Sunday, September 14, 2008

F for funky

He loves his mooncakes and he loves them funky. While his father is a big fan of funky tasting F&B, this little boy too developed a taste for funky tasting one. This time, contradicting with his father's taste bud -PAPAYA MILK MOCHI.

Hubby says he went depressed after eating (only a quarter of a slice, mind you). He says its as if he just ate KLCC's toilet.

Jaden, couldn't stop asking for more and more of that slice.

Hmm.. The two boys in my life has funky taste and descriptions for their food.

Took him to Midvalley's Toys'R'Us today to find his birthday present. There was only one left and the box looked as if it went to war and back. So disappointing. Didn't get it because the box looked really battered. Going to try Subang Parade Toys'R'Us and see.. hmm.. hoping they have lots of them in stock.

OMG, two more weeks to his ONE YEAR OLD mark!!! I am getting really excited now...

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