A few pictures of Jaden for those who have not seen him in a while. I have not been posting up much photos too but fret not, now that I have got the battery charged, I will be back!

This is the shoe that have caused me to hobble all over Beijing2004.

World Cup Fever is on! Jaden is very excited about each match and he will not allow me to change channels although I will do it when Hubby is not home viewing it! Sometimes 90210 can be a little more entertaining .. sometimes ok?
I was excited when South Korea played against Greece and YAY! HOORAY to the Asians! We showed them Asians can be real good too on the field when competing with the Europeans and Africans! I am so happy for South Korea when they won the match.. but somehow these bunch of Koreans ain't stylish like those we see on KBS World. *tee hee bimbo mode on**
o.Oh SS501 got new song from their Destination album. "Love ya! " Image semua all changed but I think I prefer their Love Like This image more. Hmm.. they have been on Music Bank together with Super Junior. Both me fan-crazy and it drives me nuts to see both my favourite group performing but this time round, I would have to say Bonomana win hands down if compared to Love Ya!
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