Sunday, September 8, 2013

27 weeks

Baby in me has started to be much more active and his movements are getting stronger. Responding to his brother's voice and sometimes, to his father, seems like baby favors Jaden more. :)

We have yet to determine on a name yet. I am not sure if Hubby has a specific name in mind yet but oh well, that is not really important now on the list. Not sure why, we are still taking our time out to choose the right name for baby. 

We chose a name for Jaden fast, because it was me that had the naming rights to our firstborn, and the agreement was that the children after, all naming rights will go to Hubby. 

I have not much weird cravings this pregnancy, nor do I want to eat anything in bulks. I remember chowing down meat ribs, pancakes and tubs of ice-creams during Jaden's time. This time, anything goes and I try to eat in moderation as heartburn is kicking in. 

I am starting to experience what most pregnant women goes through, things I somehow managed to 'skip' during my first pregnancy. Could this be because of age?

Coming into the third trimester soon, I no longer take naps like how I needed to during my first trimester. Failing to do so, without a doubt, I will get a really throbbing headache. Can't speak too soon as I hear many of my other pregnant friends in their third trimester starting to feel the tiredness all over again.. so I am just appreciating each day as it goes, that I am able to power up from morning 7am till 11pm at least.

Last few months, when other friends were getting all their baby essentials, I was just taking the back seat, as relaxed as ever and suddenly, it just hit me with a sudden panic that I should start doing serious research and getting what is essential to baby and me. 

I have been keeping an eye out for baby strollers and before I laid my eyes on this one stroller, we were eyeing Bugaboo. Though now, my heart has changed and I fell in love instantly with this one. Quinny Moodd by Britto.

Pricey? Yes.. of course.. *sigh* but it seems like a good deal to me now that our car has space to keep it. People do tend to ask, why buy another since Jaden already has one? Well, my reasoning would be because Jaden's stroller has become so dirty and Jaden might still use it from time to time. Yes, I still have to lockdown my Jaden at times in the stroller as he do get lazy walking around with me in shopping malls and he behaves best when strapped in his stroller.

Just last Friday, I called up Cryocord and signed up the cord blood stem cells (HSC -Hematopoietic Stem Cells) banking with them, with their latest offering, MSC (Mesenchymal Stem Cells). We did not do it the first time round with Jaden, as we weren't that well-informed and also, it was not that medically forward well-known then.. but with Jaden's situation, we felt that its better to store up the brother's cord blood stem cells and should there be a treatment in future to help treat Jaden, at least we have something to use. Hopefully, baby does not need to use any of those storage cells though. No need is good news. Pricey? Yes.. again.. we paid up a lump sum instead of by installments, so we get the additional one year of storage for the stem cells.. and it comes with a RM1899 baby shop voucher, which I can use to redeem it for the stroller I want. =) *gRin*

People have been asking me too, if I have started preparing Jaden about his baby brother's arrival. Yes, we have started telling him since we found out I was pregnant. We told him that he is getting promoted to becoming a kor kor and that he will have the responsibility to teach his baby brother house rules. That he will have a new best friend, other than his father. I am not sure how well he understands all that has been said to him, but I am sure when time comes, he will understand.

Jaden, on the other hand, is growing up much more independently. We have moved him to sleep on his own bed, still in the same room, but he has a Goodnite single mattress (won it in through on online competition.. YAY to that!) of his own, padded by a mattress pad, mattress protector and his single quilt cover. He has his own bolster, three pillows and his one and only smelly pillow and it seems he is doing well with the change. He goes there automatically on his own when he wants to sleep and since there ain't movements from either hubby or me when we go to bed, he sleeps soundly through the night and hes protected from the strong aircond blowing in his face. 

We have no idea where to place baby cot or baby to sleep just yet. *sigh* Confinement lady? Nah, we are going to do without confinement lady just like my first post-delivery moments. This time round, I should be asking my mother to come down instead so she can help me take care of Jaden. Yea, you read it correctly. I can take care of baby by myself and Hubby can help me out but when it comes to bathing Jaden, cooking for him and cleaning up after him, I don't think I would have enough energy for that so I will really need my mother to help me while I recuperate from post-partum delivery. 

Can you imagine it, I am already starting to feel the panic already on how to handle baby when baby comes.. and both my babies at that.. :) 

At the moment, this month, I am also feeling the pressure to give Jaden his annual birthday party, a party he deserves and this year, since he is already school-going and have his own friends, we are going to hold one tiny one in school for him.. and that would mean finding the right cakes for him and his friends, party-packs and then, on his real birth day, the venue, friends.. and oh boy, his birthday present. My baby boy is just growing up so fast.. 

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