It is so cute to see Jaden trying to keep his balance and walk towards something he desires at the same time. With his mouth opened wide, grinning, dimples showing.. there he goes one step.. two steps.. balance... and three four five and *wham* into the couch or into our arms.
Today he turns 17 month old, one month short to being 1 1/2 years old. OoooH time really pass by fast. With just a blink of an eye, he is already half way to turning 2!
He knows now by calling Dadddddeeee, he gets lots of attention, kisses and attention from us. He still wont call me mummy or anything that sounds like it. He knows who is Cheekie and who is Cheeko. He knows the word NO very well.. sometimes he challenge us by doing more of what he is not supposed to.

He drinks 260ml of milk at least once a day now, at night without fail before he sleeps. Sometimes, I will give him milk in the morning or in the afternoon.. but that will be rather rare.. unless we are going out for quite some time and milk is the easy way out to make sure he dont go hungry and throw tantrums.
He now knows how to stack his stack-a-toy but will also tumble them down immediately after stacking them. He reminds me of Stitch destroying the San Franscisco town. =) He loves to bite his father and then get all geram. He just cant leave his father alone. Both the boys will have their quality time before Jaden's bedtime where the big one will get attacked with bites while the small one gets attack with kisses and respond with shouts of disgust!
His bites are getting more painful each day as he now has about 8 teeth already.. 2 budding ones, 5 fully grown ones and 1 3/4 way out.. Ask Hubby and he will tell you how it feels like. He knows the exact feeling of the pain omitted by those little teeth.

Jaden's hair has grown rather long that Hubby and I are contemplating to cut it into mullet style. Hmm.. I wonder how good is Hubby with scissors then coz it aint going to be me that will be holding the scissors. I am so accident prone!
Jaden will dance to every music. How he dance? One hand will be holding on to the chair or table for support, one hand in a hi 5 mode, legs bend and starts bobbing. He is so cute.. his favourite song to dance to is When I Grow Up by Pussycat Dolls. He sure loves his girls!

Happy 17th Month old Baby Boy! Muax muax!
Today he turns 17 month old, one month short to being 1 1/2 years old. OoooH time really pass by fast. With just a blink of an eye, he is already half way to turning 2!
He knows now by calling Dadddddeeee, he gets lots of attention, kisses and attention from us. He still wont call me mummy or anything that sounds like it. He knows who is Cheekie and who is Cheeko. He knows the word NO very well.. sometimes he challenge us by doing more of what he is not supposed to.
He drinks 260ml of milk at least once a day now, at night without fail before he sleeps. Sometimes, I will give him milk in the morning or in the afternoon.. but that will be rather rare.. unless we are going out for quite some time and milk is the easy way out to make sure he dont go hungry and throw tantrums.
He now knows how to stack his stack-a-toy but will also tumble them down immediately after stacking them. He reminds me of Stitch destroying the San Franscisco town. =) He loves to bite his father and then get all geram. He just cant leave his father alone. Both the boys will have their quality time before Jaden's bedtime where the big one will get attacked with bites while the small one gets attack with kisses and respond with shouts of disgust!
His bites are getting more painful each day as he now has about 8 teeth already.. 2 budding ones, 5 fully grown ones and 1 3/4 way out.. Ask Hubby and he will tell you how it feels like. He knows the exact feeling of the pain omitted by those little teeth.
Jaden's hair has grown rather long that Hubby and I are contemplating to cut it into mullet style. Hmm.. I wonder how good is Hubby with scissors then coz it aint going to be me that will be holding the scissors. I am so accident prone!
Jaden will dance to every music. How he dance? One hand will be holding on to the chair or table for support, one hand in a hi 5 mode, legs bend and starts bobbing. He is so cute.. his favourite song to dance to is When I Grow Up by Pussycat Dolls. He sure loves his girls!
Happy 17th Month old Baby Boy! Muax muax!
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