Friday, February 13, 2009

Jaden's milestones @ 16 months 2 weeks

He can stand on his own IF HE WANTS TO which he CHOOSES NOT TO. He prefers to hold on to stuff for support but we have caught him a few times standing without support. He definitely knows how to balance himself standing straight but I guess he is still not confident enough on hard ground.

He can walk. No wait.. he prefers to run although he has yet to perfect the art of balancing each step he takes and he will only walk without support when hes on the bed. On soft ground. I wonder when is he going to start walking on hard ground. I can't wait to buy him shoes.

He loves to play rough with his father. They have their own special bonding time before bedtime where these two boys of mine will try to outdo each other in terms of either wrestling one another down, playing boo-chak with blankie, biting or using the botak one as a support to pull himself up and simply try to run around the bed.

He loves bathtime. He can actually sit and lie in his bathtub like what adults do when they are relaxing in hot baths. *sigh*

He loves to watch his Sesame street or any singsong cartoons, advertisements with pretty girls or children. he is a TV addict.. I know its bad but it really does help keep Hubby and I undisturbed while we are both busy with work.

He loves to look at girls. Trust me, he loves pretty girls.. pretty ones! He can follow them from left to right until out of sight. Hes a boy alright! The SimonYap gene is there..


He drinks formula milk twice a day -morning and night. 240ml/260ml per feed.
He likes to eat our food although we refrain from giving him those that has too much sugar or salt, hot and spicy or fried.
Sometimes if he is too lazy to chew, he will then just munch and munch in his mouth till the food goes bland and he will spit them out!

Mam mam
He shrieks like a chicken kena slaughter in times of tantrum throwing resulting in me whacking him.

Jaden understands simple instructions like No, Come here and Carry but for the first two instructions, he, sometimes being the cheeky monkey would do opposite.

He knows how to clap hands, open close, twinkle twinkle little star, spin the hands but he chooses not to when we ask him to. He will only do it if he thinks he is doing it on his own without being asked and he will give a very smug look after.

Jaden is growing up so fast... anyway here is a video of him enjoying some quality time with me back home before his bathtime.. hope you like it as much as I do. =)

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