Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My day, His day, Our day!

Yesterday 28th April is a special day to both Hubby and I. First, its Jaden's 7th month-day and secondly, its our 1st wedding anniversary.

We had Japanese while Jaden had his toys to munch on.. *gRin* Bought him Sesame Street Sillier Songs at The Movies as his 7th Month old Present.

Somehow this time round, the date didn't get me all excited as how I used to be about dates and celebrations. I realized maybe its due to me ageing. Maybe.. but well, I guess Jaden's 7th month old got me more excited than my own wedding anniversary.

This time round, we got Jaden a Jelly Train Cake for his 7th Month celebration. =)

When Jaden grows a lil bigger, maybe Hubby and I then can getaway for a couple of hours to celebrate then. *wink* But for now, some quiet quality time at home will do.

So what did I get for Hubby and I just for the sake of commemorating the wedding anniversary? =)

A Sunflower Jelly Cake ... just one.. and I ate it all.. MUAHAHAHHAHAH

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