Finally one of the housewife's duty are slowly kicking in. Never knew that cooking for the husband could be kinda fun -as in you get to experiment with ingredients you never dared to. Why? Simply because he is now your husband and no matter what you do or cook, he has to take it all in and say Niceeeee.. =)
Two nights ago, i made jelly. Nothing unusual I know but its been years since I last made something like that out of the blue. So off I went to search for jelly moulds and the konyaku powder. Not a very successful first attempt at jellies for the husband. The comment -too pejal.. if he throws it on the floor, it would probably bounce right up but he ate it all alright.
Last night, I made him dinner. Fried Rice @ eMily's style. With a little garlic, lots of chilli padi, dried shrimps and chopped up bacon.. I must say, it is one of my signature dish. He loved it and ate the whole BIG plate without complaining he got too much for his own share.
This morning, I made him breakfast. Eggs ala eMiLy's style again with secret ingredients, fish fingers and bacon strips with some kicap hitam pekat. Nothing special you'd probably say but he ate it all down without saying anything.. just maybe the bacon strip tasted like some kerepek..
Wonder what I will be cooking next for him.. hmm.. I am starting to like this housewifey roles..
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