Monday, November 24, 2008

Feeling so miserable!

Bit my nails and look what it'd done to me.

I was sitting down on the floor watching my CSI:Miami and as usual, without thinking, put my nails inside my mouth and started biting them..

and suddenly.. *sHiT!! The cebisan of the nail was stuck to my teeth, and nothing could make me remove it.

Tried flossing it out, but the floss would only go as far as where the tip of the nail is and not go further down to enable me to floss it out.

Then I got so irritated, I thought if I took a sharp paper and pushed it from inside out, maybe the nail would budge and come loose.


The piece of paper was then stuck right above the nail cebisan and the whole process repeats itself.

Nothing would budge those two irritants out of my teeth and I have been suffering since.

Tried brushing my teeth, and that till my gum bled.

If it is still the case by tonight, I am going to the dentist to have it removed by a professional.


Moral of the story -Don't ever bite your nails or put anything foreign in between your teeth.. only toothpicks and toothbrushes!


Tried prying both my teeth apart and digging out the paper and nail out as fast as I can.. and voila! The paper came out.. and brushed my tongue against the teeth and still felt something there..damnit! So I rushed over to the toilet again and tried flossing and I actually could floss it from up to down and up again, which means the nail should have been out right? BUT why am I still feeling it? Must be psychological then.. anyway YA! THE PAPER AND I THINK THE NAIL CAME OUT FINALLY AFTER BEING STUCK BETWEEN MY TEETH FOR TWO DAYS!


firefly said...

so???did you manage to get the nail cebisan out arr???

blubbieMs said...

yah I got it out.. finally but I am still feeling as if it is still there... arrghh its driving me crazy!