Sunday, June 29, 2008

Jaden's 9th Month surprise

Jaden finally sprouted out a tooth on the bottom right. So cute! Yet scary coz it means a lot of biting to come. Last night when I was feeding him, he suddenly ter-bit me. OUCH! Yea, its painful! Maybe its time I start investing in some nipple protector from the little boy who just had teeth.

Words he mumbles :

Mam mam mam mam
Ma ma (very rare!)
Ta ta ta ta ta ta ta

He knows his name by now and will come when you ask him to. =)

Is able to prop himself to a sitting position when he rolls into a pile of stuff that is able to support his back.

Knows how to attack his parents back for all the times they attack him with kisses, bites and tickles.

An alarm clock that never fails to wake me up before 12pm / 1 pm.

Rolls around in his sleep to find a comfortable position. Sometimes ending up right beside his father's tummy or arms. (So dangerous) Sometimes on his tummy, sleeping flat down.

My boy is growing up!!!

Happy 9 Months Old Jaden me love!

p/s: any mothers out there that knows where I can special order a BIG ONE delicious and wonderfully designed cake?


Anonymous said...

cute ····baby

blubbieMs said...

Thanks i-travel =)