :) will try it out one of these days! :)