We went out to One U last night for some shabu-shabu dinner because Tommy was craving for it. We went to this place called Plus One Shabu Shabu. Tommy was attracted to it's RM1 dishes. As usual, driven by his hunger, he forgot to read the fine prints. It was only one dish a day out of the many dishes displayed on the banner. So cheating!
Anyway, the boys were the ones ordering as I was busy entertaining my little boss who finally manage to find a baby chair that he can sit quite comfortable but with the help of a thick blanky and a pillow to stick left and right to make sure he don't fall to his sides. Yea, Jaden still can't sit steadily unsupported. Guess what baby chair?
Anyway, the boys were the ones ordering as I was busy entertaining my little boss who finally manage to find a baby chair that he can sit quite comfortable but with the help of a thick blanky and a pillow to stick left and right to make sure he don't fall to his sides. Yea, Jaden still can't sit steadily unsupported. Guess what baby chair?

Last night at about 4am, Jaden suddenly woke up crying non-stop. He had colic again. He wouldn't stop crying till I have him seated straight up on my lap, rubbing his tummy and rocking him gently. Soon, followed with several loud farts, burps and then a rush of poo as if he had not been shitting for 5 days. It all just came blasting out. The dad was having a tummy ache and the son, too. Thank God, my sense of smelling ain't that superb like Hubby's. I could still take in strong stenches and hold myself from puking. Sometimes I suspect my nose is spoilt. Hubby and I had to console, comfort and entertaing Jaden for almost an hour half before Jaden fell asleep on his own after I tucked him in.
Today as I was feeding him, I got distracted by Amazing Vacation Homes and forgot to continue stuffing the spoon into his mouth, guess what did he do to his mummy? He shouted at me. oh My oh My! My little boy knows how to marah orang already. So garang! So I told him off for shouting. I don't think kids should not have that type of shouting at parents' attitude. He finished 5 tablespoons of rice cereals and wanted more. Didn't give him more tho, coz he will have a second helping later in the evening for dinner. Just going to let him take his bath and then milk, then his afternoon nap.
Speaking of naps, I wonder how many naps do a 8 month-old take. Jaden sometimes only nap once a day (2 hours max) or only 2 naps a day (1 hour each). Is that normal? Hmm...
If u really want a baby chair, get a feeding booster chair that can be fitted to your regular chair. Saves place and is so easy to take around for vacation etc.
That item was one of the best investment i made.
Potty? Just get a RM1 potty can liao la. No need waste $$
Shooi: Will be considering the baby chair. My mom used to get one for me that can be attached to the table. I saw it in the 'market' today and it is so darn expensive!! *sigh* As for the potty, we got him the RM49.90 one coz got back support. My hubby is scared that the RM1 potty might topple over because Jaden is too hyper even when seated.. don't want unwanted 'stuff' to flow out!! ahahhaha =)
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