Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Quarantined in the clinic

Hubby and I brought Jaden to Dr. Altaf's yesterday evening to see if he needs to take any meds or apply any meds. By the time we reached the clinic, it was already 730pm and there were lots of kids by then.

I asked the girl by the counter if there is a room we can put Jaden in while waiting for his turn because he has chicken pox, she didn't seem to trust me until she saw the pox by herself on Jaden's body.

She then, asked me to take Jaden out of the clinic first as there were two people inside the treatment room using the nebulizer (is that how u spell it?). Poor Jaden! He so wanted to get down from our arms to go play with other kids but well, there were two or three newborns there that we could not possibly let get infected with chicken pox, can we?

Took him into the car, which he screamed because he thought we were going home. He needed to be 'cool-ed' at all times just in case the heat will make his itch worse.

After a while, we were told to go into the treatment room and wait. This time, it was rather fast for Dr. Altaf to come see to Jaden. Guessed he didn't want Jaden to infect other kids around. Jaden was smiling all the way when Dr. Altaf was checking on him and telling us the possibilities of what might happen duing the duration of this chicken pox on him.

Hubby and I didn't really agree to Jaden taking the anti-viral and Dr. Altaf also said it was not really necessary since Jaden will not be exposed to anyone else but us in the house, so we decided to let the chicken pox takes its own course with the hope the vaccine he took two weeks earlier could help with the antibodies. All Jaden needs to do is to take this med, which will help curb the itch and also calamine lotion to help soothe the itch if he has it.

Gave his first dose of the med, which Hubby claims smelt like lychee and the boy spit out the last 1.5ml. *sigh*

So far, eveything is going well.. going to check on him later when I bathe him to see if there are any new spots. Dr. Altaf said maybe with the vaccine, it will help reduce the spots from the let-say normal 100 spots to about 30 or 40 spots. I just have to keep his fingernails short at all times now, not wanting to take the risk of scarring but the boy already has two scratches by last night. One by the arm and one by the face. Now I am worried. Think I am going to invest in Bio-oil once he recovers.

Jaden now seems to have some runny nose / stuffed nose but that is all in the chicken pox package so I really hope the boy will recover as fast as his father and that runny nose will go away. Have been stuffing him with lots of water to drink too...


tanshuyin said...

hope he gets well SOON!
ur hubby OK dee?

blubbieMs said...

Thank you Shu Yin. Jaden is oblivious to the fact he has chicken pox and we have been feeding him the anti-itch syrup thing and applying calamine that I don't think he even knows the thing itches... My hubby? yea, he is recovering from the scars now..